Anyone feel worthless and talentless? Basically, I feel disposable. I can be replaced at anytime - by my girlfriend...

Anyone feel worthless and talentless? Basically, I feel disposable. I can be replaced at anytime - by my girlfriend, by my friends, by my job. The funny part is: I just graduated from law school (graduated in the bottom 25% though). I can't play an instrument. I suppose I know a lot of history and philosophy, but every internet intellectual can keep up with a historical or philosophical conversation. It's not impressive at all. I just feel like a cog in the machine, basically. I'm easily replaceable by immigrants. I'm easily replaceable by other workers. I'm easily replaceable by other men. Is this what alienation is? General purposelessness? Knowing that you will amount of nothing, and you'd be forgotten in a few weeks after death? I'm not depressed or anything. But reflecting on the idea, I'm pretty fucking worthless.


I'm pretty much the same, except I don't have a law degree and I'm extremely depressed.

It is funny when you think about it.

I'm a software developer, but I'm a mediocre software developer at best. I feel like I could've been a genius at SOMETHING, this just wasn't it.

How old are you?

Same here. I didn't want to go to law school. I wanted to go to graduate school. I could've done something really great there. I knew I could have. I love philosophy and history and religion. I have every since I was young. Law wasn't it. It was a fucking waste of time and energy. So much went into it. I mean, I'm fine and all. I just feel like I wasted something.

As old as the last two digits on your post.I'm not going back to school unless/until I get fired.

Insignificance is the great liberator. All that bullshit noise about accomplishing things wears out on everyone at some point.

Welcome to the real world, gentlemen. Glad you could join us.

The nihilism sets in hard, man.

Feels bad.

It's all how you look at it. Stop looking for a great purpose in life. Live week to week and be a good human to yourself and others. Laugh. Enjoy moments. Cherish memories. We only get one shot at this. Don't waste it on feeling down about yourself.

I came from the game industry. Got laid off, and felt useless. My own industry didnt help me much or absorb me elsewhere like I thought it would. More I thought about all those fresh college grads with higher skills than me out of college than I did.. And I really started to feel shitty. I became anti-competitive, and receded away from it all together. Always a better artist or programmer looking to get in with high energy and fresh blood.

You are the most advanced technology on this planet

Lately I've been finding comfort in knowing that all of us will be dead and as time passes none of whatever we have done with our lives will matter. I mean the vast majority of us anyway. And what with getting older, more tired, dead inside and sick of it all I'm starting to look forward to that sweet release.

You have infinite potential

What a lie that is.

You can not be replaced. It is impossible.

OP, you must first define goals in your life. Some people are OK not achieving anything, but you are not one of them if you have this mindset. Spend as much time as you need thinking about what you actually want, and take it from there. You are jumping the gun.

I had a similiar crisis recently (are you in your mid-late 20s?) and you have to really weigh what you will settle for now vs what you want in the future

I like you.

If you have a girlfriend, friends and a job youre already doing better than 75% of people on here so trust me stop letting anxiety get to you and be yourself.

I love you.

I hope you find justice.

Nope. Just optimistic outlook.

More like a platitude for faggots.

Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.

Ok Kim

Right. Life is just the worst. Kill all the plants and animals before you kill yourself. Goyim.

Not realizing your own limitations, and ever human has them is an incredibly foolish, delusional and immature outlook. It's also pretty faggy.

You are a bitch
Try to be a good person bitch

And you are a naval gazing new age faggot.

like op said, set some goals. I feel this way often. It comes and goes. I know that dwelling on it will not bring satisfaction. Pick up a new hobby. Everything in the world gets replaced eventually. The only thing you and I can do is satisfy ourselfs (without hurting others.) Whenever this thought pops in my brain I acknowledge it, and let it pass on. Don't be attatched to it. attachment brings suffering.

Nice trips bitch

They don't lie faggot.

Ok Buddha.

It is possible that this is just a simulation by a higher form of life that wants to rid it's universe of carbon life.

I'm a genius and programmer. It's overrated.

So what, bitch?

Life will kill me eventually anyway so no need to do it myself.


That's a cop out. Invent immortality.


Fuck that. Who'd wanna live forever anyway? Sounds like torture.

I've lived for 36 years and it's been torture enough already the whole way.

I hear ya. Wait till you get to 40. Cheer up it only gets worse.

You are not ready for immortality

I believe you.

if the sun basically exploded, killing all life on earth, it would amount to nothing. the universe wouldn't be affected by a bunch of pathetic runts dying in fire. All humans are equally insignificant, yet we still move on. So who gives a shit about girlfriends, jobs, immigrants, death, alienation, or friends? We all die eventually, nobody is special.

So be a cog in the machine. you may not do anything new or special, but at least you're serving a purpose.

now please quit your bitching

True but seeking purpose is overrated.

>Anyone feel worthless and talentless?
Yes, but I know that I'm worth much and talented.

I want that bike, then the universe will have meaning.

I feel talented but slightly worthless.

I feel you I'm 31 and the only 3 things I'm good at are playing guitar, skateboarding and taking a beating at bdsm party's, I'm unemployed, Im missing my gf, she is currently working in Germany and withe the exception of fixing cars and the hobbies I stated above I sucks at every thing I do. I know no one I went to school with will miss me they where all pricks I hated the lot of them with a seathing vengeance & now go out of my way to avoid those kuks, & not gonna lie but I'm glad I live in a country where I don't have access to gun cause I probably would of tried to set a high score when I was younger

No. I could end up being worthless, but not talentless.

But you know OP, the earlier you learn and stumble and fuck up with an instrument, the better the odds are you keep the ability to at least play an instrument. Having philosophical or historical discussions shouldn't just be about impressing someone; we're anonymous. Immigrants are immigrants; you can be replaced by other men or workers as much as you can be replaced by an immigrant, even more than an immigrant who has the skills.

Really, it's about trial and error. You can't get better unless you literally, actually try and fuck up a couple of times. Maybe a lot of times.

Not quite.
>General purposelessness
You're just having an existential crisis, that's normal and expected.
>Knowing that you will amount of nothing
You made it further than kids who drink bleach or play with fire. You graduated law school and most likely at least have job prospects of some sort.
>forgotten in a few weeks after death
Well, that's the fate of most people, there are so many faceless people you'll never know about who died long, long ago. Probably right where you are, their bones right under your feet.

FUCK serving a purpose op should do something for themself to keepisode them happy

To not suffer eternal, you would need to change your state of being from that of a man to something else. To what degree depends, but further than that of a man. Because if you don't, you will still age in mind if not through body. And you will be small, and shaped like that of a man. And your mind will be still be limited by the shape of man. And you will run out of space. And you will forget. And you will be at the mercy of forces still greater than you. And you will walk the abstract line between mortal and immortal. And other men will hate you. And you will not belong anywhere. Your nature will not take the shape of the environment, but remain in the shape of a disjointed man. And things will die. And you will forget. And then you will not understand the rest, still only being able to understand like that of a man, teased by the promise of more. And you will be buried alive. And you will lie there. Forever. Buried. Adrift. Unable to remember.



I am very good at what I do too. I have an MBA from a good school and I can GUARANTEE that was in the bottom 1% who managed to squeak by in my class. It's not the grades you make but the hands you shake. You need to get the term "worthless" out of your head right now. You aren't worthless. Now just move forward. Don't move from dishwasher to CEO overnight, but keep moving forward. Get a job and be willing to do more than the other guys do.


Everybody is. That's what you got to work hard and improve yourself to actually become "irreplaceable ".
You seem to care a lot about others depending on you so you know what you got to do