Shit like this pisses me off. It always comes across as passive aggressive

Shit like this pisses me off. It always comes across as passive aggressive.

Anyone elses' gf do this?

You scare her, op. You think small shit like this is passive aggressive no wonder she doesn't wanna confront your ass about it herself. It's clear that she's just trying to be cute too while also asking if you could do something that she'd rather not do.

Yeah, OPs a dick. /thread

Because she's implying that you can't do it without her help. She thinks you're retarded user.

get with a guy instead, they can take out the trash themselves without excuses.


Fucking whiny bitch could've taken the garbage out already with the time she decided to use writing and drawing that shitty arrow.

see but that's the thing she has no reason to be. im super polite and kind to her, i never yell or get upset and im constantly supportive... theres no need for this.

I'd say it's a mix of helpfulness (I know he'll forget, therefore, obvious note) and being annoyed with you because you're too busy doing whatever to come fix it immediately.

I'd be annoyed, but I think it's meant positively

why dont you take the trash out.

The real statement is, I imagine OP rarely helps around the house / apt, and the gf is just trying to get him to start helping.

OP is the trash

don't listen to these nogf virgins.
i feel the same way about this kind of shit or when she uses that soft tone to talk about shit she thinks might piss me off, like i'm a child.
If I talk to her about this shit the waterworks start.
No good solution op.

The whole white board thing is super passive aggressive. My old roommates had a problem with everything I did and were to bitch to ever say something about it but always were able to write it on the fuckin white board

As he says, you might have already done it in the time you made this thread

Have you ever met a girl?

op, you are a lazy piece of shit. you dont deserve a gf

get rid of the dry erase board and just take out your garbage you laze fuck

so true.
she's absolutely incapable of communicating with words and has to write notes and shit. not once have i ever gotten upset or given attitude or expressed any unhappiness when asked to do something.

I'm happily married, so yes, I've meet at least a few in my life.

That's not being passive aggresive. "Guess I'll take out the thrash because no one else does it" is being passive aggresive. You seem to have a cute girl, she seems to have an asshole for a boyfriend.

>happily married
>browses Sup Forums
>browses Sup Forums
yeah i´d like to see some proof big guy

ive met your wife, shes nice.

Why don't you just destroy the whiteboard and confront her about how she should just say shit to you directly. Obviously this bitch wrote it there for you because she's a coward to ask you in person to throw it out because she knows that she can do it herself but is too lazy to do it.

You were probably at work, you over-sensitive bitch.

I leave notes like this all the time because my wifes schedule and mine are slightly different. It's not passive aggressive, you're just holding onto old grudges and assigning them fresh faces everytime she mildly annoys you.

She's communicating with you about her problems, you go on some website for your problems. Guess who's the one that can't communicate?..

Interesting that nobody has asked why she didn't just take it out herself.

exactly, femfags

Just take the trash out, you lazy faggot.

What takes longer. Her finding the marker to write a message after you've thrown it into the trash. Or her taking the trash out herself...

My wife does that shit. More time is spent on the fucking note than just doing the damn task themselves...

but then they wouldnt get that satisfaction they crave of holding some dumb shit over your head. (While you think of all the things they forgot but you didnt say shit to them because you're not a bitch)

Why don't you just take out the trash you unobservant bitch?

another question then, is the bull black?

No but it's OK cause there's a heart drawn, so it comes from a place of love.

Would you also like her to fix the car and unclog the drains?

You should be with a girl who is a do'er and not a complainer.

And know why gender rolls the way they are.

Siding needs fixing. Men do that.
Roofs leaking. Men do that.
Drains clogged. Men do that.
Lawn needs mowed. Men do that.

Dishes need cleaning/put away. Women do that.
Floors need cleaning. Women do that.
Ya get the point. But given the chance most women sit on jewbook and instagay while watching teen mum and house wife's of Canada. And not doing shit all day. But bitch how you never do anything to help around the house...

just fucking take the trash out
this is not a good hill to die on

This post is mine


Faggot you need a girl to chase after you to do chores, like she is your fuckin mother. Be a fuckin man and handle your shit instead of forcing your gal to chase up after your ass.

Just grow the fuck up and take the trash out before she even mentions it. She'll be happy about it and you will be less of a cunt

I cannot believe this post didn't score at least quints. Great truth.

>passive aggressive
You need help if you think this is passive-aggressive, and coming here to complain about it is even more pathological. should get some counseling.

i dont get it... just take out the fucking trash???
if this simple task is enough to annoy you then you're not gonna do very well at all in an actual functioning relationship where requests are more difficult than this simple task.

the bitch goes through the effort of writing a shitty message when she coulda spent that time taking out the trash herself.
I'd be pissed too

choose your battles dude. this is some low quality shit to get uppity about. this is a really really dumb thing to show her you're a lazy good for nothing slackjaw that can't do the simplest of household chores. she'll leave you for chad who can bench 3 full trashcans at once

Two kinds
Of people.

I'm curious as to the personality types each poster has along with their views on the situation..

ENTP here. Believes the time she took to write the note. Could of at least tied the bag and put it outside the door nearest to the bins, if not just carry them to the bins.

No, really just the one. Lazy faggots who think that walking outside to the garbage bins is just as easier as grabbing a marker and writing on a whiteboard on her way out the door.

Just fucking take the trash out and stop bitching about having to pitch in around the house once in a while. She probably does everything else anyways. You're telling me you can't do this ONE THING without throwing a temper tantrum?

Wow this fucking thing is the most American bullshit I keep observing from you dumb people. Seems like you still haven't figured out what equality means.
If you realise that the fucking floor is dirty and you don't do it, then you're an ignorant fuck, don't expect someone to do it for you.

And this guy has a shitty relationship and doesn't want to accept he's the main reason.

you guys seem to think that this is the first time this has happened or that i never help or anything... lastnight she wrote me a night asking "what do you want for supper?" like i was gonna fuckin reply on the board. its childish to me.

choosing battles fag here.
she's testing your manhood and your listening abilities. if you won't do something as simple as this when she wrote a nice note asking you quite nicely to do a simple chore, then she's gonna look at this as you can't even do this then what other even more important things are you just going to ignore? this one isn't worth it if you love her. obviously she should stop being a bitch and just do it herself, but that's not the situation and women don't think like men. if you want to live with them you have to play their games the same way they have to tolerate the dumb shit they think you do that you don't think is dumb yourself. relationships are nothing but back and forths of tolerating the other's dumb quirks and working with them. if this is too much then your relationship is doomed.

Taking out the garbage isn't a big deal in itself. At least it shouldn't be. It's the fact that I'm the only one who ever does it that pisses me off.

When I get the "can you take the trash out" note, it's like she is pre-emptively excusing herself from the task. If I pulled this shit on her, i imagine she'd whine like a stuck pig. In the end I'd still have to take the garbage out myself.

On top of that we have 3 cats. That means about 20 kilos of piss'n'shit'n'gravel per week. She insists on cleaning the litterbox herself, because you never know when you'll need ammunition in an argument about who does more in the house. It's always dumped into a bag that could burst any second. She knows it won't be her problem.

Don't even get me started on dishes.

She's trying to be cute. But it is childish. Female autism is extremely under diagnosed.

lol I use to do this to my bf all the time as a 'fuck you'. Stopped me from bashing his stupid fucking skull in for doing dumb shit.


when you grow up and get older you'll realize that some tasks will be your job while other tasks will be your wife's job. this is such an easy job i'd be happy i get this one tbh. could be much shittier

Then you clean the litter and make her take it out? Your acting like a little pussy.

Your not the one scooping through the piss and shit, having to breathe it in. double bag it so its doesn't spill, how you complaining over the easy job.

trash is considered a heavy lifting job. kitty litter is considered a nurting taking care of the pets job.
>men lift women sift.
get used to it

if you're worried about the trash bag breaking open and piss litter falling all over the place. then just take the entire can out bag and all and transfer the bag from the inside can to the outside can right there. simple. or buy less shitty quality trash bags. simple.

I agree with you..

I also believe in the amount of time it takes you to tell someone to do some simple task. You could of done it instead. To me I hate being told what to fucking do. Like your my manager or something. Or you're better then me. That shit just don't fly with me. Ask me "hey user can we alternate who takes out the trash on a weekly basis, you this week. Me the next?" not "do this because I'm too much of a lazy basic white bitch who can't do anything for herself, you're lucky my mom still does my laundry otherwise you'd be doing it because I never learned how to operate the damn machine!" /blogpost

you'll be a virgin for a long time. cya in wizard robes

can you take the garbage out? you can? than take the fucking garbage out you stupid fuck.
I swear you assholes who bitch about this insignificant crap piss me off to........
ah, just fuck you.

When you get into an actual relationship with a real human being you might hope they have a sense of cooperation.

In the mean time enjoy the tendies you mom serves you.

The most annoying thing about it is that they took the time to write it out and draw little pictures when it would have taken the same amount of time to just take the trash out herself.

I'm not even a virgin m8. Kek I just don't put up with first world women mentality. I'll unclog the drain, fix the door, repair the car. But if you don't ask me. And tell me to do it. Shit. Guess you're just out of luck cause it aint getting done.

Depends on the circumstance. Where is the trash bin/dumpster? Am I leaving first and it's closer to my car than home? Is she leaving first and just didn't want to do it? I need feminism because women can take out the trash too. Just joking. I need feminism about as much as I need a hole in my forehead.

....So she really does do everything else around the house and your sole responsibility is to take the trash out?

What a horrible life you lead. I can only imagine the endless suffering you must endure on a daily basis.

Thanks. There's two types of people in this thread. And you're one of those with a pair of balls.

She does it herself so she can bitch about it later.
I never said i wouldn't do it.

I'm the one double bagging it because she can't get that right.

This is fantasic advice

the compactor is about 100 steps away and she left first.

except women only want equality when it benefits them which != equality.

Dude...putting up with this is such a small cost for vagina. Stop being a douche, take the trash out, and smile/whistle while you do it.

You're right she is testing him. But you're wrong as to the motive. It's not to see if he can't do something small how could he do something big. The test is how fucking far can I push shit with him. Shes seeing how much of a fucking door mat you will allow yourself to be to her most asinine requests.

I do the majority of the housework. You are taking one example to paint a whole picture.

it's a bitchy thing to do. get another girl lined up behind her back then kick her out on her ass without warning for maximum effect

lol, then it's annoying.

I'm with ya bro. These other faggots in here are all pussy whipped bitches. I have no problem doing shit but don't think you can fucking command me.

You probably could have taken out 1 years worth of trash in the time that you have spent bitching about it here.


Maybe you should just take the fucking garbage out when its full like an adult and she wouldnt have to notify you when its full you oblivious cumstain.

when my ex started doing this shit, I had to sit her down and explain to her that if She sees something that needs to be done, SHE needs to do it.

Fucking this. Grow up and get some perspective, OP.


I wonder why, you seem so charming.

>I'm happily married, so yes, I've meet at least a few in my life.
You've met only one, as far as that comment was concerned.
As far as we know, you haven't met a single damn human being, yet alone a girl, in our whole, entire life.

>she buys another one
>Don't throw away my dry erase boards, please.

Anyone ever have an I'll do it one week, you do it the other thing worked out? Do you ever get stuck taking twice as much stuff out because they never do their share?

>' gf
Can't formulate an opinion without seeing her tits

Yeah being with women is definitely an American thing. We can't all live in a gay eutopia like eurotrash.

I'm typically the type of person to just do the shit that needs to be done before anyone has to take the responsibility to do it themselves. But to stand next to the trash that needs to be taken out, to write a note, to take out the trash would just piss me off. Id most likely just write no and see what happens. That's not a statement, it's a question.

Go outside. Get off the computer right now and go outside.

and take out the trash.

It's cool, OP. Your mom's a fucking bitch.
I told mine next time she goes to the store and comes back with pizza rolls instead of sticks, that I'll fucking punch her in the throat, dig up her mothers corpse, and fuck it right in front of her while she's still recovering from the throatpunch. Sometimes ya gotta make em recognize.

Having been with multiple women, you should try it sometime.

apparently you two have really shitty communication skills so she trying this method and you are to stupid to grasp it's concepts as well.

>Having been with multiple women, you should try it sometime.

You're just autistic then?

Truth hurts doesn't it?

If it has a penis its not a woman. Traps are gay.

lol whatever helps you sleep alone at night you virgin.