White people thread

White people thread.

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>i don't understand
>so im gonna chalk it up to race

in all seriousness why are we so cringey?

>implying any other race does this shit 90% of the time

For fucks sake.


whats so bad about this?



White people are cringy, but that's part of who we are.


that is fucking awesome

niggers will never shoot anything besides anotha brutha


That is fucked up.

holy fuck

you're a faggot dude

>defending blatant cringe




sheltered upbringing and deep seeded homosexual desires

I dunno bruh, probably the same reason we see
black photos like this. I'm fed up too

Thats a hunter thing they either bite the liver or heart



Nothing, it's just super cringe.



He should start asking questions


because you associate with the cringey ones
if you don't consider them part of the we, and think of them as isolated cases of cringe
then you won't be subconsciously predisposed to cringe as there isn't a overbearing feeling of cringe by association

>neet anti-white poster thinks this is weird
not surprised

>most white ppl voted for trump

That's not a bad example. Especially if you're comparing net worth.

Only stupid faggots care about stupid faggot traditions.

Grow the fuck up.


soo......this is a cringe thread?


you forgot hoops

Cause the lil tard is glorifying a serial killer

but muh culture




same reason why theyre literally taking all our women

It is weird, you gay fuckin cowboy.

Goddamn. Seriously you guys are embarassing as fuuuuuck. Do you not realize that everyone is laughing at you?


and i let them if i can watch or hear



Fake gay shit is fake and gay.

Yeah pic is awkward as fuck, yet at least the motherfucker has an apparently good relationship with his dad. Know why white people do this shit? Because we know we're superior, don't care what shitskins do or think. Live your life enjoy it. Fuck all what niggers are fed up with l




Who said i care tho?
Why are you getting so asshurt?

Same reason why trump constantly says dumb shit and not even realize it. Because we have a skewed view on reality due to white privilege.

John you need to pick up a hobby bro.


does white girls that what black guys count?

This cuck thing as well as the PC thing is so blown out of proportion.

I've never met a girl that has been with or wants to be with a black person. It's just a basic instinct. Most black girls I've met choose white guys 10/10 times.

I've also only met a handful of PC people and most were in the liberal arts college I went to for two years before transferring.

The girls I know my proxy that have had a kid with black guys are single moms and get triggered when they see the way I am with my daughter. They try to hitch their kid to my wagon so I can be some father figure because she made a mistake despite what her friends all told her. It's crazy how they don't even pursue child support or pressure the black father to be in the kids life. Most of them know better.



fucking kek

An absolute classic

Gotta love the POC ignorance in this one. Eating the heart of the animal youve killed isn't even a white tradition.

You can see in his broken smile and red face hes hiding all of his pain


>Literally taking all

Get the fuck of the internet for an afternoon for fuck sakes.

How does it feel to be out numbered then?

if its anecdotal to you, it must be true. Not.

Im a white girl and id date a black guy if there were any in my town in a heartbeat.

OC from my dating profile


Today Sup Forums has ruined for me: Tom Scott


X-tians are cringe

Yo, I audibly gasped.

why are white men sexual deviants?


But statistics show that:

1) Whites are the least gay race. Blacks are the most gay race, followed by mestizos and asians.

2) Whites are least likely to be transexual out of any race.

3) All of the strongest men in the world are white. Pic related.

Fucking niggers. Why are they so shit at memes?



Awesome digits.

I know a Hindu that voted for him

I'll just leave this here.


white people are so cringey it makes my white ass bleed

>whites are the least gay race.



>whites are the least gay race.

cmon now.

people here quoting strongman stats, crime stats, transgender stats. That's not what this thread is about. We are not a cool race. We do weird, uncool shit all the goddamn time and I wish we could stop but I know it will never happen.

yeah, hindus hate muslims. I know a few that were intrigued by trump's open bashing of islam, a couple of sam harris liberals too. Even a broken clock is wrong twice a day, and all that.

Read the study. Black boys are the most gay race. Whites are the least gay race.

You sound like a lying cunt.


Most of these are pretty bad but this one is metal as fuck.

white power!!!
she is got me by my cock

This is fucking sad...

>We do weird, uncool shit all the goddamn time

You haven't spent enough time around niggers. As someone who grew up in a town that is 50% black, and went to public school, I can assure that niggers are way, way, way worse in every imaginable and conceivable way.

Well, mental illness is usually hereditary