No pants

No pants



Mmm men



















Hows it going


Storm's rolling through. Some flashes of lightning and distant thunder outside.

Also got my pic collection back.

thunder and shit is always cool

What pic collection?

of butts?




Rain soothes.

And porn. Finally stopped being lazy and transferred files from the old comp.



ah alright






And the Garfemon.




The world needs more Garfemons.



I'm thinking the world is just fine as it is.



Garfemon is like Nibi's sluttiness, the world secretly desires it.

Me being a slut is like trying to start an engine with no gas.


how dull

Which one of you punks gave my phone number to Indian scammers?

Thats me

they are rather boring to visit

nibi is pretty much the only regular here anymore and that's an all time low

discord killed Sup Forums, not 4+ years of mod bannings.


Of course! You must also be the one who addressed me by my real name here in that dream I had last night.

Oh not you, I was referring to Mr. Slave.

and nothing of value was lost

but nothing of value was gained either

Deny it all you want. The truth is out. Soon the world will know.



He can't deny the desire for thick cock in his booty.



You can deny anything if you set your mind to it.


Except for your desire for Snarf booty.


You're right. Gibs me dat booty.


Hunnibuns has dibs.

Fine. There are booties I want more than yours anyway.











>i thought this was going to be a quality thread but its full of furfags who wont go to /bant/ or /trash/

Looking for someone/something, Mr. Slave?


Avatar fagging is against the rules









I can't tell if I need more sleep or not

