I need to not shit for a week. How can I achieve this without damage to gastric system?

I need to not shit for a week. How can I achieve this without damage to gastric system?

You can't you fucking moron why the hell would you need to not shit for a week

Need to save up faggot


Make most of your calorie intake liquid or low fiber. Or just man up

Where would one get parasites

thats easy, pleb

Ummm go on like a 10 day fast where you just consume a few basic liquids and multi vitamins. You have to be extremely inactive during this time. You will stop shitting after a few days.

That would negate the whole idea of saving up a normal amount for said week.

Figure your saved up shit won't be any bigger if you don't shit for a week or don't shit for three weeks. The asshole reaches max and doesn't go over.

It's so Tyrone can penetrate OP

Bro during one deployment I had we were in the field for an extended period living off fucking MRE's... I didn't shit for like 9 days. Then I fired one out that hurt like a motherfucker and left my asshole bleeding for the next several hours... I really wouldn't recommend intentionally trying to do that to yourself.

But if one normally shits once per day, after a week that's like 7 shits still. I think 3 weeks would be too long anyways, prolly gonna sustain some intestinal damage more than a few weeks wouldn't you?

Your Dr should have informed you as to how to go about this
Thats a fake xray btw

oops. I meant 3 days. The size of the shit between going 3 days and 1 week is more or less the same.


Lots of cheese and a stool hardener.

Pic just for extra flair, don't try that shit with me

Ok, that makes more sense - but if you eat for a week how's your shit not 7 shits worth after eating normally for 7 days?

Xrays are invisible to the naked eye, you cant photograph them, thats just a regular picture turned negative.
I know your tricks OP !

It's fine, once I didn't shit for 3 weeks. Healthy as a bull.