Gay people are more loving parents than straight people

>gay people are more loving parents than straight people

when will this meme stop

Other urls found in this thread: effect facts.pdf


it was a fad

>being gay inherently makes you a bad parent

when will this meme stop?

When World War 3 happens and adrenaline kicks back into men's dicks for the natural women attraction hormones to kick in again.

I don't think that's what OP implied at all, nice try though.

>Mitch and Cam
>not flawed parents

Watch the show nigga

it won't

How are Cam and Mitch more loving than the other parents on Modern Family? They're worry more because they're new parents, but everyone in that family loves their children.

Most of straight parents in america are single moms. They are worse than gays

>>gay people are more loving parents than straight people

I don't know anything about that Family Guy clip, but if you ever watched Modern Family that's not at all what they imply; they're actually very fair on all sides.

Statistically yeah it does

but modern family's gay parents are awful parents
they're constantly fighting each other and they basically let the little chink do whatever it wants, they never discipline it, and as a result the kid is unruly and stupid

>gay parents
>they aren't pedophiles

Just a mentally unstable one

It's from American Dad, and it's actually pretty redpilled.

She's a gook, not a chink.

>posts American Dad couple Greg and Terry
>assumes that they aren't constant joke material for how fucked up their kid is
>most running gags involve the child being treated like a living baby doll.

Not to mention they break up at some point. I've never seen Modern Family, but I assume that couple isn't perfect either.

Gays probably won't make BETTER parents than straight people, but getting adopted by a nice gay couple is better than being in foster care and orphanages your entire life.

This is not true for most of the statistical studies I've found, equal results tend to be the norm. That said, I hope there is more careful attention paid to this, since I dont think all the nuances of parenting can be reduced to numerics.

>implying Greg and terry aren't the best characters on American dad


>at the end of the day, all they really want is something to dress up

>how fucked up their kid is

Their kid is a bilingual genius in a gifted child program, and she hasn't even started preschool yet.

do you even watch the show?

Throw out the studies done by Jews and they wont yield equal results. You shouldn't trust politicized science goy. You know the consensus of geneticists is all races are equal in intelligence?

Especially since the people who can jump through the hoops of the adoption process tend to be richer.

When you think about it, it's impossible for there to be a gay couple and not have one of them be a cuck. Cuckoldry is inherent to homosexual parentage.

As a gay man, I'm pretty disgusted by most homosexual lifestyles. My first boyfriend was sexually active at age 13, and by age 15 had been with men 3x his age. It was honestly pretty disturbing how non-chalant he was about that.

That being said, not everyone is a pervert in the community. Maybe 15-20%, by my experience are. But just like all black men aren't violent criminals, not all gays are completely hedonistic jezebels

idk cam and mitch and often shown to be self-absorbed

>mommy issues

Maybe not as much as you. and I think the child is also a joke about upper-class parents thinking they're perfect parents, even though their kids are raised by tutors/nannies/specialists. On paper, it seems like the kid is gifted. But in reality, they're just keeping up appearances.

Also, she's shown to ONLY speak French gibberish, and doesn't appear to speak any English. At least from what I've seen. I'm not sure if you're trolling, but I kinda quit this show a season or two ago.



>The gay man tries to feel up the kid only to be stopped by the dyke
really makes you think

Is it really that much of a problem if he fucked around with older dudes, especially when he was just a teenager? I mean teens aren't known for making great decisions but as long as it gave him no psychological issues I don't see the problem.

Also, ask any straight female what age she lost her virginity. Bet you 50% will say age 13 or younger, and 80% will have by 15.

Sorry you and same are such prudes, but that's how the world is.

i was 17 when I lost mine

Gotta agree here.
Mostly because women are messes

It must suck to live in the third world

The thing is that straight men TRY to have sex with that many women because they're always horny and want sex, but the women shut them down.

But with gay men, it's just two dudes being like, "You horny?" "Yes, of course! Let's fuck." No hard to get women involved, just two horny dudes who wanna fuck.

If women were as desirous of sex as men and said yes to every man who asked to fuck then that infographic would apply perfectly to straight people, too.


>le penis in males anus mey mey xD

I mean, most of the issue there is the guy being a pedophile.

That said, events like that are degenerate as shit. Everyone's taking drugs and fucking each other. He's probably out of his mind. I hate 'gay culture'.

He killed himself. Not as a result of that, of course. But I think that his issues which led him to promiscuity (and later, the illegal drugs he killed himself with) were present at that age.

I seriously don't see anonymous sex with much older men as "normal" or "safe" teenage rebellion.

Again, I would be shooting myself in the foot to imply all gay men are completely lascivious perverts who will willingly have sex with minors below the age of consent. But it's VERY common, even if it's not prevalent enough to be the majority of experiences.

As a gay man myself, I've never had an STD, engaged in anonymous sex, had sex with someone under the age of consent. I am kind of fucked up, as unfortunately all those stats about mood disorders are true.

It's funny when people try to take what Sam Hyde says at his shows as fact which they repeat whenever the topic comes up and actually believe a word he says. He's fucking with everybody else just as much as he's fucking with SJW types when he says shit like this, I don't know why people eat it up.

Because that's part of his subversive, debasing shtick

They fell for it lol

being a parent or guardian to a child that you know is not our biological descendent OBJECTIVELY makes you about a 1000 times more likely to commit child abuse.

gay parents therefore much worse than straight parents because most straight parents are parents of a child they believe to be theirs biologically whereas most gay parents are being parents to a child they know that they have no genetic stake in, or in rare cases, only one of them has a genetic stake in

Me too, I'm gayfag and have a bunch of anxiety disorders.
>start talking with gay person online
>they send me a picture of their asshole unannounced


Sup Forums sure has a lot of faggots

Yeah I've experienced this too. Doesn't help that 99% of gay people on the internet seem to be in their 40s or above and have been involved in massive orgies since they were teenagers.
I just want to cuddle someone and maybe do benis things. I don't even like butts, poop comes from there.

source on that please effect facts.pdf

This most severe category of child maltreatment exhibits Cinderella effects of the greatest magnitude: in
several countries, stepparents beat very young children to death at per capita rates that are more than
100 times higher than the corresponding rates for genetic parents.
The most thorough analyses are for Canada, where data in a national archive of all homicides known to
police indicate that children under 5 years of age were beaten to death by their putative genetic fathers
at a rate of 2.6 deaths per million child-years at risk (residing with their fathers) in 1974-1990, while the
corresponding rate for stepfathers was over 120 times greater at 321.6 deaths per million child-years at
risk (Daly & Wilson 2001).

You become a fag from childhood sexual trauma and fags are more likely to sexually abuse their children.

Get triggered, faggots.

Is that guy from Sup Forums?

what did they mean by this?

That doesn't apply so easily to this situation.
It's more about the child's parents having married someone else, or the child being given well after birth.
I guess because the ""parents"" have less of an emotional connection because the child is new to them?

I'm amazed they even invited the press over for that. Was it some kind of fucked up "look at what we can get under their noses" thing?

>It's more about the child's parents having married someone else,

i.e. one of their parents/guardians is not biologically related to the child.

I don't think it's possible to have children accidently as a gay so they're sure better than plenty of straight parents already.

If a straight man had 1000 partners he'd be seen as a Golden God of Sex.

>It's funny when people try to take what Sam Hyde says at his shows as fact which they repeat whenever the topic comes up and actually believe a word he says.

And here comes the genius who truly "gets" Sam Hyde.

How do you know Sam doesn't ascribe to these views? I mean, you can joke about the idea and still believe in the idea. That's why Sam can joke about ahmed and clocks; and still probably be afraid of it.


>throw out studies that disagree with me and you'll see I'm right

Fuck off Americunt, your people don't into math.

Don't say that to me man, that's kinda unnecessary.

When gays stop being better parents.