Mfw anyone thinks they can ACTUALLY defeat or even invade the norks, ESPECIALLY america

>mfw anyone thinks they can ACTUALLY defeat or even invade the norks, ESPECIALLY america
it is the most fortified country in the world
8000 underground bases not counting tunnels
mountains everywhere worse than afghanistan
los estados unidos meager army of 1.492 million average recruits vs north koreas 8 MILLION highly trained troops ready to kill
if ANYONE thinks they can defeat north korea, they can't
amerikkka can't even use nukes because they would get fucked by the UN

if NK were to nuke us first we are able to retaliate, we just have to wait for it

Yeah i remember when people were praising saddam. "Muh al huseyin missiles, muh unbeatable immortal loved leader of saddam, muh mighty iraqi army, us has no chance against him" etc.
Whatever man.

Thank you mehmet you are in our top 3 allies.

You are well versed in autism I see

>t. Xiao Zheng Chang

>Promise to help turkey to defeat the kurds
>Literally the next day the US approves the sales of weapons to the kurds

>american education


The US could defeat NK very fast. But South Korea and maybe even japan would be obliterated.

Top kek. Turkey under Erdogan is not an ally. Don't want to be allies with roaches anyways

That was obungo with Hillary pulling the strings. She's even said herself many times she supports arming militants

don't need to invade

cooperate with china and starve the country out since they're so reliant on food imports

done and done

Turkey is an american ally, a random canadian claims they are not, just because you dislike their president doesnt mean they are not an american ally

sorry friend, but i'm not asian
i am, however, a half-american

This, it's possible, but not worth it.

8 million troops? 8000 underground bases?


Fuck off, Xiang.

t. america joe pigdog

America could defintely wipe out NO at any time. Only reason they won't do it, is because one person starts nuking, everyone else will(MAD). People will still be alive after nuclear way, but a lot of the world will be uninhabitable, so would be pointless being alive after nuclea lr war.

This The US navy would blockade Nork ports, while hitting military installations and government buildings with cruise missiles and drones. Any Nork bombers would get shot down by ground based antiair defences. All this while Best Korea would be racked with instability from a starving populace.