is it true that dog penises inflate?
Yes. And they have a large knot at the base that keeps them inside
i did my best... now go on guise
ponycock is also nice
Pretty much nailed my fetish right here. Post some webms before this gets pruned.
Fucking animals get more action than me. Just ove more reason to kill myself.
nice ...but post the longer webm
hold on
you got horny
Is that michelle trachtenberg's face shopped on her?
cuts off at the best moment
yes... sadist
female and dog webms ?
This is relevant to my Dick's interests.
add me to snapchat.
I'd like to see a webm of that dog riding her.
could u give me full vid of that?
Yisssssss.. this is my fetish.
bbbbb but that would be CP
is that a condom?
What do you post?
oh gosh yes it is :)
I don't get it. What's going on here?
pretty hot naw
i wonder why theirs looks so much different than ours
She said she was 18
That's the point
yo my fetish is to jack off to gay porn even though I could only imagine myself fucking a woman in reality. I posted an ad on craigslist to suck a guy off and I'm on the fence about pursuing my fetish. I'll let trips decide if anyone is interested. img related thats his cock
Don't do it, that's an ugly cock to start off with.
lmfao omg so good
It's belly inflation, like you inlate your belly like a balloon, more common in form of boob or butt inflation
diggi di doggo diggi girl diigi di likkido diddelio ick
hello where is the rest?
post dem dogdicks
post dem ponycocks
post em guise and gurl
no... i am the only one postig good pics here
Don't know if it's a preference, but black girls. Find them way more attractive than any other race sexually, but it would be hard for me to date one I think
got kik?