ITT: post your age and one piece of life advice based solely on your own personal experiences

ITT: post your age and one piece of life advice based solely on your own personal experiences

don't seek gratification solely from others, we enter the world alone and die alone, you're your own best friend.
now this doesn't mean be a social recluse hermit, just be confident in yourself without searching for gratification through others.

seize every opportunity to get laid. be it guy or girl, live life fast and hard. no point in living a boring life while oppressed by kikes. spread your seed and die a legend

Harm noone. Live well.

Avoid lazy people in a productive environment. They will constantly nag that nothing works and everything is impossible, try to take your work and get credit for it and of course be generally useless. It's not even that they don't contribute, no they actually drag down the teams productivity they work in.

30......Don't drink

dont waste your money on some worthless libtarded college


Learn from mistakes, and fight fear, regret is pointless

For the best result when meeting people and/or working on some project, (for work or whatever) expect nothing from the other person. If you expect nothing you won't be let down if they fail to deliver, or you will be extremely happy when they do deliver.


Get off Sup Forums and learn some skills. oh wait.

Never be afraid of doing what you want to do. If you live your life doing everything others want you to do, you'll be fucking miserable.

Don't drink. I started drinking last year, already chronic swollen liver

Be good with your hands, and socially confident.
Practice makes perfect.

dont be gay


Don't trust a anyone to make good on their promises, especially in a professional environment. It is a manager/director/vp's job to get the people under them to be productive for as little money as possible. The easiest way to get people to work is with an insinuation about a promotion or raise subject to output. The easiest way to save money is to not pay for things. Managers, by their very nature, are rent-seeking individuals. These people actively seek positions in which they are not required to do any actual work and siphon surplus welfare from the workers who create it; they have no moral scruples. It is unreasonable to expect them to take anything other than the easiest path.

If an offer isn't in writing, with an ironclad enforcement clause, it's useless.

Don't pay attention to people's words, only their actions matter

Introspection is important

don't trust women, no matter how smart or caring they seem

That sounds familiar.


Don't think for a second that anyone has it figured out. Everyone is winging it, no one knows what the fuck their doing.

18 spend as much time as you can with your family. they dont live forever.

19: see a doctor instead of trying to live with mental problems

Don't let other people make desicions for you
It's your life and no one can take that away from you
Unless you get fuckin arrested or some shit like that

always exercise and eat your veggies :)

Underage b&

34. Wear a condom, always. Dont date women who cant cook and want to "go out" all the time. Dont date women with dogs or single mothers. Dont date women with a history of mental illness. Make as much money as you can regardless if you like the job always go for the highest paying one. Dont go to college unless you can afford it. Dont get married. Dont gamble or drink or do drugs... they are all fun but always lead to bad places.

Well, corporate America is a shitty place. You're probably going to find quite a few people who hate it, for one reason or another.

Implying you know what work is. Consider lurking a few more years my dude.

b&, although you do have nice digits

If you aren't an awful person, being yourself full force will only ever result in overall benefits for your life

What bugs me though is that it seems that often the people who try to become team leader or even department manager are the lazy under achievers. They somehow found a position where they can conceil their inability to contribute, so they just "organize" and "lead". I'm not saying this is always the case, i'm saying that all under achievers i know that made it to the bachelors degree aim for that position.

Perfection dont exist. There is no perfect knowledge, no perfect happiness, no perfect way to control or have power.
But also, we cant just know anything. Its false that existence is only pain. And there are effective ways to control things to some extent, we are not powerless.
Now that i write it it sounds so retarded lol
26 years wasted, i know.


Don't waste the best years of your life being addicted to drinking and drugs. Tell your family you love them because they won't always be there.


Don't waste your mornings by sleeping through it. There is so much shit you can get done. Even if you have nothing to do, you'll feel so much better the rest of the day if you get up in the morning and grab a quick shower.

Have some constants in your life. Make a schedule and stick with it. Does wonders for your productivy.

>Perfection dont exist. There is no perfect knowledge

Start saving for your retirement early. You'll need more money than you think unless you want to work until you're 75

... or you could work hard for a job you don't fucking hate

always strive for knowledge; use it to not only to analyze and see the world from different angles, but also to put words on your own feelings and broaden your abstract thinking - but not matter what: always remain humble

>Be lazy, careless and relaxed on the outside, it makes their pussy wet, but never forget that you actually do care.

If you don't like something, walk away from it. Don't lie to yourself that you can't find another job, another girlfriend, a better dealer. Even family for that matter, care only about yourself, your own well being and your comfort. Fuck everyone else.

Don't hang out with assholes.

Pretty simple but it helps a lot.

Don't smoke meth

Dont use drugs, i was almost at the end of my life (wanted to hang myslef)

Once you get passed 25 you may as well kys

So you never want to retire?

Lol Maybe if you treat your body like shit.

Learn a musical instrument

Stay in school and take it seriously. never underestimate the importance of an education. trying to go to college when your my age with a wife and kid is HARD

Always tell young girls and guys you are in your 40's and well off
Go after chicks with Daddy issues.
Go to parties and buy booze for those under 21, find drunk boots and play with them.
Regret nothing

>Learn to learn properly and enjoy it.
>(Learn to teach yourself)

Yes I did that. Good advice. Trying to study at 2.00am on no sleep while your wife is angrily carrying around a screaming 4 month old is not fun

Drunk boys not boots.
Always use condom so that they can't pin it on you.
7 court cases no evidence of faul play

Applejuice is best juice

Uh nuh uh
>mango juice masterrace


18, don't plan things and don't expect things.

The general rule of thumb when crafting tools is you make place the items in the shape of the thing you want to craft.

Also checkem niggers HAHA


Ged rid of institutional religion in your life. It's filled with bullshit, many things aren't logical and people usually believe and behave like they're told because of parents, neighborghood or because they're fucking stupid and don't want to think about it.
Believe in God or whatever you like if you want but don't get into an institutional religion, even if they are "well-intentionned", really, they're almost all brainwashed with Jeesus and won't think for themselves one second

I don't think so. Robotic engineering is fucking magic.

if they cheat with you they'll cheat on you

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer
Read a book once in a while, at a young age we are taught how to read, but most of us hardly ever read later on in life
Only go to college and uni if you're doing a STEM subject, if you plan to go to uni to pursue a degree in art, drama or music it is just a waste of time and money
Getting a degree doesn't guarantee getting a good job
Let go of your past and look forward to the future
Learn to forget and forgive, we all make mistakes
Learn from your mistakes, but also learn from the mistakes of others
The only person that can understand you is YOU
We all wear masks. One for friends, another for family and one for ourselves
No one can truly understand you
You enter this world alone and die alone
Kill your enemies with kindness
People listen to reply, but not to understand
There is someone out there for you
Life is meaningless so do whatever the fuck you want. If anyone laughs at you screw them. Your actions make an impact on the world. Ever heard of the butterfly effect?
Just be you


People are selfish assholes, deal with it.

30: go to a trade school, take advantage of voctech in highschool if offered.

i drink to that


Always remember to fucking save when using excel!!!!

23- You yourself as a "secure" guy infront of the women you want to hit. Girls are very insecure(yes, even 10/10 qts) about themselves, and won't date insecure boys because they know they are shit.

Use your friends for advice when you feel insecure, not women.

Truth is nothing
And words aren't as effective as they seem

That's the worst advice in this thread so far.


29yo, for any girls in your family. Once they become old enough to have interest in sex give them 2 rules. No.1 don't come home pregnant, no.2 only in the mouth or ass, that way they can't get pregnant. Once armed with rule no.2 they should have no issues breaking rule no.1.

Take care of your teeth and knees.
Treat others with courtesy, especially those you do not agree with.
Be generous with your time to those who deserve it, don't waste it on those who don't respect yours.
Stick with your real friends, not the ones who turn up when times are good.
Live somewhere that has health care paid for by your taxes for a year or two, then you will know what you are talking about.
Learn something new every day.
Travel. (Even if it isn't far away)
Learn another language (even if you suck) Volunteer.
Don't call yourself "christian" if you don't walk the walk and do good works for the poor and vulnerable.
There is no scripture of prosperity.
Love your partner, listen and talk to them.They are your fellow passanger on this journey.

falling in love is pointless, nut in her mouth and her cunt and move on

I meant to say they should have no issues NOT breaking rule no.1

Keep at least two credit cards with you
Buy used games to save money
Spend as much time with your family as you can as time goes by everyone you know will disappear
Apply for jobs on a Monday to get your resume to the top of the list
Networking is important for finding a job
Under any circumstance that life seems pretty shit never give up, just keep moving forward
Spoil yourself you deserve it
Make a budget to control how much you spend in a month
Always think twice before doing something

literally the other way around.

Words are way more powerfull than everything else, just not your words.

Get someone important or influencial and their words are above everything you'll ever have or be

Nutt in her cunt so you get chicks knocked up? After 1 child support bill you will learn this is bad advice. As I've said above, Nutt in her mouth or ass.

Learn the subtle art of not giving a fuck. Not giving a fuck about anything is easy, but the wise and sucessful learn how to not give a fuck and what to not give a fuck about.

Also, learn how to acknowledge when youre wrong like a fucking adult.

I'm trying to figure out what language i should learn, but this is actually some solid advice

Solid advice, I've started getting to this point my self. I'm 29yo also. Lol

Never trust a fart.

Don't get married.
Don't chase women.
Focus all your energy on cultivating internal-validation, enjoying your hobbies, and making progress in your career.


22. Skate ass, eat fast.

chill out bro

Spanish is easy to get into, and practical if you are in the states.

Age 18
Don't do drugs. Mkay?

Talk about your problems.
Watch the alcohol.
Bring your phone charger.
Go outside.
Think about how you talk to your friends and how you talk to yourself mentally; if your inner monologue was a different person make sure you'd want to be around them.

Don't move thousands of kilometres for a woman you love.
I did, and now I have been forgotten and dumped by her....
Long distance relationships never work.
Even If the long distance part goes well and you finally get to each other, it will slowly rot away day after day.
Find someone close to you.

27 here and Ive been using tinder to great effect. Slept with over 150 girls in my city. Theyve even started meeting each other by coincidence. Two of them moved in together and were like, "hey how do you know user on fb? Oh shit..."

34 what? ME worry?

31, dont drink


Whip your cock out often. Sometimes it will go poorly but other times youll have fun.

17. Disregard female, acquire currency

Don't accept chewing gum from bluegrass hippies.

26, trees are better than humans


Try to direct your efforts in tech school/uni/apprenticeship whatever towards lines of work that offer consistent hours and a good benefits package. A job that you can tolerate, if not especially like, that gives 8 weeks paid vacation, pension and full ride healthcare is a-okay.

I say this as a guy who fell for 'follow your dreams' meme. Majored in art. Worked for a while in illustration and graphic design. That type of work is for suckers. Suckers like I was. I now work a comfy private security job that is government subsidized (my union is provincial employee one). I'll be there until I retire probably.

Don't eat yellow snow



Forget whatever anyone else is doing.

Just be selfish and try and carve a bit of sanity out of this world for yourself.

On the internet you can trust the assholes because you can always assume they're trying to pull one over on you.
It's the nice people you need to watch out for.

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