Went to colorfest with my girl guys ask me anything!!

Went to colorfest with my girl guys ask me anything!!

You mad?

Why would I be mad at that?
Is that supposed to be my girl or something??


idk...post som nasty pics of your girl

Do you like her?

U know the rules fag, nudes or gtfo

when did she transition?

hell yes I like her...
She is really hot


Right after I "raped" her.
* whe have this game u know she likes it when I pretend to break into her disk and fuck her from behind

Whats that faggot u get out with a human?


>girl guys
You mean several traps right?



whats up with the crap under her eyes?

What and what fuck you check my gf beautie petite right here (she smokin i know but i love her)

I cum glitter

what are you waiting for?
we all want to see your bitch getting fucked

do it for us

thats what i expected but why didnt she wash it off?

I got her ready, any requests?

Was shit sooooo cash?

She's a hoar

No requests.
I've just dropt all my penise juice with that pic

Error 404 ass not found.
Error details: Line 1156: Faggot OP

she looooks waaaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooo skinny. It scares me

Have you ever consider getting a dog to lick or fuck her?

Happy to serve your dick user


Think she would like that?

I'm sure she's nice an all, but
>God damn that horse face

Error 405 faggot op tryna prove Sup Forums user wrong.
Trying safe mode to block his faggotry

Definitely. I've had 3ex gfs who have tried and loved it. Try it?



Haha sure. Glad you want to fuck her.

She looks underage and scared MODS

Do you have kik? Would love to hear about your progress with her and the dog? She's perfect


you look underage, get the fuck away

As the official designated dog I refuse to share our progress. I'm sorry

24 months old u fucking pedo u deserve to die

Are you a jockey or something?


Ok man I get my duck and leave, u faggots seem to like fucking people more than ducks. fucking weirdos

what kind of monster would fuck people? so gross... This site is going to hell right now. God bless y'all fucking sinners

Sup Forums use to be cool, now all these faggots post reddit shit here


What her favorite color?

She likes purple and gold

why are you wearing sunglasses at night are you gay???