What are some clever ways you got back at a shitty landlord?

What are some clever ways you got back at a shitty landlord?

things other than hrrr... drrrr... don't pay rent

stab him

looking for things that won't be traced back to me afterwards

oh nobody on Sup Forums is clever tonight

ill try again later or tomorrow

If you know his full name and address, call,IRS, say you are him. Then say you recently found the Lord, you have cheated on your Tax Return for last four years and want to make it right give youna day to come in and get right withnthe Lord by paying your fair share of taxes. When lsndlord does not show for audit, the fun begins

wait until after you move out then go back and break the windows

I don't know why this made me laugh so hard.

Is this a house or an apartment?

This Motherfucker is vicious lol lol

single family house, single floor, no basement

Plant something illegal in the vents. Wait a few months and make an anonymous call.

Just stop paying rent, but refuse to move out. He'll have to go through a big long court process, which you can delay for quite a while by filing motions and counterclaims of your own.

Depending on your state, you could end up living there rent-free for 6 months to a year, if you're willing to put up with the whole court thing.

How many piss jugs will fit in the house?

Rape him. Male rape isn't real to society so his account will be discarded and mocked

Just try again in about 2 hrs when the ausfags are in full force.

The only time Sup Forums is ever just sorta OK.

Fuck Americans.

Move out. Or get the cops called on you repeditly if you are in a lease so they kick you out.

Ausfags are the Mexicans if the pacific

Paralegal user here

Don't try anything stupid. They will evict you and sue the fuck out of you for whatever you do.

If you're gonna fuck with them, fuck with them personally and not their properties

And in what ways would you suggest to fuck with them personally?

Same paralegal user here, this isn't true. You have to have valid reason to delay. Normally you won't unless you have a lawyer. If you refuse it'll go to trail and you'll get evicted immediately (which is really a 48 hour lockout)

Again, don't fuck with their property.

>just evicted a guy trying to do this today.

Why the fuck should I listen to you. Paralegal. You're like the janitor of the legal world. You don't know shit.

True, I'm just trying to help. But you're right actually I don't know all that much but I have friends that do

well this is fun - if you know his name and address, get a magazine or two, then fill out all the subscription request form him. they even pay postage. in 6 weeks he will have all kinds of magazines and shit, and it is a huge pain in the ass to get them stopped.

Not even traceable to you.

do this a lot.

yeah i've watched enough judge judy to know this is correct. There has to be a valid reason that the landlord knows about and is refusing to fix, and most importantly you have to put all the withheld money in an escrow account. You can't just not pay and then go blow your rent on crack or whatever.

>lol lol

Get a few fully grown German cockroaches and let them loose in or very near his house. These fuckers multiply like nobody's business and they're the hardest roach to deal with

Sign him up for a bunch of crazy porn mags.