
Why doesn't Africa form a confederation like EU? Everyone already thinks it's one country.

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They can't even stop their politicians from fighting in the parlament in separate countries, how the FUCK would they be able to form a confederation?

they hate eachother.

because dindus have no sense of community or the need to work towards a common goal

they would rather live in mud huts and kill each other over territory disputes

>What is the African Union

Because Africans are terrible at uniting

Why unite when you can loot others and live like KANGZ?

>this is my gift to you, Africa
>he probably ate it himself

Because if anyone tries they will be killed. The elites want a weak Africa so the resources are cheap. Never mind the faggots on here calling them sub humans. The Africans are alright. They're being manipulated.

>100 murderous dictators forming a confederation

Sounds like a plan, OP...

Because an alliance of warlords would get BTFO in a heartbeat.

The African Union exists, dipshit


Watch out Africa she's back

African Union. But pretty much almost every African leader is corrupt as fuck.

last guy who tried got btfo

>African Union exists
News to me. What have they done?

>implying every other race doesn't do this exact shit but with more advanced technology and on a grander scale

It made Uganda stable (for ugandan standards)

>news to me
These are the people browsing Sup Forums

There should be a badic randomized politics test to evaluate if you are elligible
for posting on Sup Forums

Because this:

Being a successful confederacy requires punctuality, hard work, and sacrifice.

It's literally not in their DNA or culture.

Because the last one who tried got a knife shoved up his ass

Most of the countries in Africa are internally split between tribes and are virtually always in a state that anywhere else in the world would be called "low intensity civil war."

>test to come on Sup Forums
Yes, let's make Sup Forums a wonderful little echo chamber. How many people have been red pilled and educated after coming here?

you need roads to do most of this shit

Gaddafi wanted to create a pan-african coin, the west didn't let them

it wouldn't have worked doe, just like in the EU countries with completely different economies having the same coin is retarded, he probably only wanted it cuz the coin was gonna be the Lybian coin, just like the Euro is basicly the Mark

>Everyone already thinks it's one country
No, it's only Americans who think that. The American inability to comprehend geography is a frequent source of world ridicule.

While "lol niggas" is simplistic as fuck, so is your viewpoint.

Africa was not prepared for independence, which was argued at the time but disregarded by the left and African nationalists.

A Congo which was strong and united, managed by an educated class of native bureaucrats and with stable institutions would not have immediately broken to pieces after independence. It couldn't have been the prey of Western mining conglomerates, not anymore than China (a country with far more people and far more potential problems) could.

Unfortunately, this lesson has never been understood in Africa the way it has been in China, which was exploited by Western powers in just the same way. So we have "Saint Lumumba" who would have brought Congo prosperity and wealth had he not been undermined by those nefarious whites. You only have the rights that you can defend. Emerging nations have understood this. The stronger nations of Africa have come to understand this. The vast majority never have and thanks to Western leftists like yourself who treat them like dim-witted children incapable of rational thought, they never will.

African relations

>everyone already think its a country

only idiots do, like you OP.

Most of their governments are too unstable for that

African economic communities



The only change that needed was "make the first lady a lady again tbqh person of close relation

If Africa was a country, it would rank #7 in GDP.


They need something that can unify them. It's either Christianity or Islam.

nigeria makes that much more than south africa?

wow, whites BTFO

They had. It failed

It failed. Look Morocco

And #2 in population

>Everyone already thinks it's one country.

Just burgers.

Gaddafi tried that, and europe and america murdered him.

The west, and now east, are not interested in an unified Africa. Africa is still rich in natural resources and land for use, and a fractured Africa is easy to exploit. If they had a union they might tell China and the west to fuck off and stop abusing them.

Nigeria is already 24th. Would it really be in their best interest to give up that much sovereignty to not even crack the top 5? Also you get to deal with all the problems of these failed states. Part of the reason South Africa is as bad off as it is now is because it was flooded with blacks from other countries after Apartheid fell. Plus you would have to get Christians and Muslims and Blacks and Arabs to work together. Its impossible.

Most African countries can barely even be called countries at this point, and they all hate the fuck out of themselves and each other. I really doubt they'd be competent enough to pull something resembling a continental union off. Maybe the Chinks could once they colonize that shit fully.
South Africa recently fell to 3 places behind Nigeria and Egypt. Zuma is running that country into the ground.

too corrupt

is this the number hit song in all of africa? it has like the most views



the french tried to colonise africa and look at paris now, its overrun with apes

i really hope china just takes the resources and book it out of there. Dont want the han race to catch any of that nasty congo aids or get our culture infected with ebonics

this is why China will fuck with us in the west. The chinese are not forgetting about the past. They view us as intrinsically evil. I love how the retards on here blame the jews but they do not get that the current economic crisis was driven by China out smarting us in trade. They caught us by our pants down. The Chinese also want an end to 'globalist' power (aka the end of US world power).

Meanwhile in Zambia

Neither did western states till the railroads. Nobody even synced up clocks. A standardized time requires services that are reliable enough to warrant the effort.

Probably because the relatively devolved nations want nothing to do with the shit tier ones and their fucking problems.