Soooooo Last year my paranormal investigation team and I had the chance to investigate the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi Texas and caught this weird apparition of a face. I dunno where else to post this so I want to see what you all have to say. I have 3 other pics i took at the same time I will post.
Soooooo Last year my paranormal investigation team and I had the chance to investigate the USS Lexington in Corpus...
Stopped reading at "paranormal investigation team".
I don't see anything
This is pic number 2
/x/ didn't take you?
Pic number 3
KEK Same
>I dunno where else to post this
Post it on /x/
well I did try that but i wanted to post on random to see what people say
What in the fuck.
There's literally a paranormal board.
Get this shit outta here. Normal people don't fall for this made up shit.
Lerk more. Figure out how the site works and the conversation flows.
Looks like pareidolia, and I've had paranormal experiences. I doubt you caught anything, and don't start posting that "orb" bullshit either. You're most likely to have an experience when you don't go looking for one. Paranormal activity is exceptionally rare and the overwhelming majority of people never have any kind of experience with any kind of unexplained manifestations or stimuli in their lives.
Tl;dr You're wasting your time
Yeah that's funny huh how like no one sees it in the world except for a very few who already believed they could. So crazy.
Stupid and gay. If you're not even welcome on Sup Forums you're a real piece of shit. Fuck you
>>majority of people never have any kind of experience with any kind of unexplained manifestations or stimuli in their lives.
Can you tell me, what did you think this sentence meant in English when you typed it out?
Nice strawman. It happens randomly, to anyone. That's why it's called unexplained. Subjective evidence is weak when taken by itself but when you have hundreds of thousands of people reporting experiencing the same type of phenomena you can't just dismiss it. Whether it be related to certain people's biochemistry reacting to geomagnetic anomalies or if it's some other environmental factor, it bears further investigation. Unfortunately "ghost hunters" and their phenomenally low bar for evidence seem to have deterred a lot of serious researchers from even touching the field.
I'm just still not sure it holds any merit when it's thousands and thousands of people when about 4-5 BILLION of the people living on this are fucking idiots. Idk I guess I just mean why solve it even if it is real? For what?
Oh we found the ghosts.
Cooooooll cool cool cool so hey how's that like fixing cancer thing coming?
Maybe what's stopping real investigators from looking into it is that fact that this whole subject is fuckin WACK. I'm down for a lot of shit, but I just can't.
I've heard a blowtorch fixes cancer pretty well. And why 4-5 billion? What made you pick that number?
Anyway a lot of investigation has taken place already. It's about trying to explain what we don't understand. We want to know why people experience these events and what is it that causes them to occur. Is it the person or is it the place? No one knows. NASA has just recently discovered portals in earth's magnetic field. Something that would have been laughed at just a decade or so ago.