Do you think she did anything wrong?

Do you think she did anything wrong?

Yeah but they should just break her legs and her arms over it, all that jail time's pointless.

I really wish people like her were not allowed to change their names.

she cared too much to see a mother and father lose their precious child

Wrong or not I still kinda want to jizz on those eyebrows. No tits so not much else to look at.

yes. fuck her. I wish she had to do her 15 months right away. fucking slut.

Who dis?

I actually struggled with this question because, yes her actions were morally wrong, but no, she did not commit a crime.

I do. She should never have hooked up with Conrad. He was cancer from the start. I pity her for what he put her through.

>No tits
that's where you're wrong, kiddo

sure. valerian sucked ass

cara delevingne should know better

>Adult wanted to kill himself
>Had tried many times before
>Keeps telling this to an underaged girl on psych meds for some reason
>She tells him to get help, see the same psychiatrist she went to etc.
>He refuses, wants to die too bad
>Tries to get this girl to die with him in a Romeo and Juliet style because he's a psychopath
>After months of convincing, she agrees with his decision as it appears it's the only way for him
>Starts telling him to
>One time she tells him if doesn't want to anymore that she will get him help, he refuses again
>Eventually he kills himself
>She's blamed and has to go to jail for over a year (if she loses the appeal)

Please explain how this is fair and how she's not the real victim in all this? Also explain why it would be better if Conrad was still alive seeing as how he was trying to get this girl to kill herself, he may have found another young girl to get to do it with him.

The strong should victimize the weak! This is nature!

Yeah, she needs to fix her fucking ugly ass eyebrows

Strong forehead game.

I don't think it should be a crime though.

read the texts xD

finally, an user with a fucking brain
exactly right

Fuck that

chill out stalin

you haven't read them all if you think he's wrong

Go fuck yourself you basement dwelling NEET

Honestly, I think something should be been done to her, but I think a jail sentence is much, especially considering she probably has mental issues herself. She should have been sent to mental institution,

laws are for cucks

>you should never tell someone to kill themselves.

>asks Sup Forums

actually kys

sounding a bit triggered

she wont be in faggot prison, sorry pal


yes she did something very wrong. she should've killed herself for being so goddam ugly


How were they morally wrong?


Suicide in this country is perceived as as morally wrong action. Any suggestion or provocation or encouragement of a immoral act is itself immoral.

If I were a weaker person my sister would have succeeded in getting me to kill myself. Every single day that bitch told me I was stupid, worthless, that I should stop trying. She would try to get my friends to quit being my friends because I was a stupid loser. Anything odd that I did was reported to my parents. She listened in on conversations my parents had about my therapy to use as ammo against me. She would break things and blame it on me. My childhood was shit because of her. I'm still fucked up and I still have autism. I'm fit, single and live on my own though, while she's fat with a shit husband and 4 autistic kids. I win, bitch. I hope Michelle Carter kills herself.

Neither did Charles Manson. Should he go free?

Your sister sounds hot. What's her number?

Yes he did he told people to commit crimes, that's incitement and a crime. Suicide is not a crime.


I don't know about that, but you should make your own opinion on whether something is immoral, not just what you think most people feel. There's nothing morally wrong with suicide, it's your body so you can do whatever you want with it.

I plan to murder her and make it look like a suicide.
>Don't tell anyone


How is that story anything like Michelle Carter. She never insulted him. And he always wanted to kill himself before interacting with her, she tried to get him not to, but he just kept saying it was the only way for him to be happy so she told him to do it.

Just a reminder. People "males" who goto Uni/College etc. ??
>Still goto jail when they do this.

dr's goto jail when they do this

The problem is moral relativism is that people can use it to justify what we would quite normally call horrendous. And furthermore, once you leave moral equivocation to the individual, punishment becomes tricky. Who would be able to dole it out, and decide what's worthy of it?

Sure her actions were shit and deserve to be made public but not given jail time because her case is a hop skip and a jump away from prosecuting people for not intervening in a suicide. A separate person shouldn't be responsible for the actions of someone else who has mental issues of some kind and isn't smart enough to get real help instead of confide in another mentally ill person. Most people now would probably already want to prosecute a person for not doing anything to stop someone from killing themselves which is just opening up lanes where people can be held responsible when they normally wouldn't be.

Why is this news?


I forgot to mention that her goal in all that was to get me to kill myself. I heard her tell her best friend that that was why she treated me like that.

You obviously know fucking nothing about this case. Read more faggot.

You parrots of the MSM have only read the last day of texts, not the months where he talked her into his view that suicide was the only option

That's what the law is for. You can still personally disagree with the law though. If you leave to another country like Saudi Arabia, would you all of a sudden just agree with what most everyone else there finds morally right or wrong?

>Fat kid from the sandlot.jpg

She got a worthless loser to kill himself with nothing but words. The only thing the state should be doing is getting her a phone and paying her 80k a year to troll the shit out of other fucking losers so they also kill themselves.

If I talked your mother/sister/female cousin into killing themselves do you think I did anything wrong?

That's nothing like the Michelle Carter story. Unless you always wanted to kill yourself, and kept telling your sister you wanted to kill yourself, and she told you not to for months, and then she said do it. Then it's nothing like the story.

Didn't she get probation or something?

It's impossible to talk someone into suicide. Conrad Roy was suicidal. He tried to kill himself before he ever met Michelle Carter. He killed himself because he was suicidal. He spent months convincing Michelle that suicide was his only hope for peace. He asked her to kill herself with him. She didn't cause him to kill himself. So your question is bullshit.

this, she's got an alien in her head.

Fuck Conrad Roy and the shitty media for ruining this girl's life.
Amanda Knox nailed it: they crucified her for ratings.

Bitch looks like Bert...

an attempt was made

thanks mom!

burn the witch!!!!


Fuck no

What gets to me about it is that she was using their relationship as a crutch for her social life. She was feeding on his misery. If she was a decent human being she would have left him. She damned herself by embracing his fucked up nature.




LOL. Not at all.

U kids are gay sahe

bro she got jail time for telling a suicidal kid to kill himself and you ask this question on a forum where people type kys all the time.

this case sets a dangerous precedent for Sup Forumsros

yes cause she looks like a total whore

Not really. It depends on the situation.

If I were to just tell you to kill yourself right now, nothing would happen. Even if you put in your suicide note that someone on Sup Forums told you to so you did, nothing would happen.

Now people in like a chat room urging someone to MIGHT be a different story, especially if there are profiles with email associated with them.

I truly hope some dyke negriss rapes her takes her prison food

That's a lot of baseless assumptions.

yeah the obvious difference is that texting isn't anonymous and that she provided information that helped him kill himself. but it still sets a sort of precedent that could lead to a broader understanding of the culpability of others in a suicide.

True. I think what really damned her was the fact that she helped him find effective ways to carry out the suicide.

And telling him to get back in the truck...

Oh yeah I forgot about that. That was a stupid move on her part.

There's nothing wrong or illegal about giving people information about how to commit suicide. Or else all the websites that give that information out need to be shut down.



When will whitey ever learn?

Wifey getting her daily meal

>the blacks

Okay, you really think so? How about you go help someone commit suicide and see how far you get.

All the things Blacks have created:

let's start with that computer you're typing on
- the software that drives it
- the internet & nearly all web applications
- recorded music
- motion pictures
- tv
- radio
- camera
- telephone
- light bulb
- the automobile
- rocketry
- satellites
- spacecraft
- airplanes
- skyscrapers
- telescope
- printing press
- eyeglasses
- contact lenses
- microwave oven
- metallurgy (most discoveries)
- materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
- 95% of medical advancements
- 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
- modern food preservatives
- most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
- the bulk of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology
- astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques)
- sea navigation (most advancements)
- discovery of DNA
- microscope
- laser technology and it's myriad of uses
- harnessing electricity
- nuclear energy
- wireless technology
- air conditioning devices
- refrigeration
- modern agricultural techniques
- modern democracy
- modern capitalism (the greatest wealth distribution system ever, yes, even with all it's faults)

Blacks are the supreme race! Post this in every thread! Spread the Word!

i agree. i was responding to the user who questioned why this case was news. it absolutely is news and it could change how we define culpability in suicides. i still think that suicide should not be a crime and that she should not be jailed though i understand why would hate her.


Doesn't matter, she's a melonhead.


Why is Sup Forums here? Go raid a loli thread you micro dicks



>printing press


She didn't help him. She just told him to kill himself. And I could give someone information on how to suicide right now and not get in any trouble even if they called the police because it's not illegal.

Small dicked white bois think anyone buying they shit

>just told him to kill himself
nice simplification
