My last remaining relative just died. I have no friends, no gf, no money, and no will to live. I also live in Reno, NV...

My last remaining relative just died. I have no friends, no gf, no money, and no will to live. I also live in Reno, NV. Somebody please convince me to not huff an exhaust pipe, Sup Forums.

You got double dubs. Now you can't kill yourself.

It doesn't taste good

Honestly I'm reconsidering

Trips says live

Please consider that you can kill yourself whenever you want to. So why not look if things get better for a while and if it doesn't you can end it then. Just give living another chance.

You can't skip out on all the fun that's about to happen!
It's the end of the world, user! Gotta see this shitshow through.

Yeah I would love to watch the shitshow that America becomes but I live there so I don't wanna.

do you have a job or place to stay?

I have a job, so I won't starve. Living in my car though.

is there anything about life that you enjoy?

Okay user, you got dubs again. You can't. Think of the gets!

Photography I guess. Sombody stole my camera though.

You have nothing left to live for, which means you have nothing left to lose.

That means you can do whatever you want now.

WTF how

How do you sleep in your car? I'm six feet tall. There's nowhere in my Accord that I could actually sleep.

Unless you are retarded you don't know with certainty that this won't be the only experience you ever have.

Shit happens, but ending it removes the possibility of awesomeness. Continue to exist and what is the worst that can happen?

Lets say you start sucking dick for crack, chances are you're still doing better at getting dick that 95% of the bitches that troll this god damn website.

is that the check list to start celeb threads?

yeah it's not like the option is going away anytime soon. go take a piss on a bum or something and see if it cheers you up. not a ton to lose right now.

Lmao I own a Ford Explorer that I can fold the back seat down in for sleeping.

Nah I'm out, this motherfucker's like "I'm going through hard times, but I got a car."


What symptoms are those? Have all of them except crying spells

Dude. It's not about money. I have no remaining family in the world.

Think of it like this, if you killed yourself, would it really change anything? The world would still be a shithole, people will still die, babies will be born, people will still be assholes, and the world will just keep spinning. Killing yourself is about as pointless as the thousands of retards who did it before you.
But hell, you could always go outside and stop wasting your time on Sup Forums. Your family is dead, boo fucking hoo. Go out and talk to people for fucks sake, it's not a difficult concept.

Major Depressive Disorder.

I came in this thread to talk you out of it, but then I saw Reno. Sorry op

Sup Forums is your family now.

Don't kill yourself. Just don't. Things will get better. I'm no therapist but you should TOTALLY reconsider. Finding friends should be the least of anybody's problems. Don't give me that "oUh I'm toO sHy tO MeeT nEw PeOplE" Because everyone should be a little shy. Look, though. Another point on not to kill yourself is that you are the last relative. Don't let your family name go to waste. Find someone user, be someone. And yeah, you do have a will to live, if you didn't, you wouldn't be asking Sup Forums to stop you. Because you want to be stopped. You know that what you are about to do is terrible. I have been a shyfag for so long watching people kill themselves on this site. Hell I'm only 14 and I have seen some dark shit. But I keep going, I pull through. So should you.

Call a helpline. Find social activities. Appreciate small pleasures.

I try to. Honestly, I'm a very charismatic and personable guy. I just struggle with wanting to do that when I've lost my family, savings, home, and mental health over the last 2-3 years.

nigga you will NEVER fap again if you're dead. fuck man, how bad can it be? all of us have toyed with the idea but shit dude, I just picture never feeling cum shoot out of my dick and it helps me shake it off.

You got the internet. start fapping.

Enjoy your vacation, underage nigga. Also nobody actually kills themselves here. They just talk about it.

You're an extraordinarily kind person.

Don't do it OP. That's a terrible way to go.

Use helium so you don't get that splitting headache.

OP what is that picture a check list for?

I have/suffer from all of those things.

Not OP, but my dick doesn't work anymore anyway. How do you feel about me killing myself knowing that?


No one gives a shit if you live or die. Killing yourself is just as meaningless as not killing yourself.

It's not up to anyone but yourself.

Why do some people try to convince others not to kill themselves? For some it's the right choice and best answer. Because you don't "get it" doesn't change that.

Life is so bad, you're a burden, depress, bad DNA causing to feel like killing yourself, or some other excuse - then do it. You're allowed, and won't be missed. By anyone, for any period of time. Life if funny like that. You don't matter. Stop trying to ask people to tell you differently and for the attention.

You only got one chance at the game of life. And you're SERIOUSLY considering quitting? What about the rest of your life! You won't even get a chance to consider.

if you're dick is out of the picture just do lots of drugs. better than a good fap anyway

lmfao yep exactly. only nice things here is rec weed and hookers.

You're finally free of all guilt tendrils. You don't owe anything to anybody but yourself. Are you fucking stupid or what?


Look, everyone loses their families, even people who think they won't. The world takes your money, so take it back. Your home? who cares? explore the world, go off the grid, jesus, it's not a difficult concept.And we're all lunatics waiting for the slaughter, even people trying to avoid it.

Stop limiting yourself to this bullshit. someone died, you lost money, you lost your home, you lost your mind. whoop-dee-fucking do. Just talk to people, get a roommate if you have to. get a job. and for god sake, Quit Your Bitching.

Settle down sperglord. Most of our lives are shit and will always be shit for as long as they continue.

I really respect your attitude.

RIght? Lmao. Some people have zero comprehension of how truly awful some parts of the world are.

I'm just here to say the truth. the real bullshit that is reality. It's neither paradise nor hell, it's just chaos. It may bring people to tears when I say things like that, but they shouldn't be so emotionally weak.

you must be in intense pain, and probably numb to most of it. i really believe you are suffering right now. i hope you can use whatever energy you have left to try to get some help, cause this doesnt mean your life has to end. imagine someone actually being kind to you and committing to helping you, no strings attached. imagine being kind to someone and committing to helping them, no strings attached. this can happen, even in Reno. you'll have to seek it out. good luck, please dont let the pain overwhelm you, and dont act to make the pain go away all at once. some of that pain is holding you together right now, and will take you to the next stage on your journey.

>humblebrag while playing victim

Kill yourself.

Now is the perfect time to move to wherever the fuck you want.

is it deadly?

Transferring from unlv to unr this coming year, ill be your friend op usually