Name my super ghetto pipe. make fun of me all you want but it works

name my super ghetto pipe. make fun of me all you want but it works

The Jizz Pump

Ok wtf is that

what the fuck was that before, a gas cylinder cover?

Was a tire thumper I stole from a friends brother

>tire thumper
wow i didnt know those still existed with gauges being like a dollar now

What is that a summer saussage? We can't even tell what it is you fucking idiot. Your picture, camera and life are crap. Get your shit together.

the better end. the other end is way to close

shit log

OP you fucking farm animal


A tire thumper lol. Did you Jack that out of the sidebox on a model t Ford?

the whole thing. I'm sorry i'm in a pinch.

Looks alright for being homemade. Call it the destroyer or something I dunno

if digits OP sticks it up his ass with timestamp

How did you drill it out?

with a fucking drill my nigga

>inb4 how the fuck did you afford the drill

it was free

you know.... i dig it. nicely done op

Someone who isn't retarded would name it thumper also only young white fags name their drug pipe funboi.

Dude what the hell you have a problem.

So you jacked that too. What a nigger.

make a bong


Was a hand me down from my mother

Don't have a slide or a metal tip for a pen. Plus I'm out of apples. Otherwise I'd use one.

honestly its pretty cool. you gota do what you gota do

garden hose

fuckers wide. i only a gram

only have. fuck and i'm sober as a judge right now.

You got a legit chuckle out of me OP

I think you should name it Adam West, cuz why the fuck not/

Are you fucking stupid? That wood isn't treated to be smoked from, you're jacking your lungs up

also fuck these motherfucking captchas

big conepiece
cut a circle out of a can, cut a pizza slice out then curl it into eachother.. do it real tight & careful not to cut urself then just cut the hole a little bit

Probably the funniest thing i have read today

those capchas suck... all of them suck, im not a goddman robot

pic related
if i'm gonna smoke I just wanna get high. fuck it if i die.
I like that name. Like a lot.
Switch to the better captcha in settings.

Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe?

Replied instead of a new thread friend?

it broke with 4chanx and im too lazy to fix it.


Yup, if you post with any frequency you have to do up to 7 of them. Clicking 5-6 times for each. It's a fucking joke.

Oh and we better just hope their algorithm is actually correct, so you don't do it perfect and fail anyways and have to do 3 more. For fucks sake. I fucking hate it.

what you dont have 10 bucks for a pipe?

How did you drill it so deep and straight with that drill?

Darwinism at it's finest

Smoke on, you dumb motherfucker. Smoke on.

have you ever used a drill before?

It's good wood and a good drill bit. I thought it was great. There's two ends because the other end is too close. I hit metal and flipped to the other side.
I barely had a few bucks for suckers.
I love you.

get a job faggot

I think I'm gonna test this thing out with my buddy. Girlfriend is gonna be over tomorrow to smoke too. Hit me up with some good names while I'm testing this big boy.

At least I don't complain about not having money for cigarettes. I'm not a complete degenerate.