Give me one reason why should i believe in atheism

Give me one reason why should i believe in atheism.

give me one reason to believe in god.

It's not a belief system.
It's the lack of belief in God, Allah, Muhammad, Zeus, Thor......


Atheism is a dangerous cult, they have own priests (Dawkins, Hitchens), own church (Secular humanist organisations) own symbols (@ or A) even own Faith (Disbelief in God).

It will make you happier.


Each part of that is false.

Atheism is a religion in the way "off" is a tv channel.

Atheists have no moral guidance and are therefore akin to psychopaths, never trust infidels


your wrong god is real

Atheism isn't the lack of believe if god, it's the belief and faith that God doesn't exist. Atheists are just as retarded as theists. Nobody has any evidence that god does or doesn't exist. Agnostic is the only logical choice.

The Koran and the Bible are not moral systems, they are moral pronouncements. These pronouncements contradict themselves and allow the theist to do whatever they wants and then later twist some unrelated verse to affirm whatever they want. They are also shitty moral pronouncements and are reprehensible.

So you are agnostic on universe creating pixies also?

pixies are real tho

Spoken like a true infidel. True theists will never question the word of GOD and will behave exactly like the Scripture says.

>doesnt understand atheism
>talks about it
>what is a strawman
>thinks the labels atheist and agnostic are mutually exclusive when they obviously are not
>seems to think not believing something is the same as believing the opposite to be true.
>baits with it in fucking Sup Forums Sup Forums of all places

Who are you qouting????

not him but isnt it obvious? the guy he is pointing to obviously doesnt understand atheism.

Because god doesn't exist

Because it uses the same logic as other relgions do.
Proving and disproving God by the same manner

>Religions argument
Theres no proof he doesnt exist, so he must exist
>Athiests argument
Theres no proof he does exist, so he must not


If i could fucking typo religion again.
I swear to fucking god.

Theres no proof there isn't a giant willy lightyears away from us. Its creamy jizz jizzing out life. Thats what i believe in

I believe the willy is bigger than u think it is
roar time to blow up shit in disagreement xD

Give me one reason to believe..

Believing is easier than thinking, hence more believers than thinkers

Don't delude yourself.

You think that reading a Dawkins book makes you a "thinker", a free minded intellectual?

You just eat up what's already been discovered by the scientific community, you don't think or research for yourself.

another silly attempt to make us think you are no worse than us, but it is you who does no thinking.

don't try to anger my intelectual intelligence
u wouldn't like me when I'm angery

Take a look everyone! This is the pinnacle of christian "debate."

your wrong these dubs are real