How can the EU help Sicily?

How can the EU stop North Italy from holding down Sicily? Sicily has the most potential out of any island in the Mediterranean but is being held down by Aggressive tax laws that tax Sicily more than the rest of Italy. Something has to be done about this post-modern colonialism.

Oh BTW I need real answers no racism please.

I was offended enough on this website I don't want to be offended anymore so no racism at all!


Literally part of Africa

Actually it's part of Europe look at a map dingus.

Is not. Everything South of Rome is considered as a part of Africa.

Every European knows this

Too many guidos. Fuck your mafia family virtues.

Every European knows Belgium is not a real country and certainly isn't Germanic. Please fuck off you are starting to offend me.

Go fuck yourself I said no racism. This is about how to stop Northern Oppression

C'mon guys I need an answer not racism people c'mon!

Better to be a non-country than an extension of Africa.

Southern Italy = not even once

Well maybe that's why they have such big dicks ever thought of that?

>How can the EU help Sicily?


I'm confused.

Sicily is part of Italy which is in the EU. The EU is doing nothing while the Sicilian people are being exploited by the Italian government.

>expecting EU or ONU actually helping people

What are they going to do with their big dicks? There's hardly any women in Sicily.

Ram it up to each other's arse?

I mean women are leaving Sicily due to the fact that manchilds live at their parent's at the age of 30.

That's what they are for?

You're a manchild lol and there are tons of women in Sicily haven't you watched Godfather?

what? how old are you? 11?

I'm 22 and am angry my people are being exploited.

>"my people"

Your people are building railroads and selling orange chicken in Chinatown, Jackie.

What? That's offensive.

1: the corruption between politics and mafia is pretty damn huge. The largest choke holds are in Calabria, Naples, Messina, and Palermo. They are preventing business from thriving, they are causing damage to local economies, and they are controlling politicians to look the other way from their actions.

2: They are apart of the EU. The Trade Regulations of the EU are terrible for a country to trade through. It is the worst of protectionist policies and the real positive is the less shit you have to go through when traveling between countries as well as licensing.

3: Unlike their industrious neighbors to the north Italians, like the Irish, are not very productive in the work environment.

4: Maximum work hours. A hardworking dego cannot work longer than a set amount of hours if they so choose.

5:Over bureaucratized. The nanny state is real in Italy.

Now this is a good post except racist.

Gtfo then, this is pol

Fuck off leaf

I don't give a fuck

Godfather=accurate account of reality

Fuck you.

Make it "everything south of the Po river".

Bitching about racism on pol is like walking through a sewer and complaining there is shit on your shoes.

Sure totally.

this is weak bait leaf, you can do better

Nah the Italians above that are pure subhuman, if Rome is Africa so would the Italians above that river.

No Sup Forums just hates PC culture

Get out of here troll.

that is what your mum always says, but she uses "in" instead of "out" and "nigger" instead of "troll"

Get out your mom loves black dick.

stop invincible shitposter


yeah I know that's why I'm posting the pic, you do this every single day, are you at least getting paid for it?

I do what every day? I post different threads everyday.

Yeah different threads with similar shitposting, you're very recognizable.

get a life, looser


You get a life stupid Brazilian loser.