I'm a drunk 28 year old swede far-right-winger, ask me anything!

I'm a drunk 28 year old swede far-right-winger, ask me anything!

why are you not killing refugees on a daily basis?

What did you drink to get drunk?

I can do more to counter the brainwashing from the government/working against mass-immigration by not being in jail then being in jail.

Whisky, Famous Grouse if you wanna know the brand, its shit but ok shit.

>no knowing how to kill people unnoticed.
fucking homos...
sweden is a dead country.

When did you realize sweden was being raped by the muslim man?

Varför är du så gay?

Your country is a shit hole before and after muslims

Costs a lot there, right?

Sorry swede-bro. I no longer recognize you as a legitimate country. Its not your fault, but your people have let that place get destroyed.

>F to pay respects.

How fucked is your country?

Dead, no, dying yes, but since I don't really hate the non-whites fucking up my country I only want them to leave I don't really feel like killing them is in my own personal interest.

About 5-6 years ago, before that I was a left-wing-retard like most of my countrymen.

Lol sluta projicera bögjävel

After yes, before no. It was kinda awsome when I was a kid.

What cost a lot? To get drunk? If so then yes.

Are you afraid of RF?

what is it with jews while we hate the sandniggers basterds as well.. israel and zionism isn't trash as the muslim scum

>Not understanding how dead the 'sweden r mudslime lul' meme is
>>All mudslimes are terrorist lul nice kek memes my fellow memers

You absolute cock-wrangling asswipe

Thats the right thing to do, were kinda like Somalia, a non-real country that acts like its all serious and shit.

Kinda superfucked2000

You mean Revolutionärfront? That has not existed for like 5 years? If so then no, since they don't exist. But then I don't fear AFA, regardless of how many times they "attack" my home.

Yeah, alcohol in general.
Often thought about moving to Sweden or Iceland. Is not the cold or the endless nights that stop me, but expensive booze.

How's Norland? It's where my grand dad was from.

>But then I don't fear AFA, regardless of how many times they "attack" my home
You got "visited"?
What exactly happend?

Norrland FTW!

i'm a drunk 18 year old Swedish man

A bit windy, lots of forests, and bunch of alcoholics sitting in Max burger shops.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I would not move to Sweden because all the non-whites, I can live with expensive booze, but all this fuckers from africa/asia/ME/SA is fucking annoying.

Norrland is great.

They broke some windows and spraypainted nazi on a wall, was annoying but not much more than that.

Tjenare lillbög!

What's it like with all the foreigners using your banks? Is Amsterdam cool? Do you all eat rotten fish or just the women?

A you triggered bregistIn red dish chef form sesame street

i'm a drunk 19 year old Swedish man

It's Switzerland where the banks get used by foreigners. Amsterdam is cool but a part of the Netherlands and not Sweden. And it's all kinds of people of both genders and ages that eat rottenfish.

Can't really say I know what you're talking about.

Tjenare lillbög!

>They broke some windows and spraypainted nazi on a wall, was annoying but not much more than that.
Ah ok, so not a full visit.
Where they just striaght up trash the whole place...

What is the primary industry there? Forestry?

Men whalla len, varför va så grining. SD kommer ju lätt hamna på top 3 och skyffla runt ännu mer bland dem andra partierna när det kommer till invandring.
Ta bara hur det blev med flyktingströmmen som började '15, hade de rödgröna haft helt kontroll hade dem fan skickat ut varje pensionär och ensamstående för att fylla lägenheter med Abdullah och hans fem fruar och deras familjer. Men nu blev det inte så.

Vi ska vara glada att vi har Jimmie, och att SD har fått dem andra partierna att justera sig åt ett populistparti. Även om jag inte röstar på dem så är jag glad att skit som vänsterpartiets politik helt är bortglömt.

gammel gubbe XD

No, I stopped them before they got in the house, so not much was trashed.
God question, I have no idea, would guess the mining industry.
Lol Jimmie är ett PK-luder och SD är inget annat än falsk-opposition, död åt dom och länge leve fascismen.

Som fan, ett mirakel att jag inte redan dött.

why don't swedes stop acting like sweeds?

Is it true?

If you mean swedes acting like cuckfags then it's because they're so fucking brainwashed it takes years to get them to see the truth most of the times. If that's not what you mean then please elaborate.

Yes, it is true, I'm 28, drunk and a swede.

>Hej jag skolkade från gymnasiet och har jobbat på låginkomst i tio år och nu är jag arg över min livssituation och det är negerns fel? Läs på i stället för att försöka vara så edgy far-right du kan utan att ens veta vad fascism faktiskt innebär.

I find it funny the way they handle alcohol in your country

Lol sug lite mer kuk bögjävel, du tillför ju uppenbarligen inte ett skit till världen så.



Yeah, the government thinks everyone of us would be alcoholics unless those fags control it and over tax it.


Is there prohibition against making your own wine, beer or spirits?

No, but the government owns all stores that sells alcohol with more than 3.5% in it.

I fucking love this set

how does is feel to be the rape capital of Europe?

When was the last time you saw your mother pussy?

what's your opinion on the "rape crisis"?
pic related

Include me in the vid Pewds, or your mother will die in her sleep.

How do you feel about mooses


That's like Utah. We have mormons, are the Lutherans deciding that policy and voting towards keeping it inaccessable?


Is far right in Sweden socialism?


When I was born.


Elk/mooses are great as long as they stay the fuck away.

That's because you can't see all the work done in my mummy's basement.

No most people in Sweden thinks the current system for alcohol is great since it stops us from being alcoholics, since if we could by alcohol at anymoment we would all be alcoholics for some reason.

If you're a right winger why do have a symbol of the left in your pic? Swastika ain't right wing.

Depends, if you call NordiskaMotståndsrörelsen/Nordric Resictence Movment (NMR) rightwing then some of the far right is socialist, if you don't see them as far right then no.

Because I did not have any better picture to post.

what do you do for a living?

what's your opinion about Nordic Resistance Movement? Is there any growth trend of Swedish far right and which parties lead the movement.

>swastika ain't right wing

chek your history son. or Google it, or anything you uneducated fuck

He milks muslim dicks and drinks their semen

why the naziflag?

Swede, you're drunk, go to pol

Work as a carpenter.

NMR is retarderd-leftist. Yes, there is alot of growth for the Swede far-right, unfortunately most of that growth goes to the more leftist NMR.

Why not? It gives attention.

I'm there also.

>he thinks Nazism is far right
Please faggot, Obama in his second term is more right than you.

I get that political correctness is ruining the country and all I do, man. Still fuck the far-right. Fuck the far anything to death.

Iceland sucks. You don't want to live there.

Naaah capitalism with government control is the way the go, far-right-fascism is the way to go.

If you hate trees and love the smell of sulfur it's great.

>Far Right
You're joking, right? Fascists and Nazis are both centrists of some degree.

>National Socialist German Workers' Party
>National Socialsit

he's retarded what do you expect?

Also, cold and raining all the time, nowhere to live, expensive everything, shit people... The food is good but too bad you won't be able to afford anything since everything expensive. I moved to Sweden from Iceland just to get away from it, Sweden would be nice if it wasn't for the muslims.

>Kinda superfucked2000
Sorry to hear. Any silver lining to the clouds?

Do your best. How is a swastika a symbol of the right,son?

Because reasons

Your ass has a silver lining

Nigger, Nazism comes from left politics but allows more leeway for capitalism, they're one of the most centrist movements out there.

Why are they shit?
How do they afford it then?

Cold and rainy sounds awesome.

What about freedom of the individual... Oh wait that's right.

That explains it.

Individual freedom is not left vs. right, but rather libertarian vs. authoritarian.

Facism is the connection of captialist and workers, then you can move that towards socialism or a government controlled capitalism.

Yeah muslims suck, but would rather have high prices for everything and rain all the time then muslims and niggers raping my countrymen.

Not really sure what silver lining means, but I guess it's if there is something positive and then the only positive thing is that the far-right is growing stronger.


They're douche assholes most of them. Everyone is a sjw. You better be PC or the local feminists and fat rights advocates will eat you. Houses and apartments have become so scarce and expensive that people are getting homeless and have started living in tents. Meanwhile government buys houses for refugee niggers.

Also, all the women are fat. No lie. They're 99% fat sluts.

How much do you pay in taxes/car registration every year?

Tards gonna tard

I don't really know how much I pay in taxes every year, but it's way to much.
Lol only a totalretard faggot would use a "politicalcompass" as fact.

>Doesn't know National Socialism is literally called the third position because it's neither right nor left and takes elements of both which makes it centrist

Lol I'm not nationalsocialist so suck you're daddys cock faggot.

Except it's widely acknowledged throughout international academia. Try again?

Well the nigger benefit money has to come from somewhere doesn't it

Rather trust books written by actual fascist then some "international academia" most likely controlled by a slimy jew.

Yes, how will the nigger survive in the cold north if they don't suck the withe man dry?

Bruv, in cases of Nazism and Fascism they nationalized healthcare and regulated the market, that's center right more than anything.

Nationalsocialism is not the same as fascism. It does have some similarities but it's not the same. Also nationalized healtcare and regulated marked has not been the a part of every fascist nation.

why do you hate freedom and people who are not like you?
why do you put so much faith in a government to set it straight for you?

you ever met Henrik ?

What makes you think a hate freedom? Or people that are not like me?
I put no faith in the current government at all to put shit straight.

On what planet?

>love freedom

pick one.