Another night with cocaine, weed, and cigarettes while drinking myself to sleep. What's/b/ up to tonight?

Another night with cocaine, weed, and cigarettes while drinking myself to sleep. What's/b/ up to tonight?

Do you have a job?

Yeah, manager of a fast food place. Pays okay, get a lot of hours.

All of that except cocaine. Sounds fun to me bro


How much a day?

Yeah, it's a bad habit. Kicking it currently. Not buying nearly as much

Anywhere between 8-19 beers a night. Love being drunk

Yea it is. I just love being drunk, ane being able to push my feelings as far down as they go till i cant feel em. know what i sayin bro

good album tho

I would have an issue quitting alcohol, that said, I'm a pretty conservative drinker. Cigarettes are the real bitch

Fuck yeah. Bout to switch to Awake

After years of heavy drinking I'm one month alcohol free. It's now become a challenge to see how long I can make it. I still smoke weed to help me sleep.

Yea me too man. No shame in being an alcoholic, We all have our vices right? But yea cigs suuck haha but go hand in hand with liquor so its hard. It's like you gotta quit both to quit one...

Good luck on it. Honestly. Father was an alcoholic. Ruined my family relations and made me depressed and feel like an outcast for years.

What you smoking tonight bro? Gotta fresh carton of Newport Shorts

Thats a fucking good album man, also just take a shit ton of cocaine to kys

I live in BC canada, Smoking Phillip morris reds kings. Never seen newports here honestly. About 3 quarters a pack a day, aswell as my alcoholism. What about you man? Do you drink?

Hell yeah it is. And bet

Barely drink, Newports are fucking cash. Strong menthol. #1 cigarette of american blacks funny enough. Im about 6-8 cigs a day. Better than the 15 I was at

Yea thats pretty much what i am at. Hard to keep up with it all financially, Find myself putting beer on my maxed out credit cards n shit. I feel like i should quit drinking, But without it i fuckin shake like an idiot, and get all annoyed n shit haha. Good for you man, dont drink everyday like me, it takes hold of you, and after it does, it 9is hard to try n find a way out know what im sayin bro

Yeah, don't start coke. The feeling you get in the morning with your nose stopped up is like a sinus infection. Not worth the pain, weight loss, fatigue, or foggyness you get until you start up again.

Off topic: I always thought it was funny that my first cigarette buzz was 10x stronger and more desirable than my first bit of coke. Coke is a sneaky motherfucker though

Honestly i have never really tried coke. I put some on my gums once, But that was about it. Have family members who do it and im just uninterested haha, Being drunk is great, Boosts confidence/self worth, Lowers social inhibitions. Hahaha crazy man,ive heard it is very addictive, but to be completely honest i just get drunk, have a few rips of weed, And chain smoke all night, every night haha I have never really experimented with a bunch of shit. Been drinking for about 3 years too. I just know i cant financially hold more addictions haha

find jesus and stop doing drugs

drink a few of these every day if I can't afford ipas or decent liquor.
These Cobras cost 1.25$

those king cobra tall boys tho! only seen 40 oz bottles never seen a can. very rare my man. i'm down with craft beer and decent liquor as well but you know i love some good malt liquor. all about the switchup

Shit bro, I'll have to grab a few next trip. Always looking for a cheaper drunk hahaha

Dude these 25oz big boys are all over socal. 9for $10 is the hooked up from muy liquor store.
About to dip into Johnny walker and for a dab to pass out. Go fishing tomorrow and start drinking after morning coffee to numb the pain away all over again.

damn wish i was in socal. and not just for those cobras. but hey man i support drinking all day every day but it's gotta be for a positive reason. you gotta start drinking for pleasure instead of pain reduction my man

I try to make the most of it but if I'm not keeping my mind busy I will start getting sad drunk

yeah i feel that. gotta stay high mi amigo, that kush will help with nausea if you're trying to cut back on your booze habit tho fr