Why are you against our debt based monetary system...

Why are you against our debt based monetary system? I hear all my liberal friends talk about this but they never talk about a better alternative. Is there anything better?

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Crypto-currency ass hat and iits realy not a liberal thing libertarian than anything else.


crypto is pegged to fiat

Not really It can survive on its own its based on data and not gold but its still backing

Fuck off with your anarchism.

I suggest you accumulate some gold. Just weight coins, no numismatic value associated. You can spend them in barter, or take them to a dealer to extract the cash value. Its better than a bank account, and you don't have to explain shit when you take some out. Keep it for your golden years- pun intended.

No you asshat.

Yes. Not debt based systems - so you only buy what you can actually afford, thereby breaking the stranglehold that private banking and credit issuing companies have on, oh, everything.

Yeah not really it's market based but for all practical concerns it's pegged to fiat.

How would the "little guy" "make it" if he can only spend what he has and not get a loan?

Fiat isn't based on gold(-reserves). Its worth is based on what the government/ financial institutions declare.

Crypto currencies have no backing either, it too is an illusionary belief in its value.

2008 didn't go far enough

We need an Evil Corp to crash the global system a few hold dear to exploit for their own riches.

Debt system is just to beat you into fear and submission. Scared people are easier to control and manipulate


If you cannot figure out a way to make it, then you don't. It's that simple.
You have to be inventive or persuasive, or both. All rewards and failures fall solely to what you yourself can do.

seen it Stop larping faggot.

If the economy were to reset then "the Little guy would be able to make it because it would be resetting the playing field.

As long as the U.S.A has an aircraft carrier in every corner of the globe, then what you call fiat is worth more than gold, kiddo.



dafuq. persuasive for what? to sell something you have no capital to afford because no one gave you a loan? Going public and selling stock should be the only way?
resetting the playing field to what?

>seen it Stop larping faggot
Was it too much for your little, imbecile brain?
Go figures

>As long as the U.S.A has an aircraft carrier in every corner of the globe, then what you call fiat is worth more than gold,

History has shown more than one (including contemporary times) that soldiers are just humans too. If they don't get paid or fed, or too much cruelty/stupidity based orders happen, they'll be the first to revolt

>dafuq. persuasive for what? to sell something you have no capital to afford because no one gave you a loan? Going public and selling stock should be the only way?
By persuasive, he means getting an investor to bankroll your business. In exchange he gets half the profits, or whatever you agree upon.

Example, you get a rich guy to buy a lawn tractor, a weed whacker, a trailer, then you do the work. You give him half the profits, and after several years, the shit is yours, once the equipment is paid for and he made some money.

A Gold backbased economy.

Are you for real? i mean even people that are pro commodity based currency don't even point to gold. What is your solution for when the economy outpaces gold production? Have you considered what that would do for international exchange rates?

Yeah, automate the infrastructure to deliver every living human's needs as a matter of course with no human labor required, and you have no need for a monetary system.

It doesn't have to be

>What is your solution for when the economy outpaces gold production?
Thats why the price rises, jimbob.

You have X amount of capitol, you invest it in Y product. In order to make payroll so you can eat, pay bills to keep the store open, etc. you must sell Z number of Y product daily to make ends meet.
You either have to be smart enough to come up with some new types of fads or can see long term necessities that aren't truly being covered by the existing market, or you got to be persuasive and outsell your competition.
This is basic business shit, how do you not know this?

That's also one way, but that is still debt based - we want to get away from that.

>you got to be persuasive and outsell your competition.
we were talking about the "little guy". fucking economies of scale, mate. Are you talking about homogeneous restaurants here? dafuq.

a gold standard on a purely protectionist market would make sense. Too bad that wont happen. Look up bretton woods.

Then sell stolen oranges on the corner. Theres not much you can do without start-up cash. which apparently you don't have. Get a job and save your money. Split wood. Get a gig as an Uber driver.

You want something dropped on you for free, but guess what? TANSTAAFL

>a gold standard on a purely protectionist market would make sense. Too bad that wont happen. Look up bretton woods.
I don't need to look up shit. I'm not talking about a gold standard, I'm talking about putting coins in your safe. Gold doesn't really fall, but it moves around. Mostly up and to the right.

If you bought a Model-T in 1910, it cost about 350, right? It was a state of the art car, pretty much. If you instead bought 350 worth of gold back then, you'd have about 35k in gold right now. Same as a pretty good Ford today. It retains value, thats why its more a hedge than an investment.