Sup poorfags, you jealous?

Sup poorfags, you jealous?


Im so jealous

Timestamp or i dont believe

holy shit your bank lets you withdraw money?
mine is all "no way faggot your money is ours now no backsies"

You got a lot of Monopoly money

not really jealous

This, prove it or you're a fag. Prove it and you're still a fag.

"Hey mom, can I take a quick pic of your hard earned money to make these people on the internet jealous by pretending that I earned it?"

There's a date on the label are you blind or just retarded

If you think 5 grand is anything then youre really poor

It's probably some white trash turd who just got a disability payout. Don't worry, he'll blow it all on nonsense in a week or two.

The the picture could be from anywhere, so TIMESTAMP to prove OP actually has it, and you shut your faggot mouth

It makes me richer than like 90% of the world LOL

Not really. Sad!

wow a whole 5 months rent

good job OP

those are clearly fake. the largest bill is the $20, duh.

What is even the point of strapping 10 or 20 bills together. It looks ridiculous.

I just feel legitimately bad for you that you think that that is a lot of money. Was it an insurance settlement and your Honda got-rear-ended?

Wait til you have your hands on 2.6 million in cash then come talk to me

It's a Toyota!

Cashing your financial aid check is a bad idea

The really sad thing is that those bands go on 20s, not 100s.

A little bit, but I'm no poorfag. I only have half that right now. Still got a few paychecks till I put a down payment on a car. What are you going to spend that on?

Wow, user you have more money than the average North Korean makes in a year color me impressed.

I'm gonna go to Thailand and spend it on molly and ladyboys

Your money is ugly. Like..... it looks like shit.


> financing a car
> not buying a 3k civic
You fucked up user...

good luck getting change back from any of them for a $100

hahaha shit cunt obviously doesn't have a job, probably doesn't even have a credit card.

The correct term would be "envious". Jealousy is more specific to love... you stupid nigger faggot. Now put that money in your mouth and take a picture like every other black person with more than $75 does.

Wait, to me there's only $6,000 there. Now I'm English, and know that would get you fuck all. House, car, hell my bicycle is £1,200!! Not jealous tbh....


Why would they even band those small amounts? 2 grand is 20 hundred dollar bills... that's retarded. $1,000 in hundreds is even more retarded.

Also, that's really nothing. Would I want to lose that much, obviously not. But I keep 3 grand in cash in my house at all times just to have something to use just in case. Anything significant and it's gone in an instant, same with that pathetic stack

Trigger hounds are faggots, faggot.

Its most likely 3 one hundred dollar bills and a bunch of $1

>canadian dollars

I'd rather have ugly money than worthless money. That's literally less than $40 US without any kind of conversion fees

That amount isn't even large enough to fake. $10k maybe, but probably more like 20-50k fake bundles are where you start finding people bother (and you can even buy those on amazon).

>flashes 5k thinking anons would be impressed

Lol ur a retard who makes no money

Sup poor fags this is my money I own.

I'm no longer jealous. Wear a condom and make them wear a condom. It would be sad if I'm rolling around in my new(er) car and you're still fighting std's.

But seriously, why would a bank care enough to band 10 hundreds....

Fake and gay

I haven't made any decisions yet, but I don't think a rear or all wheel drive car is in my price range. I don't think Honda even makes any.


That’s probably like 300$ and some ones

WOW!!! $5000 dollars. What used car are you going to purchase?

who wraps hundreds with $20s and $10s straps? poorfags do, that's who.

>Posts picture of 5 thousand dollars
>Calls other people poorfags

He's gonna buy a honda civic and spend the remaining $3000 on a body kit which he's not gonna paint and the exhaust.

Not really. I just put A $100,000 down on a new house. But you go right on holding your life savings in your hand if it makes you happy