Sup Forums is filled with trap and "black men are superior bro we waz kangz fuk yo sissy white boi azz XDD" threads

>Sup Forums is filled with trap and "black men are superior bro we waz kangz fuk yo sissy white boi azz XDD" threads

how did we fall from grace

You realize that the nig superiority threads are bait tho right?

Hasnt it always been literal cancer?

He doesn't cause he's a triggered nigger.



its shit tier bait

b is always filled with porn and dumb shit because teenagers are young, dumb, and full of cum.

>how did we fall from grace
>from grace

We didn't realize there were even lower rungs of Hell.


We still have a long way to go

Oh look, it's another "I miss the old Sup Forums" thread.

Still better than 9Gag.

I miss the old Sup Forums from a few weeks ago.

Sup Forums was always cancer

oh, yeah! I miss when it was all MLP\cats and boxxy threads...those were the days.

In the beginning, we all fell.
Then our wings were cut off, deep fried, and spread around the world for the little brats to eat.

McDonalds holy chicken wings with szechuan sauce, available till the aryan race is extinct.


You just missed a Reimu Thread..

>Szechuan sauce joke

Oh damn


Sup Forums was ok untill it became the mainstream the to-go page for edgy teens.