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Cheers. Good on you.
It;s not like I wanna fuck the sheep, it's supposed to be snuggle cucking because I want to feel her soft fluff in a warm embrace. But that's interesting...I'll think about it!
I agree with you, it's very possible that she's a terrible person. We're on the same page here, but all I have to go on is you telling me that she is. If she's as shitty as you claim, you shouldn't have to work so hard to persuade me and tell me about it. It should be fairly easy to see, which it isn't. And that makes me skeptical to your claims.

Requesting a cute thicc Polar Bear girl sitting on top of a massive turd she laid that is in the shape of an iceberg, with most of the behemoth below the surface of the water. Maybe have an anthro Orca girl swimming around near the bottom of it looking puzzled too.

Loli Edition

taking requests

>tfw rejected by christian minister after he fucked you on a yacht
>tfw it's part of the damn game
if she's sitting on the turd... then how did she get to that spot in the water in the first place...

i am definitely taking requests

They're not lolis if I don't wanna sleep with em just want to tuck them in

no you're not

Could we get a sheep pov blowjob?

Draw Deli.

i was lurking but i was serious about requests

there was a pokemon chick, and someone else;

i need them for reference, user

Letting poke-requests know i'm working on tsareena, with banette and salazzle afterwards. Just eating breakfast~

Doing requests

not lewd, maybe a little

A Genestealer

Posting a metal as fuck one someone made last night.

>if she's sitting on the turd... then how did she get to that spot in the water in the first place...
She was floating in the water when she passed it.

>i am definitely taking requests
Please take mine.

Breakfast huh? You some sorta non American

To that dude who asked if I'm blind

I don't consider asking for a request every once in awhile or drawing art that personally doesn't appeal to me worthy of hatred honestly

reference mang

art of this lady please

Maybe...although I'm not too keen on lewds. I'll see once my tablet starts working again.

Eterna lifting her dress up to reveal she's one of those spider monstergirls

jesus christ, her ribs are smashed in.. fine, hold on
good god, you could've at least said she was on a small island..

Check the thread

Requesting Rukia doing something cute/cool with any pokemon in the spreadsheet below
Pokemon: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y6I0a_8jXF4isxPYXyMeRgWtqThR7fS5-v33GuFIkV8/edit?usp=sharing
Rukia refs: imgur.com/a/qItQA

I would love you so much if you did, if not thanks anyways keep up the cute art

The one on the left getting a sleepy diaper change, plz.

Draw Winona Ryder letting me eat her sweet pussy

>good god, you could've at least said she was on a small island..
What difference does it make?

As far as I can tell she's goo and based on a Binding of Isaac Boss

Gosh you're a sweetie. Thank you.

just don't draw Bawble again.

I remember requesting that
I miss Rin


oops forgot picture;
ok user ill draw'er

This user is correct. Deli is a slime-girl.


that's trinket.

a soaking wet bear on a pile of turds? all the feces would dissolve a bit into the fur. could've at least made her dry so it wasn't as damaging to her clean fur.
which isaac boss? if it's from the first, i have no idea.

forgot to link, whoops



It's not a pile, it'd just be one single fat turd. And maybe she dries fast. Maybe the turd isn't particularity wet so no dirty marks.

Hey Shadow how come you bailed last night when I asked you a question?

whats the difference between a singular turd and a plural of turds

Delirium. The true final boss in afterbirth+. Though some weird shit people waifued it and Deli was born

>mfw I just told the fatass artist off
>mfw she was my friend
>mfw I'm trying to win her back
>mfw it fucking failed
>mfw I have regrets
>mfw I fucking shouldn't drink

that explains why i don't know it. i haven't seen much on afterbirth+. jesus christ, they fucked waifued the shit outta that boss
but user, you never told me off...

hilda is now added to the cast


Is good, thank.

And Deli is an "anthro" version of Delerium, a boss added with Afterbirth+


almost drew her too fast

The bawble artist.


did a thing

Nigga did you ever check his dumblr?

oh, i see. ya gotta be super specific next time
looks nice!

Uh, a single turd vs. multiple turds?

Why are you discussing this anyway? You aren't gonna draw it.

awesome job!! thank you

Oh wow, I remember making this. Good times.

requesting tharja putting on lipstick


guess ya got me while i was asleep



So uh...how's the thread

I hope you don't get offended, but I did request that again on /trash/ and got a delivery there to. Want to see how it looks?

draw hips as a smashbros character

Ayyy a 40kfig. I honestly like the look of hormagaunts better than Genestealers.

Taking requests n things.

go for it
it's not gonna bring me any lower than i already am mate

im distracting you while also using you to distract me from what im drawing right now. two birds with one stone
nice job, fuckface

Oh wow

I didn't think it would actually get done. Thank you so much photoshop user!

Well this is it. Same concept, different board and artist. Thoughts?

>im distracting you while also using you to distract me from what im drawing right now. two birds with one stone
Okay? Not sure what you're distracting me from, but okay.

um.. i'm distracting you from... massive turd posting...
scratch that, im mostly just using you as an excuse to procrastinate on art.

thats the same one you posted last time you asked

I thought the purple turd coming out had a bone in it but that's her other leg. Still hard to unsee.

Request from Steam.

taking more requests.

Like a real one, or a rule 63'd one?


Oh. I didn't think I showed you it before. Still, thoughts?

Idk who you are but I love you

>um.. i'm distracting you from... massive turd posting...
By talking about it? Also I made my request for this thread, not making any more. Not that it will get drawn but it's nice to have hope.

>scratch that, im mostly just using you as an excuse to procrastinate on art.
Why don't you just draw, user? Doesn't have to be my request. Just draw something.

Kek, I see it too now.

>Tfw I always miss the beach edition threads and decide to just draw it on my own merits

Hi thread.

>mfw I just caused bawble to probably cry
Feels good to knock a drawfag down a notch!


I'll fuck YOUR face... with violence

i'd prefer not to think about it

Hi! Are you looking for something to draw?

will do a request or something.

Because of the scat or because of how it looks compared to the one you drew?

Yeah, shoot.

Aww that's cute. Hello Nameless.

Depends on what kinda stuff you're okay with drawing.

Lewd the Persona cat.


who wants requests

I'm kinda not sure if you'd want to. I just thought your artstyle would make it look cute.

can it be both already
i'm already crying my loins out and now i'm getting pressured into some shit critique of my own phone drawing

dude shes barely gotten a whisper this thread, I don't think is gonna do shit.