Should America switch to the metric system?

Should America switch to the metric system?

No, it gets by fine without it, and there'd be a retard uproar like you've never seen. As long as scientists use it, that's all that matters.

Or should I say, all that meters.

Technically speaking, the US has been using the metric system for a long time. At least for the important shit.
Let the tards and rednecks keep using retard units, they are irrelevant to the rest of the population.


America should adopt both
standard is best for non-precise measurements where body parts are an acceptably precise measuring tool
>non-medical body weight
metric is best for high precision uses
>mechanical engineering
>road travel
using one of those methods exclusively is just retarded

The United States of America has officially used the metric system since the 29th Congress. Specifically the 13th of May, 1866. The metric system is used for science, medicine, military, and industrial applications and all American children are educated in the use of the metric system.

Just because you don't see it on some sign by the side of the road doesn't mean it isn't used, dipshit.


This is true, as an American I even memorized the formula for conversion of Fahrenheit to Centigrade as teen when in chemistry.


although I would like to see new street signs done in both miles and kilometers

We can't. It has been tried before. At least our system is based off of metric, hence why America owns 2 of the standard kilogram models.

i think what he's asking is should we ditch imperial units and go full metric

Using both methods is retarded. Thats what you get when you are raised learning the imperial system.

>road travel is more precise than cooking

fuck no
and we need to bring back stones
all 10 stone weakling need to jump in a fire and die
12 stone master race reporting in

It would really fuck your football commentators around." He's at the 8.2296 meter line"

yeah but if youre 12 stone and 5'1" its not so master is it?



cooking just needs close ratios
using just my hand I can reliable measure 1 teaspoon, 1 tablespoon, 1 fluid ounce, and half a cup, as well as eyeballing half those measurements

but anyone who has cooked anything that didn't come out of an E-Z bake kit box would know that

1 yard 1 foot 1 inch is the perfect height
trips can never be denied

49 inchs rounds down to 124cm.
Double 1 =2 double 2 = 4 get it. Metric is math art.


It wouldn't make much difference since all science, etc is done in metric and you do learn it in elemenrtry and use it in high school cause science. People I've met would rather have metric but we all are used to using Imperial commonly.

I also like to add, commonly in those "science notebooks" you get for school has all the conversions.

I personally love our illogical freedom units.

Crocodiles can grow up to 20 feet but most only have 4

Take it you don't bake much.

Funny how you completely ignored the road travel part of my post since it proves you are wrong. Gotta know how many centimeters to take that next left on Alderton right?

they should definitely switch to metric. there would be bitching for a couple years then people can live with a logical system for (hopefully) many years to come.

baking is for faggots

metric allows for many levels of precision
kilometers and meters allow a more useful precision when driving than miles and feet

We're literally too dumb to switch. Sad truth

You don't need any measurment when driving. Go left on Frankfurt street and take your next right.

Nobody needs to know how many meters that is.

Traditionally Frankfurts are a foot long.

American here, honestly it makes no difference using customary because everything technical and precise is done in metric.

We already did. I haven't used the old dead British empires obsolete imperial units in 25 years. It's for construction workers and morons who can't count to ten.

which of the next five lefts that are poorly labeled is Frankfurt St?

>but wut is a km?
>frenchies measure geography in centimeters right?

Sit on another corncob, jethro. Maybe the answer will come to you.

it would be beneficial even if it was just to make the usa consistent with literally the rest of the world besides myanmar. unit conversions between imperial and metric would disappear and everyone would understand eachother. aside from that benefit you'd also get the benefit of immensely easier daily calculations that everyone does.

Old fag here. Grew up when the transition was happening in Australia. Took about a year for full conversion.


is Liberia just chopped liver now?

Do you live in some shithole where streets aren't clearly named or something?

>o god how could it be done

The one 30m away.
The one 90ft away.

See if you can wrap your little brain around it.

oh shit youre right they use dumb units too

Fucking British.
No wonder everything they make falls apart
Fucking american cars too, jesus christ

you mean California where I need to differentiate between "El Camino" "El Camino Rd" "El Camino St" and El Camino Real" in 5 seconds or miss my turn
or North Carolina where I was literally told to "turn at tree 7" and the road was only marked by the number 7 being carved into a tree
how about Australia where none of the streets had clear labels if they weren't primary or secondary
how about driving in any nation that uses a different alphabet

good job on following the thread links retard

stopped reading right there