I don't expect anyone to care but I just need some cheering up, got honorably discharged for doing the right thing...

I don't expect anyone to care but I just need some cheering up, got honorably discharged for doing the right thing, I'm married and have a kid on the way and I don't know what I'm gonna do, general feels thread

story time?

What, did you say no to pvt.whore for a bj because that's the "right thing to do". Ashamed, due to the fact that you turned her down, pvt.whore feels assaulted. So assaulted she tells your CO that you tried to sexually assault her as a fuck you for denying her bj. As such, for not wanting to have his bj machine suicidal and shit, your CO court martial's you bringing you to your dishonorable discharge which then brings you here to bitch and moan no greater than pvt.whore did to you. So basically your fucking gay for rejecting her. fgt
T. 10th prestige MW2


what you do to get discharged?

Post deets op

>Be me 18 young airman and shit
>Fiance of year almost married
>Wake up to phone call from her saying she cheated on me
>What did I do wrong
> Deep depression
> Continue to do my job properly
>Get told I have to go to a mental hospital
>Why tho
>Say whatever and go
>Don't worry user this won't effect your career
>Return from said behavioral University
> Bitch claims grounds for discharge
>All of leadership turns there back on me
>All except one person,first shirts assistant
> Move on get new amazing girl and actually be happy
>Behavioral health claims adjustment disorder, but working just fine
> Get separated with all kinds of bills and kid on the way
> Never truly trust anyone anymore

I m sitting here shit faced contemplating life, like what did I do to deserve this

that is fucking bs mate

i would say some shit like "its Cuz AiRfoRce"
which it might be guess you should join a pmc

Sorry bro. You've got time on your side. But sorry.

The USAF is pathetic I will admit that

Was honorably discharged in 2002, middle of the stop-loss. That didn't look fishy at all lol.

Clerical error, pre-existing medical condition that should have been DQ'd from my job on day 1 at MEPS, but they took me anyway and were happy to let me play soldier for 4 years (of the 6 I signed up for) before my name came up on that list.

Honestly they let me choose between staying in and guarding a missile silo, or going home, and when I hesitated, my Commander said, look, we're at war, consider yourself lucky and get the hell out of here. He pushed for a full honorable based on my short but lively record and I avoided any "with medical conditions" etc.

I still don't explain shit to anyone bc it's embarrassing. Especially since the whole thing was a wash. If you don't complete a full enlistment, even if you saw combat, doesn't matter, no VA bene's for you. Oh well.

Op here I know the feeling, I was gonna help my wife with college by passing on some of my post 911 but I lost it all

user it will be k never forget that even though this happened I'm pretty sure you had someone on you side that was always there to help you I bet that one person sis still by your side they could've been there the entire time and you didn't know and I bet they rootinf for you and trying to help you any way possible

did your fiance claim it or someone else

Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.

Do slave labor. It's meaningful. It's abundant.

She basically blamed me for her cheating and claimed she never cheated on me after I got out of the the behavior shit

Okay seriously I wanna fucking know how your fiance could claim discharge for you

Not my fiance, some bitch a behavioral health claimed because I was depressed over the whole ordeal I had a adjustment disorder, sorry for the mix up

i dont think i understand this, explain it better?

oh sorry
so how does that work

Stand by your conscience. Never risk your self respect for anything. Dance all night, play all day.

So basically the bitch at behavioral health claimed I had an adjustment disorder because I was depressed over the ordeal, and to be honest I felt like she had it out for me from the beginning, I requested a reevaluation but she shot it down almost immediately, I can reenlisted after six months due to it being honorable but I'll need a wavor

>Say whatever and go
This happened to you because you are stupid. Wtf makes you think as a member of the armed forces you are anything but government property?
>b-but muh feels
You were supposed to bury your mixed feelings and get on with being a soldier. Dingus

Virgin detected
I can tell you've never served

Get on the positive side of things and grab a job asap money financial is always the big concern in your situation stabilize that till something better come or get trade learning paying job well that's my opinion

Op here, the biggest problem is the lack of jobs in my hometown, I can get a job at kingsbay sub base but my car is in less than running condition

airman and soldier are two different things. just because you're government property doesn't mean you aren't a human. get fucked faggot

Thanks for the support user, at least someone gets it