Trump says I can't serve

Trump says I can't serve

Trump is 100% right tranny

Mentally ill people don't belong in the military. Serving is a privilege not a right faggot

I don't serve because of my mental illness so neither should you.

Trump's right fag

Do you really think that out of every other mental illness, yours should be the exception and get a free pass into the military? Someone with ADD is not even allowed in, and a person suffering from gender dysphoria is equally if not exceedingly a performance issue.

Then you can't serve, at least for now. Maybe that'll change, maybe it won't, we'll see. For now though yeah, he's right, you can't serve. Get over it.

just because you like womens clothing doesn't mean you are a tranny. he didn't say cross dressers can't join the military he said transexuals can't. do you consider yourself to be a woman, but you are a male? then you can't serve. also if you stay in the closet nobody knows .. no problem. don't ask don't tell sort of stuff.. just don't get a sex change on tax payer dollars


Protip: life is unfair

The military isn't a psychiatric ward. You can't serve for the same reason a guy who hears voices can't serve.

cross dresser

you are still safe by one standard deviation

It's not simply because you're mentally ill. It's because people are going into the service, getting the transition surgery, and making the government pay for it.


No surprise sissy-boy.

Personally I don't give a shit about what's in your pants, but deny it all you want, you trannies have a mental disorder. It also doesn't help that you're screaming for the attention by posting this however, you know damn well you'd be the first to bitch and complain about it in some gay march/protest.

Fuck I hope they med sep you with 0 benefits.

Then for the rest of their lives they will pretend they served

So, in a war you would kill the enemy with AIDS?

yet the marine corp. is still a thing

Transgenderism/gender disphoria is a phycological illness, one with typically preculdes a flury of other mental issues. Tranny's suicide rates are ~40% while the rest of the world is >4%.

In other words, not fit for duty.

a group with a 40% suicide rate shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a gun let alone the military


>soldiers on suicide watch!

Good dude. Try suicide.

I dont want some chucklefuck who thinks they are the opposite sex of what they were born as watching my six

You could care less joining the military you fuck

One of about 3 things I agree with Trump on.



Op is using my pics! This isn't his. Wtf

The military is not even remotely close to an equal opportunity employer and any idiot that thinks it is is a retard.

did you just assume OP's gender?!

Still butt hurt cause you got rejected, huh?

>Putting on bdu's makes you a serviceman.

Fyi. The reason for that isnt because your lgbt. No one cares, i mean homophobes care but everyone else already knows, this isnt a recent thing, fuck katlyn jenner, people jave been doing this since like the 50s.

Transgenders are getting banned from serving because some or alot of them have been trying to fuck the system and after serving a short time get out and try to make the government pay for the suregery. Well sorry folks, thats an elective surgery...

when soldiers who are losing limbs or dying cant get the support they need you guys are LITERALLY last on the list. Pay for it yourselves. To be honest if thats what you want to do almore power to it but to me its jus mutilation, its not a real penis its a stretched clit and yea hormones will help ot but it doesnt change your DNA. Your not male or female your feminized male and masculinized female. F2M cant produce sperm and M2F cant have children. Its a fact of life not an insult.

Why do you need the goverment to help you get yourself killed? Just get a gun and go abuse some minority, you dont need uncle sam.

obviously never served. keep posting in your parents house faggot, the rest of us will actually do things with our lives

you mean marines?

So is the Trump defense bot dead again?

Considering aids is a 100 percent fatal disease that can be passed by blood or sex...ummm...yea...its a threat that can spread...VIRUS what part of that osnt clear how about this DESEASE, Epidemic, extinction

Mad because you couldn't cut it. The Corps ain't just for anyone, little man.

Any dumbass with money can buy BDUs check internet or army surplus...dumbass

For real...look at the videos of the training marines vs breeds breeds... well theres plenty of badass army but most end up soft ass pussies with a cowboy attitude and a powdered fantasy of military life. Navy i have reapect for same as the marines but air force...dude you guys have already been replaced by every other branch...hell the navy has the best pilots and the air force doesn't wtf lmao

dressing up as military even if you've never served is still a good thing. makes the foreigners think that we are more well armed

lol marines brag too much. whoa shit you did more push ups than people in a different branch and you can kill people ...who gives a shit faggot

>serving one of the shittiest countries a privilege

My family has served since the revolution. I would have joined but ive got medical issues. Know why i dont wear full BDUs...cause i didnt i didn't earn it...#stolen honor.

Thats why i wear OD green or camo that isnt used anymore. I show my support and love military gear but i also make it known im not military...just support them. My point is...if you wear a police uniform because you "like it" its a federal offense. If you wear a soldiers uniform without serving your disrespecting all those that EARNED it

Also lol the foreigners. Amazing we can fight among ourselves over petty bullshit titles we made to discriminate abd yet suddenly when a FOREIGNER is in the room we all suddenly target them

Stop being a faggot


because i dont want my taxpayer dollars going towards your hormone therapy so you can pretend to be a girl

That's a navy uniform

The mentally ill cannot serve in the military.

This is bait. The pic is from a crossdresser that's already in the military

Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.
>We need immortality
>We need to colonize mars
>We need to terraform earth
>We need to mitigate seismic instability
>We need better nuclear facilities

Transexuals are mentally ill and do not deserve human rights, let alone the privilege of military service.


rightly so.

Yeah, welcome to the real world. Discrimination happens. you know why? because people hate each other, and when people hate each other, people like me make money.
You can bitch and whine about it all you want, but since transgender people aren't considered people by society, your word means nothing. Homosexuality, Transsexuality, Lesbianism, and Bisexuality are all hated by the world anyways.
It's too bad for you because of who you are, but hey you can always start a fruitless movement only to be mowed down with guns. so go ahead, bitch about how cruel Trump is, when it comes down to it, you can't do shit about it no matter what you do, so do us all a favour and shut your fucking mouth.

If it wasn't for mentally ill people, there would be no military anwhere.

Have you ever looked at the airforce special forces, we are the guys who are called in when every other branch is in a noshit no win situation. I give shit to all other branches, yall can call me chair force all you want, but at the end of the day, I'll be the one saving your ass.

Your an idiot, stop talking. Stop being cancer. At the end of The day take off the uniforms drop the titles and were all just people. We all have brothers, sister, mother fathers, someone we all care about

Agree and disagree...imortality...bad for people who are like well evil if hilter was immortal. (Fuck you Sup Forums its a serious moment) that would have been horroble. If it can be used for good it can be warped for bad.

Colonize mars...maybe but why dont we stop fucking this place first.

Terraform. Do you mean fix or do you mean finish stripping ghe RSS and moveing on.

Mitigate seismic...agree...any ideas

Nuclear is the wrong idea regardless. We eed shit that doesnt fuck up and contaminate the air food and water...or meltdown or explode etc

Damn and i though i was being s cunt...kill yourself

Dont get me wrong yea you guys have your moments and i have respect for all that serve...i just talk shit because im from a marine family. But like bro...ill admit to being ignorant in regards to air force special forces but i still dont get it...

Marines >force recon. Land and sea same as the navy seals which spoiler alert are...USUALLY our best Spec Teams. But nother spoiler alert as i said taje away the uniforn and everyone is just people. But air guys are the AIIIIIIR FOOOOORCE wheres your air superiority?

Jets > blue angels > navy
Heli > apache >army
Tanks > abrahms > marines

Air force > special wtf dude the other guys already do i said no offense or disrespect i honestly dont knoe it just doesnt make alot of sense

if serving is a privilege then what does that make the draft?

That's okay, I can

yeah yeah, bitch along with them

>Mentally ill people don't belong in the military.
If all the mentally ill people left the military, everyone else would just throw up their hands and say "this shit is fucking stupid, let's go home".

put your cock away you shortdicked faggot