Oh shit is this a bedbug...

Oh shit is this a bedbug? I've been finding these small black things in my bed now and then (very rarely) and I'm pretty sure they are some sort of bugs. This one that I took a picture of didn't move. It sure looks like some sort of louse.

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my boi you has the bed bugs, good luck

you got bugs man. Only way to get rid of 'em is to burn down your house and trash all of your worldly possessions.

It sort of glistened in the light. It just looked like a black dot to the naked eye, only now in a close up picture I can see that it is red-ish.

Yeah. Had them once too. if there's one, there's 1000.

Well fuck

Dude that's rat shit

Look in the seams of the mattress. They're a huge fucking pain in the ass and expensive to exterminate. Good luck

That's fucked. Burn everything.

need a focused pic

It's bed bugs, no question about it.

Heat is required to kill them.
Buy a steam cleaner, but be aware they nest in walls and baseboards. They "migrate " to and from your bed. Very expensive to hire exterminators and usually Land Lords refuse to treat entire building which means they will re-infest your apartment.

The heat part is somewhat correct. They fucking hide everywhere had friend who had them and she moved out and 6 months later peeled a sticker off the back of a picture frame and there was 3 still alive under the sticker. Crazy fucks can live for like two years without eating

Well shit, thanks for your input. I thought bedbugs were no problem in Finland

Had them once. It fucking sucked. Thankfully my landlord paid for the multiple extermination visits.
It did far more psychological damage, than physical...
The fact that they feed on you when you're in your most vulnerable state really fucks with your sleep. Also the fact that they can live up to 400 days without feeding... ugh.
Good Luck op

Boy you got a case of butt nuggets, wipe yo ass better.

Best advice would be to start putting all your clothes on highest heat setting in dryer and store in garbage bags pretty much live out of a bag for awhile

Here is another pic

Extreme heat will definitely help kill them. Crank your heat to max and close all windows. Go out and do something for 10 hours. After cleaning out any furniture, wrap that shit up and keep it wrapped for at least a year. They can go without feeding for 12 months. Seal any and all cracks in walls/floors. They're flat, so they can nest pretty much anywhere, even behind shit on the wall like pictures or posters. Need to be diligent as fuck in upkeep to keep them out once you get infested.

Forgot to attach image

Heat will kill them but it doesn't leave any residual effect.

Honestly it's best to just hire a professional company to do it. You will never get rid of them just by steaming everything.

Look OP trust me on this bleach and rubbibg alcohol are your new best friends, that or get a torpedo heater and heat your room to like 200 degrees. If you start noticing black spots espectially alot clustered in one are thats basically their shit, and you have to check every small crevice and crack in your mattress. Like othets said its the psychological shit that gets to you, plus if they start biting you youll get lathargic and feel sick. It got so bad fpr me i would stay up for days or untill 3 am with a knife cutting the little fucks in half. Pesticides do very little, basically if your furniture is really bad theres no saving it unless you bag it for a year or outside in the winter

That won't kill the ones already in your home. Heat works but you have to treat every nest in walls floors baseboards. Your advice really only works with lice infestations. PS Most insecticides are worthless anymore. Exterminators use heaters to raise the temperature in your dwelling to about 200 degrees, and usually have to do so several times.

The average furnace or heater will not hit 190 which would be required to kill them.

Helps mentally to know you're not carrying the little cock suckers on your clothes or eggs with you and dropping them at friends/ family houses without even realizing

I've been looking at pics of bedbugs and they don't look like this

Pest control fag here

You're wrong in assuming chemicals are worthless. I use them constantly and get fucking results.

It's just that you HAVE to focus on those cracks and crevices where they hide. I use aerosol to kill the adults/nymphs instantly where I find them and liquid/dust treatments to get them where they try to travel.

If they are not 100% effective (As heat is?) They are worthless. If you use them as an exterminator? So are you.

how many have you found?

I've only found three I believe in total, and that's over the course of perhaps two months.

those are probably just stinkbugs bro. kind of look like bed bugs but a little too big. do they fly? do you have bites all over you or do you wake up with little spots of blood on your sheets?

Come do my job and tell me that again. Heat isn't 100% effective either if you're not getting to EVERY crack and crevice they can hide in as is done with chemicals.

Better yet, kys.

I got them too dude fuckin sucks. Moved into new apt and my girls mom and my mom had them at the same time.. yesterday I took my mattress and sprayed bbug killer all over.. soaked it.

Caulk all cracks and crevices.. it helped for a while but they just KEEP REAPPEARING.

Ive never been more embarrassed in my life. Found one in my van. Psychology I'm so fucked up cause of them...... This is the very first time I spoke to anyone about this other than wifey.


Glad to do so, you are an ignorant scammer.

Am not 100% on this cuz yur pics suck but it appears to my bugfagness that you have baby beetle larvas there. Only 3 in a handful of months is not bedbugs.

Check electrical outlets and plugs too.

I never came closer to actually losing my mind than when these things nearly ruined my life. You're not alone.

Whatever you say bub.

They are cunts.

I am^
Is this close? Is carpet beetle larva.

Now your getting it my ignorant user.

Diatomaceous earth (Powder) is only effective against ants and roaches which have a high enough metabolism that when the exoskeleton skin's pierced they spurt blood and dehydrate.

Interestingly Roaches eat bedbugs which are unaffected by "powders'.

As my image points out I specialize in bed bugs which are now rated an American plague. unlike you generalized technician types who think Ortho bug be gone works every where.

But I won't tell you to KYS just because you get pissed when you are wrong.


>implying I'm using the same shit you buy at fuckin walmart

Phantom II is my gun, Temprid is my rifle. Kill yourself.

Dude, they are as close to you as they can possibly get, meaning, they are no tgoing to travel any farther than they have to to feed on you. Pull off your sheets, blanket, pillow cases etc, wash them all in hot water, they will be good. Now, use a small LED flash light if you have one, if not, a different one will work. Start on the top seam of the mattress, go all the way around it, look for a bunch of little black dots, this is their shit spots of your delicious blood. Keep going seam by seam, check between the mattress and box spring. Check the box spring. If you haven't found any of the shit groupings, I guarantee you do not have bed bugs. If you have found the shitty blood dots, well, get ready for the fight of your life. Do the seam check, this time, you will find the first little colony, and you will be disgusted. Use Raid bedbug spray, in the purple can. It will nuke the live ones on contact, but you have to find them first. Once you've nuked all live colonies, could be one, could be three, I don't know. Now you have the eggs to deal with. This is where the real fight is, you can't see the motherfuckers. The Raid says it work against eggs too but not too well if you don't know where they're at. Open windows and turn off fans and unload that spray on every inch of every seam of both mattress and boxspring, use two cans, I'm serious. It took me months to figure these fuckers out and develop a plan of attack but that's it. You'll see what I mean.

Are you really fucking implying that I'm using fucking DE? Please tell me you're not this autistic.

Go to the pet section of Walmart or a pet store and buy a big bag of shredded cedar. Lay down a layer of the shredded cedar underneath your bed, then underneath the mattress, and underneath your dresser. Go to the hardware store and in the home furnishings section buy a few packs of cedar chips in cloth bags, and put one in each drawer. If possible, get into your attic, and sprinkle more cedar shreds down inside the walls.
It doesn't kill them, but it makes the environment unbearable to them (and most other insects).

I did not imply it my illiterate technician user. I said it outright.

You said you use

>I use aerosol
>and liquid/dust treatments.

Nuff said GTFO!

8/10, had me going for a bit

Fuck off

OP if you cannot afford a professional who uses heat.

Caulk and foam the fuck outofevery hole floor and ceiling and locate the fuckers nests and use a heat gun or steam.

There is no easy fix for this and OTC crap IS NOT going to work at all.

>Fuck off
Whoa, found the insecure scamfuck "pest control tech."

Put this stuff every where it is like glass to them and it dries them out it is also safe for pets and you its cheap just buy a 5 pound bag and put everywhere

I've heard that supposedly works well for fleas on fur friends, too.

Aww ya missed quads by one.

I provided info and even my link in this very thread.

You provided: The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

This is a waste of time against anything other than Ants or Roaches. And even then you would need to know where they are traveling to and from.

Ya this stuff is great

>Whoa, found the jew
Fixed it for you.

Yes. Cheapest solution:

1. Throw out your mattress and box springs and move all the furniture, clothing and anything that hangs on or is bolted to the wall out to the lawn.
2. Spray down your entire carpet with a gallon of bed bug spray (available under the name "Hot Shot" at Home Depot/Lowes)
3. Put down a thick line of Diatomacous Earth (available at gardening supply shops, Home Depot/Lowes and Amazon) at the corner of your floor and walls. Place four plastic saucers (available at thrift stores for 1 dollar) on the floor and fill them with DE.
3. Thoughroughly clean your bed frame and then spray it down with Hot Shot bed bug spray (available at Home Depot). Reassemble and place each leg in the center of the DE-laden saucers.
4. Replace your mattress and box springs, first encasing them in bed-bug proof bags (available online and at many locations that sell mattresses).
5. Clean all furniture obsessively, spraying the undersides, cracks and crevices with bed bug spray, before returning them to your room.
6. Launder ALL clothing (dirty or not) by cycling them though the dryer in small loads under high heat for a minimum of 60 minutes, before returning them to your room or laundering as normal.

Keep a watch out, but you should NOT have any problems after that.

Your detection is broken, you autist.

Phantom II, Tempo 1% dust, and Temprid SC is the best combination of chemicals to do the job as long as you're getting to every crack and crevice they could hide in or move to/from. I've done far more bedbug work with those and have gotten those sweet results. Only time it didn't work was because of scummy landlords/tenants who didn't cooperate lol.

But believe what you want at this point.

^This. Also make sure to treat around frames, outlets, switches, etc near beds and furniture. While your at it, take advantage if the summer heat and bag up items that can fit in a black trash bag and set them out in the sun for a couple days.

I give up.

Hey OP enjoy your eternal bed bug infestation DE won't do fuck all, and Hot Shot is about 10% effective unless you live in a town of 800 that has never seen or treated abed bug problem before. ANY Chemical sprayed on eggs will create an immunity in the very next generation of bed bugs.

So unless you get very lucky? Yours are already immune.

They can be killed by the dryer cycle because they die at temperatures above 194 degrees f.

That again is the ONLY 99% effective treatment and it will have to be repeated several times.

Remember on Sup Forums The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

I was willing to post my website are any of these other asshats?

>p-please come to my company, guise, we're not like those OTHER techs ;_;

OP here. It's driving me nuts that I can't identify this little shit. I don't think it's bedbugs now at least (thank god)

I found this combo effective as well, I would use the same spray pattern for carpet areas as if I was treating for fleas (checkerboard). Most of the time if it didn't work, it was cause east side nigs don't know how to listen.

It probably isn't bed-bugs, it looks to me like carpet beetles. They're little buggers who eat the skin and paper of exhibits in museums, have you moved a stack of books recently? They're annoying but harmless.


OPs camera is trash

I do almost all crack-and-crevice with it. Dust behind outlet covers and light switches, unless you want to heat the place the old fashioned way!

The lesson here is thus:
Don't bring black women home with you. Especially don't let them into your bed.

I doubt OP is in Brooklyn the site was provided for credentials. While I have suggested professional help. I have also provided the ways that while time and labor consuming are more effective than the jerk who keeps suggesting DE or worse Cedar chips.

I had them a few years ago. They came from the house I was renting. That same house was also infested with cockroaches. Damn landlord wouldn't do shit so I don't feel bad for fucking him out of the last month's rent. Anyway those things can live in walls and power receptacles too. You really need to get rid of the mattress man, it's fucked. Wash all your clothes and sheets in hot water. Spray everything with bedbug spray. I had good luck with a gallon of store bought spray to keep from bringing them with me when I moved

>or worse Cedar chips
"Yess, yessss, deny simple, effective solutions that actually work!"
You're a real piece of work. Let me guess, you're unionized as well.

Well since you ask Union Dues which usally are less then private insurance almost always include full coverage insurance. Don't know what shit hole you run. I try to be fair and provide the very best to both my employees and my customers.

Those cedar shreds should be good as bedding for the gerbil you are going to stick up your ass later. But they are not going to scare off bed bugs because they smell. You can smear menthol on yourself to stop the bites but that gets old pretty quick.

Fuck off shill. this is how i managed to end an infestation that had been ongoing for more than a year. The hot shot kills the older bugs, then the hatchlings can't feed and starve to death before ever getting their first meal. The DE kills any that try to crawl through it (have found the dead bugs a few inches past the line of DE)

It's not easy or pretty, but it's effective and relatiely inexpensive. If I or anyone else could afford the dosh to pay for your services, ithen they could affor to simply move into a new place and replace the bed (which are ALWAYS) beyond salvage).

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Including your disavowal of the methods presented here.

Basically, you can't call me a liar without calling yourself one.

Certainly I can.

I provided links to back up my advice.

You just typed some bullshit with your cum covered fingers.

Bed Bugs.... 1 in every 3 people have them. Most have no symptoms. If your very comfortable with your sexual partner you could tell them however I usually don't say anything. I don't fuck if I am having an outbreak.

You're a shit specialist then. Diatomaceous Earth works wonders on bedbugs and is cheap. Stick to shit you're good at being through your wet sopping mouth hole.

I provide links to a free PDF with step by step instructions that actually work.

You recommend chalk that rarely does.
