For those who think Donald Trump will hire the best people for the job, you are fucking retarded

For those who think Donald Trump will hire the best people for the job, you are fucking retarded.

Just look at this shitty webpage. #1 and #7 are the same fucking thing. It's like watching his brainless robotic speeches where he repeats himself over and over. He could have even answered 2 and 4 in the same paragraph. There's not even a space after the number periods, it looks absolutely retarded. I'm surprised the morons didn't use Comic Sans. The shop page is even broken... you can't even order anything without the page spazzing out and then returning to the home page. He is going to make America as broken as his website.

Nice autism there pal.


Two different topics are you 5 or a paided shill?

>Obamacare website gets million of hits in one night, it goes down and Trump complains about it
>He's right!!!!

>Trump makes a website that is completely fucked up and I complain about it

god, the fucking cognitive dissonance here

are you fucking blind?


Obamas website - taxpayers money thrown down the well.

Trumps website - from his wallet. Maybe isn't perfect, but payed for it himself.

yeah, a broken website that he payed for himself.

God, you trumpfags come up with more excuses all the time

How dare younget BTFOd by a swedish flag. You are a disgrace. Sad!

your horrible old english smells of summer

>Maybe isn't perfect, but payed for it himself.
That's a terrible argument honestly.

Didn't the Obamacare (Or as I like to call it: Romney + Obama Care) website literally cost billions to make though? A website that costs billions to make shouldn't go down.

That's not old English, he just got BTFO by words

>FAQ lists a question twice
>completely fucked up

Better than Hillary only hiring people as political favors

That's it

I'm now a #cruzmissile

To be fair, you can't order anything on the site right now. I just tried it. Doesn't work.

One is a tax funded program that has affect on Americans.
>Shit site
Not a good thing

The other is a self funded site that was repetitive at one point.

Do you see how retarded your comparison is kid?

Not when Trump said he could have done it better, and for $3.

It's the FAQ
It isn't broken or tax funded.
No one is suffering from this site and it isn't a health care plan either.

Again you make no logical argument.

>inb4 it's b8
Anti Trump people are this illogical and irrational.

How is it illogical? Did you even read OPs post? Its more than just the repeat question. Trump said he could make a better site for cheaper, and his own site is broken. No doubt if Trump made his own Healthcare site it would be just as broken.