Not calling milk, cow juice

>Not calling milk, cow juice
>Not calling chicken eggs, a bird miscarage
>Not calling potatoes, ground babies
>Not calling grapes, fruity bubble clusters
>Not calling bananas, tree dongs
>Not calling mushrooms, gnome umbrellas

Anyone got any more?

>Not calling OP, a faggot


>Not calling MODS!! MODS!!

I always wondered why hamburgers aren't called "cow sandwiches". We call fish sandwiches and chicken sandwiches by animal, but not cow sandwiches or pig sandwiches.


Milk is fucking cereal sauce you uneducated simpleton

As far as I can tell from some light googling it comes from the original sandwich being made from the meat of Hamburg cows. Guess it just stuck.

always wondered why the Chinks prepare an "hot dog" following the procedure in this webm

or in this other webm

I once had a girl ask me what part of a duck they make duck sauce from.

I'm all for eating meat and shit, and if dogs are your thing, fuck it. Who am I to piss on your cuisine.

But why in the holy fuck would you try to boil a dog alive or hang it and blow torch it while it's still alive?
What does this accomplish culinarily speaking? It's unnecesary and stupid.

Its cowardly honestly, there are any number of ways of killing them with little to no pain. I just hope when the famines start to develop during to forth coming climate disasters, that those fuckers are roasted the same the way.

any country that isnt retarded calls them beef burgers so i guess kys retard

What the hell is this degenerate doing

read the filename

I'm really confused, do they not possess any sense of empathy for another living thing? This is something the mind of an actual murderer would do, what shithole do they live in?


Why? Is it to eat? Does he realise he's just torturing and traumatising something unbarably to death is it for cruelty or just for food + being simultaneously very stupid

They're barbarians, plain and simple. It doesn't occur to them that there's a problem with this.

Shouldnt an omelet be called bird miscarriage?
