Every team scoring a safety or a TD + 2pts conversion (8 points) wins no matter what.
If you score a TD with PAT (7 points), with a missed PAT/conversion (6 points) or with a FG (3 points), the opposing team has one opportunity to come back on the first drive.
If after the two possessions (one on each side) it's a draw, then you win with a TD no matter what.
If after four drives (two by each side) it's still a draw, then you win with a FG no matter what (or a TD/safety).

In regular season : two timeouts, 15 minutes
In playoffs : three timeouts, unlimited time

In regular season: no extratime
In playoffs: 15 minutes of extratime and if draw persists, decision by FGs

but what about the coin toss?

Or just adopt the college rules

It changes nothing.

That's convoluted and idiotic.

Just play baseball rules and keep playing quarters until the game is over.

On s'en fou ça ne change plus rien si on se fie aux règlements de l'OP.

J'avoue que les règlements en temps supplémentaire sont complètement ridicule. Les falcons aurait au moins du avoir un droit de réplique.

This but move it back to the 50

very autistic

>France decides overtime rules
>Everyone retreats
>Tie ballgame
>all smelly cheese eating cowards

less drama and it's almost the same, just with the addition of the winning 2 points conversion

Overtimes suck in soccer (muh "let's not take a goal" and PKs are good but only because you have duels.
In football, it's what ? Vinatieri vs. the wind ?

Or take out field goals
That would speed it along

I don't follow at all

Why try to fix what isn't broken and is the offense the only part of the team that really matters? Nobody wins any games without a defense. They're part of the team too.

If you can't stop a team from scoring a TD on their first possession of OT you deserve to lose. It's as simple as that. They took the cheap ass FG for the win out of the equation so I don't know what more anyone could ask for.

I say no field goals and you have to go for two in regular season. But no restrictions in playoffs

linemen would literally die in the second overtime quarter.

Instead of one-match playoffs, two-match playoffs (home and away) with aggregate scoring, point away rule and decision by field goals in case of draw remaining.

The reason i don't like field goals in college overtime is that they're nearly automatic from the 25 even in college
But since it's been shown extra points aren't automatic in the NFL that's okay.

And what happens if it's still a draw after 15 minutes ? The game will last 5 hours in this case. And we are talking about football, physically it's not exactly the same as baseball

Some coaches who trust their offence (and their defence) would play this 2pts conversion. The coin toss winning team can have this choice. But with the risk of being at "only" +6 while the losing coin toss team drives

Take a game like the Giants@Saints of this season. The two defences were shit, it was almost a 100 points game. But one team has won at the last second. Imagine if it was 48-48 and overtime. In this case, the coin toss literraly chooses the winner.

>two 10 minute halves
>kickoffs start both halves
>no sudden death
>both teams get two timeouts and one additional challenge
>challenges from regulation roll over
>three possession (17+ points) mercy rule
>in the post season, additional 10 minute overtime periods are added until a winner is decided

That's how you fix overtime.

Please stop with soccer rules. Please. There's a reason why an NFL season has only 17 weeks.

And you already have home-and-away games in rugby. In this case, the tie breaker isn't away points but tries (just like touchdowns). And it's still useless as it's harder to get a draw when a team scores 20 points on average.

I don't understand what you're saying

The point of sudden death is to get the overtime over as fast as possible
It's better for the players and the networks that way

Step 1: Execute all booty blasted Pats haters and Failcons fans
Step 2: Repeat step 1

No field goals nor punts, only fourth downs and turnovers on downs.

Field goal kicking contest like in soccer

good it would make the game more dramatic

Go to bed Pedro.

College rules are way too close to the end zone, that shit is easy mode

Don't cut yourself on that edge, I bet you also think we shouldnt be monitoring concussions

Sudden death is a broken system that we're all better off without.

You should teach players how to tackle correctly.

Which thing ?

>mercy rule

In soccer, at least the greatest players must have the skills they use in the penalty kicks. There, in football, where are the skills ?

The average NFL team's red zone efficiency is just north of 50%
It wouldn't be as easy as you think
Just get rid of field goals and it wouldn't last too long

1. college rules (except you start on your own 25)
54. college rules
55. field goal-off (linemen have to kick)
9000001. coinflip

I understand but the losing team should have built a fucking defense. It's their own fault that they didn't. You can't make it perfectly equitable. Someone is always going to have to go first and the only thing that was ever really wrong with the NFL system was letting some kicker waltz onto the field and win the game without the other team getting a chance to answer. They fixed that.

The college rules are bullshit bordering never ending. Who wants to sit though that convoluted mess? Your whole team counts not just your offense. If you can't stop a TD drive you lose.

That's entirely fair.

Are you saying too few coaches don't go for 2?
Or one who is extremely confident would go for 2?

what's wrong with it though? Perhaps the better conditioned team should win. Besides they have backups and shit they could put in when people run out of gas.

What about the idea of no kicks/punts and only played fourth downs as a battle for territory with turnovers on downs ?

That concept is terrible to begin with, but I can sorta kinda barely see it making 0.0001% sense in the regular season
There's no excuse for having it determine the championshhip

Defense would too easily be in control

The better conditioned team did win, the falcons defense was absolutely shot, that's why they couldn't stop shit in the 4th quarter

At least, instead of your 55 thing, take a QB, a WR and a CB, you must make a +10 yards pass. Three tries per team, if tied, another try per team.

This is the closest I can imagine to soccer's penalty kicks.

You don't want players conditioned for 60 minutes playing a ton more
Plus networks can't sell ad space for time they don't know will exist or not

Although to be fair college rules would make it a lot better

Overtime rules are PERFECT the way they are and no amount of autistic whining for the retards here is going to change that.


If you want something quick, then start each drive from the 50 yards line

I'm saying that if a team has the momentum or if the coach is named Del Rio, then it will go for two, but that 90% of teams will kick the PAT. It depends on how the game is : the more offencive it is, the most probability to see 2pts conversion.

50 yards is still very hard to cover, it's not like in the red zone

That's still a in-game decision that is rarely seen
But even if a team did go for two there's still always a chance to miss it so that wouldn't be a coin flip decision

Still, the number of ot games with field goals is staggering
Some teams would be done with a sack

Yes, defence matters. But it's only 45% of the team (45% offence, 10% special teams). It can't reflect the game as its own. Each side should talk but if it is a blow-out (the 2 points conversion).

If you get sacked in your 25 yards, it's a punt. And in your 45 too. So it doesn't changes a lot. Plus, even if you get sacked, you can make a big play just after, like in every football drive.

given how games have been played out I still don't think it would be very satisfying

teams wouldn't play the same way in that situation

Part of the reason why overtime is this way is because of television. They don't want the game to go on forever and want to move on with other programs.

If you don't put any ad you can have the entire overtime quarter in less than 30 minutes.

Yeah that's gonna go over nicely

you can let the clock lasts with incomplete passes and out of field (but injuries and replays) if you really want it to last few minutes