Shit bag boy. (old thread gone) Leftover from Christmas.. I took the tree down in May

Shit bag boy. (old thread gone) Leftover from Christmas.. I took the tree down in May

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the thread that keeps on giving

You are a God amongst men user

I just got here what did i miss?


>Random food everywhere
>Garbage all over the place
You truly are the trashman OP

this man has been pissing on his floor and shiting in bags for 4 months

Did you celebrate alone or did you actually invite a human being into that dive?

Someone can fill you in.. I'm on an old ipod touch.. no computer. basically pooped in a bag for a few months

what gen??

Screencap man where are you?

pretty much cut out all social contact.

Does it matter? Its apple cancer

it probably still has power


Yeah, thought so.

Dubs so screencap man must deliver

So shit bag boy. Ok where the fuck is cap

Bump for interest


Open the shit bag Op

for what purpose user. this isn't a good way to live. is it just so you can gross people out on the internet?

He doesn't shit in bags anymore. Shit in toilet piss on floor.

How about you use that clorox product in the background TO CLEAN YO SHIT UP

Now that's the kind of commitment any woman would love to see.


Bump so screencap man will come back

Jenkum make some jenkum

Post more op

Also post more pics op

Cool. Are you just gonna leave us with this shitty pic or are you gonna give us more content now?

>I vote for sharpie in pooper, but more pics of your filth would do.

>Literally just got done cleaning my house, wanna see the path I was heading down.


At least your sleep area is halfway human. Use as something to aspire to; it's halfway mongloid at least.

Thank you for not going full retard like this fucker and also more pics OP


The legend returns so soon


Post a face pic with timestamp. I don't believe you. And plus, you will be legendary if you take the pic.



Proof in prev thread but yeah post face pic

Probably working on it, they take a min

old thread had a timestamp. definitely not posting my face lol


His house is his fucking closet

at least you cut the yard

>"I've seen much worse than this in my time user, your hoarding condition is really not that bad. How about showing me your bathroom?"
>"user why are the pizza boxes on the floor in front of the toilet wet?"
>"you...... You pee on the boxes? But the toilet works?"
>"b-build a bridge with t-the boxes when you need to poop?"

Kek. Ive been working a shit load this week, kinda let things go. I hate having a messy house.

Is the Christmas tree still in the house?

don't be mean

no doubt wasn't as bad as shitbag here

Do you even go outside?

Why do you live like that you disgusting freak?

How does your life get to the point where you shit in boxes for 5 months and take down Christmas trees months after Christmas ended? And it's all over the fucking floor. Seriously dude. I don't know how someone can live like that.

That's really pretty normie compared to the rest of the shit you've shown us. Post more pizza boxes


Yes. There are two Pokémon gyms nearby

You don't have a computer, can barely post...say you're living off savings and cc, obviously living like goblin. What else consumes your time besides eating like a garbage disposal? How often do you leave the place, and/or see another human being?

Oh shit nigger my sides

This nigger is the most stereotypical neckbeard on this planet

How many katanas do you own??

>still plays pokemon go
your life really is in shambles op

post a picture with your hand in the toilet :D GET

yes my life is in shambles. don't need to be dicks about it


post pic of more disgusting things

all the good pics were in old thread.

Please either clean your house or an hero op, this is really fucked

1. Start house fire
2. Make clean break
4. Profit



There we go OP. Thats the filth we are looking for.

The other pictures arent that bad... just a mess.

Where is your favorite place to piss?

Does anyone have the first pictures op shared? I wanna show my friend

I honestly think that this is how i'd live if I had my own place and no GF.
I'd shamelessly live like this.

Screencap should be in the works

Pic that started it all

You know what OP, I'm going to be genuine here. I'm a therapist fag, and I've seen cases like yours seems to be, and take it for what it's worth but cleaning your living space may be the therapy that you need.

You'd be amazed at what an effect your environment has on your psyche, and also how cleansing or spiritual the act of cleaning it can be. You need to accomplish some goals, a little at a time, and feel good about yourself in what you achieve no matter how small.

I wish you the best!

I like to piss on the plastic bags so it doesn't soak the pizza

Amazing. Thanks user.


What good would cleaning his house do when his toilet is fucked and likely there isn't even any running water

I really appreciate that

Sadly those look like they have been eaten off of relatively recently. Fridgebro would probably have reused them. Nice touch saving microwaveable oatmeal container though, that's fucking all-pro.

when did you stop using the toilet

Have we seen your oldest shit bag yet? Can we look inside?

ikr its been over an hour

I stopped 4 months ago when it got clogged. It unclogged two months ago, but I use it for shit only

put your hand inside the toilet

It would make it cleaner

I want more pictures

If dubs op must do this

Why so much orange juice?

Just take one day and clean the whole house/flat. You will feel better afterwards useless messy faggot


All you dumb cunts that came into this second thread need to get the fuck out because op is our guy and we can't be mean to him or he will leave and kill himself and we do not want that so fucking be nice. He's sharing his life with us. He's doing what we ask.

are you the same guy that posted the cottage cheese in the microwave months ago? it may have even been last year.

this pains me to see this. why do you do this to yourself?

Eat out of that cup next to the wendies thing

Show me the shower


what do you do in your free time?