Am femanon

Am femanon.
Am bored.
Have provided tits.
lets talk.

What kind of fetishes you into and can you give us pics of your feet.

Very well. What could I post that would make you less bored?

Shut up cunt nigger faggot.
All I need is jeebus.

Nice tits, gotta Kik?

Bdsm/Kink and no.

gib me milkies plz mommy

I'm not sure actually. I think it would be fun to like actually talk to people but idk how that would work

Why? Are they amputated?

You into locking up cocks in chastity cages?

Hey baby, what brings you here?

Opposite way.

What is your favorite penis type?

Bc not everyone wants to take pics of their feet its weird

Male. Not dirty. Hard

C'mon. You know how to talk to people. Is there an image you would like to see? It could be anything.


ok let's talk, why have you let yourself go at such a young age, is it just pure laziness?

What talk about?

What is your favorite movie?

I mean like. Voice talk. And idk as for images I'd appriciate a good ol dank meme.

What's the most immoral or weird thing you've done to pleasure yourself? Or get pleasure from?

How are you today? Do you prefer cut or uncut?

What do you want to do, career-wise or just in life in general? Where do you want to be in a year?

Tits get you in the door. Show us your pussy and then we can talk.

Ok now you have my time baby
Let me see your ass pls

Nice legs bitch, where are you from?

OP is trap and gay

It is an odd kink that it seems many have. I personally don't get it. Love your pic, you obviously know the drill and started with everything you need. Chatting is hard on Sup Forums Like having a conversation in a crowd with everyone yelling around you and at you

Got kik.?

100% trap

amen brother

Could you give us more pics of yourself and also what is your favorite sex position?

You're surprisingly right, while also assuming wrong. I gained a lot of weight when I was a preteen/teen. I've lost like 40 pounds and I'm working to loose more. It's a work in progress, but this isn't letting myself go. This is taking myself back.


I'd really love for you to tease us, and show your asshole. I love female assholes. Or whatever gets you off OP.

I'm having a great night by the way. Hope you are too.

I lack faith, I require another with a time-stamp.

Show your pussy babe

What's the sexiest sex you've ever sexed?

But really, what do you think of dudes with motorcycles?

Not trap. If I were a trap I'd be way cuter.

Ever try hot wax? It's fun. You a sub, a bratty little, a switch, etc?

pls kill yourself live on webcam pls

i need to fap

If I where to float you down a river. How much buoyant force would I need to do it?

can i tribute your pics with my small cock?

Prove it

Need to see your cunny. If not, you're just a faggot pretending to be female...

I will figure out how we can all have an anonymoose audio convo online. I would give you my Skype, but it has my real name, so fuck that shit.

Like my D?

Post your damn feet. You think it's weird? Trying to solicit raging autists for serious conversation is weird. Get to posting

OP if i were in front of you, id take away your phone and start kissing your tits. Id suck on your nipples, and make my way down.

Forgot pic


Prove that you're not a trap whore .

OK Femanon, what do you thinks about incest? just asking...

fuck that kik shit. if you want to talk hit me up on fb. Blazed Pyro

Oooooo thanks for the idea. I will webcam :)

Anybody who wants to can like just sorta come talk in the


Is it okay if I see your face?

I must say, that is an outstanding vintage >Costanza.jpg.

how can my penis warrior enter your warm milk like holes ?


More BDSM. Ever try it?
Some seems very extreme

Why do you come to Sup Forums?

Show us, like this girl did for me the Other night.

whats your name

Did OP bail?

OP left, guys.

Nooooooo I'm here don't worry

You like this? do you even have a boyfriend or slave?

Refresh tits

Hey OP, is your surname the same of a famous Mafia man?


would you like more BDSM pics? I am intrigued by the bondage, tying up and restraint, but don't seem to respond to the hard core pain infliction. I can see this with gentle swats just to arouse and torment.


Maybe some clothes pins. Are these used for anything but BDSM any more?

You're boring.

my mom uses them to hang laundry outside

Do you like trump?

Clothes pins are nice. I like em

You just looked like someone i know.

Idk the mafia but i don't think you know me

Franklyorange for a good time baby

Yeah right

What is your opinion on big black dick? Is it the best?

Damn bro, I'm not even gay, but I'd like to hold and rub it for a bit just to feel what that wold be like to own!

That is pretty fucking gay.

Still there op?

How many kids do you have, and are any of them half black? I only ask because I'm about to cum.

Snapchat me babe. Nothingon69

Have you had them clamped to nipples? Labia? Are you experienced or curious?

You have interesting boobs, tell us, how many lovers have you had and what do you find more alluring during sex?


Anyway to contact you op?


She looks a lot like someone i know

>I'm not even gay, but I'd like to hold and rub it for a bit

Show butthole

Yes, u r gay

I'd love to stay up and talk with people but my shit life needs sleep so I can wake up to shit tomorrow. Have a good night though OP.

Maybe she is dozing off between postings... I think I would let her tie me down and clip clothespins to my scrotum. It would need to go somewhere from there, but I'm all tied up.