You're in the club, being a fat orange retard whose wife is a porn slut.
This dude calls you an "ass"
what do?
You're in the club, being a fat orange retard whose wife is a porn slut.
This dude calls you an "ass"
what do?
>models for nudes less than 5 times
>a porn slut
i bet you think lil wayne is a guitarist too
fuck your fucktarded logic lmao
Become preznit of the united states
oh, less than 5 times?
never mind then; she's totally not a porn slut
you played basketball 5 times and think you're a player right?
lmfao what a fucking retard.
>lil wayne is a guitarist
Yes, he is
Ban refugees from Charlotte.
you licked a toilet 5 times, are you a toilet licker?
it's a one-off with pornsluttery, and you can't undo it
this is wrong though
704 represent
Why do athletes think that their opinion on politics is relevant in any way?
so, you've licked a toilet 5 times, and you don't think you're a toilet licker?
sorry, but you are
because people ask them questions about it?
the real question is, why do internet retards think their opinions on whose opinions matter matter? because nobody asked you; that's for sure
she didn't take nudes 5 times
>implying all nudes are porn
what are you 12
this faggot probably masturbates to other art LOL
it doesn't matter if you only do it once.
once a pornslut; always a pornslut
it wasn't porn you fucking autist
easy on the fedora shit LMAO
lol this nigga
it was definitely porn; it was a graphic image whose primary purpose is to titillate and appeal to prurient intrests
she's a pornslut m8
I can get the nudes right now
>I must defend the honor of a billionaire man that doesn't even know I exist
Grab him by the pussy
I am very certain Donald Trump does not have a penis
What do you guy call this kind of skin, this dude look more white than white ppl ?
>Mormons unironically posting on Sup Forums now
Sup Forums has fallen so far. Licking any presidents nuts would have been beneath this place a few years ago. Delete Sup Forums and let the roaches scatter to reddit.
>libcuck faggots on Sup Forums
Reddit is that way
>my presidentfu
Alt right are the ultimate newfags
member 4chin before Sup Forums-tards started scattering? fatman members
Actually we're going to keep newfags from entering our country
You should try it before another Rotherham happens
Oh wait you can't, you're totally cucked hahahah
>muh shillary lost we're a fascist state!
Won't the sharia police come through if you don't get your prayers done soon Ahmed?
>thinking any politician gives a shit about you
>my scary brown people, save me Don-don
this is Sup Forums now...
>keep newfags out of our country
>exempt Saudi Arabia and UAE
>Sup Forums still will lap up bogus populist rhetoric from a billionaire despite this
>LITERALLY favoring a jew cuck or queen of $hill
Just say jew cuck and hillary a few more times. You almost got him. Maybe Donny will notice you.
Double team him so he cant post up for threes
fire him
>hey bby u wan sum fuk?