
should i just end it Sup Forums

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Did you try cutting that shit out? Did it not work?

Yeah, i mean, if your shit's too much to deal with then call it quits i guess. Kinda sad to end pain with more pain and silence forever. Your call really

that's a question I've been doing to my self since a couple of years.
I used to be part of a rescue unit were we trained to never surrender, think that got mark in my head, but I cannot find anything that can make feel alive, I cannot be in the rescue team because "I became very aggressive", being paranoid and full of anxiety for about 2 years and everyday I wake up I just feel like it is my last day on earth, but I never die.
I have tried everything from, parachuting, yoga and drugs and nothing makes me feel alive or unique in any way I just keep walking every day repeating to my self "surrender it is not an option" but I'm not fighting for anything. I'm just a thinking piece of meat that keeps on going and drifting through life and time.
Whats your story, Sup Forumsruh?

nah! don't quit!

Listen here spud don't end it and if you're looking for attention or something's happinging st home or shit you'll get over it trust

Thankfully I don't have OCD or Insomnia but I can defiantly relate to everything else. Not my place to tell you if you should die or not, I can let you know that people are out there who can relate or help but that is completely up to you

wherever you are, please think for a second that someone is thinking about (you) and want you to keep up.

Asperger grade 2 and ADD here, find something in life you really like doing user. I'm sure others will miss you if you go away.

I won't though, you adorable weak fag.

You need to go break some shit. Just some junk that no one wants but shatters into pieces.

This is the most important post that you will ever see in your life. I know how to resolve every single problem in every single persons life in a week. And i'm going to show you how right now. And yes, i'm serious.First I will start off this by proving that GOD is real. I got into Christianity. Shortly after, I prayed for an issue to resolve between me and somebody I had not seen and missed for 8 years. The next day I go to the theater with my family. First time i've been in a year. The theater room is empty. It's just me and my family. My friend that I have not seen in 8 years walks into the theater in the dark and unknowingly sits 2 rows in front of me. My friend and my family and I are the only people in that theater for the movie.

Now according to my bible studies, here is what you need to do. Right now GOD is not with you. GOD is not all loving and in fact will completely abandon you in hatred of the things you do against how he wants you to live and will put his wrath on you and not consider you one of his people. Only when you decide to live a life according to how GOD decrees and seek to be one of his people will GOD return to you. So right now, your life is getting totally fucked because that wrath is active and in effect right now. You are in fact, getting fucked over by GOD and by the evil and misguidance that GOD is not saving you from by not being here.

According to the wise words of king Solomon, the king endowed with great wisdom as a gift from GOD, the FEAR of god is what you need. And according to jesus, you must also love GOD. When you fear him, and love him, that is enough to drive you to want to do whatever you can to live by how GOD says. That fear drives you to be as good of a person as possible. The wrath is lifted, then GOD intervenes and comes into your life and supernaturally fixes everything. You are empowered to have ideas to fix problems. Given abilities that you pray for. Reality is warped for good things to happen. Continued-

I would, but if I were you I wouldn't take my advice.

So that's how you fix your life. You take the effect of the wrath off of you and invite GOD back in. And then, GOD fixes everything. When I did this, I went from having almost no confidence in myself to feeling as though it would be no issue for me to study to become a doctor. That was GOD empowering me once I let him back in. A FEW DAYS after I started doing this.

You are one week away from fixing your life and here's how. One week of completely committing to calling GOD into your life will be enough to bring him back. Enough time for you to be so invested in this that will be hard to turn back. Once GOD is there, he will fix everything and committing to GOD will be so engrained at that point that it'll be easy to keep doing what he says. You'll start by reading stories in the bible where GOD speaks more than all the other stories. This is to give you a better sense of GODs personality and will make him seem much more real to you. For one week, the only thing you are to do is casually read the bible and have hours of sessions with GOD where you try to appreciate and love him and communicate with him. The payoff for this is enormous.

An important passage in the bible says "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves, do what it says" GOD also says "Walk before me faithfully and be blameless" These are strict orders. So you are to go through each story in the bible and get a sense of everything GOD wants you to do. You make a checklist of all these things and begin practicing doing all of them. A few over time. Continued

nope, you're wrong

The bible has an important passage that says, once you have convinced GOD that you want to be one of his people, he will supernaturally enable you to be able to do everything you should be able to do in order to be one of his people. So you will actually be supernaturally transformed into the best possible version of yourself that could ever exist. Don't worry about self improvement when GOD can improve you to your max potential automatically and give you every idea you need to live the best life you can.

So as you can see these benefits are more than worth completely committing to a week of this. People say that believing in jesus nullifies this but jesus actually says you must be taught by GOD first and then come to him. You must be chosen by GOD as one of his people. I use this online site to read the bible

Do this, and you will live the best life you ever could have lived on this earth by a landslide.


Don't do it it's a virus.

>be me last night
>havnt slept in 2 days
> wander back to 974 eht numah 974
>from there the seventh sleeper
>from there quantum theory and holographic universe theory
>realize no matter what theory is true
>life is pointless

Send us a video.

Sure, because running into somebody that I have not seen in 8 years, specifically the DAY after I prayed to resolve things with them, was sheer coincidence. That was a cause and effect of the prayer. Proving that GOD is real. Proving that these laws and lessons I am telling you about the bible are true. Do what I have posted and you will live the best life you could have ever lived. You're literally passing up deliverance into complete happiness beyond your imagination to reject this. Don't make a foolish mistake. This is your chance to fix everything forever.

That's all from me. I'm heading out now.

Don't believe In God
>Be 22 living In Australia
>Got the easiest Job entertaining kids at a bowling alley ($15-25usd per hour)
>Have a GF and share an apartment with her
>A good circle of friends
Fuck you God and you're Narcissistic Ego thinking reality bends itself around your own private perceptions

kys fool

>be me 14
>mom cheats on dad
>dad throws fit and goes ape shit
>she prego with a baby thats not hers
>shes forced to abort little bro
>dad gets depressed like a pussy
>beats me everyday to get his pain out
>wish for death everyday
>my father died a few years later and i havnt talked to my mother
>i have never had a girl friend
>ive never been happy
>i just want to die

any of you fuckers know a fast painless way to go out?

No, don't be such a fucking coward.

Pretend you are already dead. Imagine yourself as a soul called back from the afterlife to occupy this body that the original owner didnt want. You have the freedom to do anything, since its 'bonus' time and its not your life anymore. What is the first thing you would do? Try it because fuck, why not right?

Here's what I did.
Forget everything.
Forget your name, forget your birthday, forget your past, forget anyone in your life that ever mattered to you or that you ever mattered to. Pack a bag with some water bottles and some snacks and some first aid supplies just in case. Walk directly into the woods and keep going in one direction until you find civilization again and start a brand new life from a clean slate. It will be hard. Very, very hard. But it's an infinitely better option than dying.

Live for yourself user

You're not alone in your pain, you know that, but it's you who has to reach out

What the fuck happened to Sup Forums


Only if you want to add being a pussy to that list

Killing yourself takes balls faggot

Trips dubs can't lie

moot wouldn't and now he works at google