Okay, so a buddy of mine is wanting to trade off his Winchester Ranger 30-30 (the one in the picture)...

Okay, so a buddy of mine is wanting to trade off his Winchester Ranger 30-30 (the one in the picture), complete with about 147$ worth of ammo.
Would a Walther p22 and a Kel-tec p11 be a good trade for it?
If not, how much ammo should be tossed in to make it a fair trade?
>inb4 wrong place
Faggots in the right places wouldn't give me an answer

Other urls found in this thread:

google.ca/search?rlz=1C1AWFC_enUS728CA733&q=Kel-tec p11 price&oq=Kel-tec p11 price&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l3.92876.94694.0.95151.

P22 and $150 would be a good trade

i dont have many guns...i have exactly two...and this 30 30 is one of them...definitely did a double take...are they considered good guns? i inherited mine

So I take it would the two pistols be too much? How much would I be getting screwed over if I traded 'em for it and the the ammo?

Keep the lever and save money to buy a good handgun and not be a faggot buying kel tec.
>buy a P226 or a glock

Well they are awesome for hunting, either deer or bear. He already has a 7mm he uses for hunting and he's interested in getting some more pistols in his collection so...

>Kel-tec p11
Wanting to trade A big boy rifle for a .22 lr pop gun and a shit low cap 9 milli.

Look, the guy is wanting to trade it out, just need to know if money wise, the rifle for the pistols add up to around the same or not.

Depends on the condition. Assuming both are 85-plus, it's a good deal
Also, why would you ask Sup Forums instead of /k/?

google.ca/search?rlz=1C1AWFC_enUS728CA733&q=Kel-tec p11 price&oq=Kel-tec p11 price&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l3.92876.94694.0.95151.

He already has a 7mm he uses for hunting, he just wants a few more pistols.

Do you have a newer/better carry gun than the p11? Because if so I'd say that and a couple boxes of ammo would be a fair trade.

I think 2 pistols is too much for what you're getting though. Keep the p22 for plinking funsies. Just out of curiosity, what would you sell the p22 for?

The ammo for one of the guns and thats it.
And the Kel tec is shit go see some reviews on it.

Shit I'd buy that, how much for a Sup Forumsro

The pistols are in great condition and so is the rifle, so is it about an even trade? Or is the rifle worth more?
Well, I did ask /k/, but the faggots didn't give me a single reply :/

Mine is prettier

The keltec p11 is less then 200$ and its got some mixed revews and small mag cap.
I am /k and they will tell you the same.
Keep the lever and get a big boy handgun.

cant you just blow him

Tis the season for summerfags on /k/, so they're kinda on edge because their sanctuary has been compromised. They'll calm down once the kids go back to school. Right now they're just being jerks.

Well I'm also in the market for a better pistol, I plan on getting one a little further down the road.
So just the p11 and some ammo would be a fair trade? About how much ammo should I throw with it?

I'm not too sure, it's worth around 350+ish right?

Do you know how much the Rifle is worth then? I kept finding really different prices

Not entirely sure, what would ya offer?

Psh, you don't even have a gold trigger yo

Actually I was wrong, the rangers in 30-30 are going for like $450. I had seen a Winchester in 30-30 go for like $189 at my lgs, so I assumed shit.It'd be a fair trade, but I wouldn't trade my carry gun unless I already had something better in the safe. Just my opinion. Good luck either way.

Thanks, I appreciate it!
