Now that the dust is settled, where does this Owl rank among the all time best. It has to be Top 5 for sure

Now that the dust is settled, where does this Owl rank among the all time best. It has to be Top 5 for sure

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Pats vs Seahawks is still the best of all time but yeah this was a good one

18-1, pats Hawks and cards Steelers are top 3 imo


top 3 for sure

Pretty boring. The first three quarters were one-sided as fuck, and a waste of time to watch. The last quarter sort of makes up for it, but still you're looking at only 25% of it being watchable.

it's the 4th best the Pats have won

I'm going to rewatch it some time this week.

Giants-Pats I

those are the other top SBs that I've seen.

If you're some youngfag (25 y-o or younger), I can imagine it could be a top 5 SB, but to me it doesn't even make it into top 10

The first SB I remember was 49ers-Broncos, total blowout like so many of the games from 80s and 90s. You'd have to be really old to come up with 10 SBs better than LI.