

Fucking kill yourself, pedo

bump. can we get some shota x loli?

Go home, normie




im not going to stop anyone from posting more




Any nice discord?




Go die, pedo




kys faggot


anyone ever seen a loli tatto. id really like to get something similar to this






> purposely socially ostracizing yourself by openly displaying how much of a retarded faggot you are

postbukake loli


Actually try to use correct grammar, Dumbass

Can we get some more gifs please





one of my all time favorites. anyone got more loli cheerleaders?




I second this

Did she just shit on the floor?

can we get some diaper?



>tfw lifeguard at the lake
>tfw irl lolis wear bikinis that are more revealing than some of the pics itt

Who is to blame Sup Forums?


+1 to this

and you don't take pictures?

nah it would be on my thigh by my crotch. im engaged so the only person thats gonna see it is my fiance. what do you think im trying to get a tattoo of a loli on my face or something?

"It's my job man, gotta do my job"




well its not anime but atleast its Japanese

hi there agent
u always round here
starting to think you like loli yourself




Post more of her

Nah. We aren't supposed to have our phones out. I'm in the water a lot of the time helping kids learn to swim too.

what did he mean by this

>On Sup Forums
>Mad at pedos

Drink some bleach, fucking normie

i have wayyyyyy too many of these pictures

>tfw we have not reached the level of tech necessary for optically implanted cameras


The usual loli stuff :^)

Looks like a doll

this girl is my favorite

they are all dolls, in a figurative sense

we want bukake loli

keep posting


Post more of her

But liek why no pussy

mmm, nice. too bad for the mosaic

yes please

I see enough lewd/nudity during the day. Saving pictures would be dumb.

I don't like what you're implying.


Does anyone have that painting in a high fantasy loli sex dungeon setting? I've been looking for it for ages.

hey im just delivering what they're asking for

look up hitomaru maybe?

>Saving pictures would be dumb.
life's too short not to preserve the best imho



i know right. the cutest girl and they blur her face.

Here, I made it slightly bigger using the full sized image.

I see it daily though. I'm not into irl girls but if I were I would have got my fill from seeing them live.


Once she's filled up on both ends she'll grow to her native resolution size.





>Not 960x1272
She's not full sized yet.

that's still a sample, not the full res

i was but that thread is ultra weak

What are these even from

come on bukake lolis plz


some obscure Japanese amateur porn site similar to clips4sale

It isn't anime style or if it is it isn't too obvious