Thoughts on my butt?

Thoughts on my butt?

Tits or gtfo


Can't tell. The pants are in the way.

Where is it?

Guy or girl?
Assuming girl, could be trap.
Either way, would fuck/10
Now another one, without the pants.

Thats small, like my dubs


regular for a girl
nice for a boy

Solid 9/10

what butt?

Will eat 10/10

Aspire for this butt please.

Damn fine ass, would like to see more of it


What butt are you talking about? i dont see shit


1st question, do you have a dick

even if it isn't you this is still great

I store screenshots in 0 compression .png i then convert them to .jpg for posting(2mb limit)

Not me at all.

dick or gtfo

Pretty ok

the cut of those pants are awful.

got a name then?

Private stash sorry



Whatever bro, keep posting.


If she finds out ill do a dump,but until then lol

What do you use to make webms? I cant keep those shits under 8 mb when converting from mp4 to webm.

Usually the clips are only a minute in length.


I use ffmpeg.

This is the script I use,but you will have to tinker with the bitrate(-b:v 1M) for videos longer then 30s or scale it down from full res etc(-vf scale=-1:480)((The "-1" means it will scale it down appropriately to the other factor(480)))

ffmpeg -i "input.mp4" -n -an -sn -c:v libvpx -b:v 1M -vf scale=-1:480 -framerate 60 -preset ultrafast -f webm -bufsize 5000k -lag-in-frames 25 -slices 4 -qcomp 1 -auto-alt-ref 0 -threads 12 -movflags +faststart output..webm


Remove -framerate 60, I was playing with some 60 fps content.






Are you sure it's yours?


I don't see any thoughts, just ugly pants.