Should I try meth Sup Forums? What are the pros and cons?

Should I try meth Sup Forums? What are the pros and cons?

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con 50/50 chance of getting hooked

Pro if youre hooked, your house will always be clean

The comedown by itself is enough reason to not do it
That and the whole sucking dick thing

You won't need to brush your teeth anymore

No money
No teeth.

Up to you.

Do it. Wash with anhydrous acetone and let dry for a week to be safe. Then get fucking high. Tell us how it goes.

It's the ultimate pandora's box.

Nothing you ever do will make you even close to as excited meth does.

That's my experience. I wish I'd never touched it.

I think it's a myth that meth rots your teeth. Amphetamines can cause dry mouth, which can provide an easier environment for lactic acid producing bacteria to grow, but this can be mitigated if you brush your teeth and drink water. I think meth gets this reputation because people who are willing to do meth are not very conscious of their health to start with.

Meth ain't so bad. Snort a line, because its uncomfortable and lasts a long time. avoid smoking it; this can make you fiend really bad.

don't fucking shoot up

No you should not smoke meth. I can't believe we're having this conversation.

I tried it once, the high is pretty great actually as long as you don't go overboard, just a few hits sparsed over an hour will keep you going all night. Come down blows ass, I don't have an addictive personality but this one I actually felt a stronger desire to try again than any of the other drugs I've tried.

nearly all tweakers negate the comedown with downers.

I think I'm going to IV it anyway. Go big or go home right?

you could be shooting up rock salt.

Worst idea ever.

Well it's up to you OP, buy I'll tell you, I lived in an apartment with four people smoking meth on the regular. I'll start by saying that 's comment about your house being clean is not fucking the case. When you're high on tina you might find ways to keep yourself busy but I amongst the five of us there I was the only one not smoking it and I did most of the cleaning. The whole teeth thing is mostly bullshit, everyone in that place chainsmoked and smoked meth but had fine teeth. On the other hand, you probably will end up sickly thin and overall poor health. Your skin won't zombify but it will look pretty shit. Fuck I'm rambling, let me know if anyone wants me to tell a story I guess.

you mean the whole house is gonna be a hoarded mess with one super clean kitchen counter

Let's hear it

pro, you get high
con, everything else

I'll do a bump beforehand. I think IVing is better for your health anyway because I hear meth is hell on your lungs

Same as coke: snort it, don't smoke it.

if you smoke it, you'll never put it down.

Crack is too good man

Got spiked with crystal on my 19th Bday
Nothing seems exciting or encapsulating I never get "Lost In the moment" anymore, even when seeing my favourite all time bands for the first time, It sucks. And from what I can tell from my Opioid associates It's the same thing but with acts of pure comfort or euphoria (Sex, Eating, Pissing just become so numbed)
Everything is comparative

You meet the nicest class of people in the meth world

lol there is something wrong with you. This did not happeng to me. I done it lyke 3 times.

I've been thinking about trying mushrooms. Anyone ever had it? What's it like?

a healthy diet and drinking water consistently helps but is just delaying the inevitable if you smoke it, your gums get fucked from sugar what do you think breathing that shit in 24/7 is gonna do
also just a casual observation, has anyone noticed that Tweakers are also obsessed with drinking shitty sodas

Pros - it's insanely cheap

Cons - unless you live in Australia ($800 / gram)

I don't know if you saw, but I'm just going to IV it. That way I can avoid the gums problem all together

I still enjoy myself obviously just not on that level, also everyone is different also also chances are you might of gotten powdered meth which is what most people call "Speed" or you did crystal and are one of the Very Lucky Ones

my bad

I had a worse comedown then I did with meth

Where to start... One of the guys there when he was smoking and had been up for a few days would say 'I don't know where you're at, but I'm still stuck on wednesday' might've only been thursday, or it might've been the following monday when he'd say it. One of the roomates was ultra promiscuous gay dude, he'd smoke and invite over a handful of guys to fuck for days. He would say things like 'I don't think I could have sex without tina.' and so on. Tensions were always high, and one of the peak moments was when two of the roomates squared off with a short crowbar and a huge kitchen knife, all over one wanting to use the shared laptop charger. One of the roomates was a girl who I fawned over and she had some super dark times. I got home from work one morning and she was crying in the kitchen, and started screaming and rambling nonsense at me and throwing and breaking glass. She'd probably been up for three days at least and she had to be to work in a few hours. After she left the house she texted in the most broken words asking if I'd bring her cigarettes down to her work, and I walked and gave them to her and she just cried and tried to say how badly she wanted this all to end. After I left, she fell asleep on the floor and got fired.

Well fuck that isn't really a story just a slew of memories.

Appreciate the insight Brah

The negatives of shooting up are far worse than whatever it does to your lungs.

Fuck saying "I Quit"
I'm just gonna sleep on the floor with some ciggies

sorry it wasn't more coherent or even structured like a story... I need to remember some of these things better before they really fade, there was definetly some worthwhile stories in there.

Some worthwhile stories?
"two of the roomates squared off with a short crowbar and a huge kitchen knife, all over one wanting to use the shared laptop charger"
Yeah I believe it


Fun to smoke
makes you feel good

possible addiction
cheaper to get pills or speed (at least where i live)

How so?

dude no hahahaah

Pro: You will get laid every night.

If you are fat or chubby, meth is def the best way to lose weight. Even doctors prescribe it to fat patients to lose weight.

I was a 5' 7" 250lb lard when I was clean, now when I started meth on a weekly basis, I'm down to 160lbs.

Def feel much more fit and energetic

Heart Attack City
Also fucks your brain up faster as you're injecting directly into your blood stream

I have a pretty strong heart bro. I used to do cocaine and the doctor said the walls of my left ventricle are thickened, so my heart is probably way stronger than the average person. I don't think meth causes any lasting damage to your brain.

There was a time when the gay one was having a crisis and was talking to this girl that was over and she went to leave saying 'I can't help you right now' and he stripped naked and started screaming 'I'll kill myself if you leave!' and ran outside after her. It was so wierd, we would just have strangers show up and be around for days too.
It got really gross over the winter when we lost hot water for two months or so. Just five gross, stinking, meth and tobacco smoke saturated people. And the messes, fuck there was a piece of the mirror in every room and nobody could remember where we left the broom.

Pro. Darwin awards will ensure you're doing your bit to ensure you wipe your stupid arse off the face of the planet for being dumb enough to consider doing meth.

Con. It'll take a lot longer than it should for your life to disintegrate.

Meth heads breed like rabbits
your points invalid

Gotta rebuild that dopamine reward system. Wellbutrin FTW.

These are great,
quick question, why'd you live with meth heads In the first place?

You should try everything at least once. Next, try suicide.

When I was in rehab only 2 people out of 30 users didn't IV.

>and as for brain damage

The people in rehab who had been shooting up for the longest periods where like the special-ed residents

meth makes you retarded bro

lol you just believe everything you read on the internet? i dont even have to read that to know its bullshit lolol

rehab stories?

They were my friends, my family really. Onr of them called me by accident today and said 'I love you man' before getting off the phone. I started staying there initially because I didn't have anywhere else to go. They really didn't even want me there for a while, but that was mainly out of concern, I was the youngest of the bunch and I guess they didn't want me to get caught up.

Good for you

I apologize

I was also taught it by neurologists in the 'hab.
There are so many to tell. I find the most interesting ones to be about how different rehabs are than you see on TV.

Google Theraputic Commuinities, I'll try think of a story.

It saved my life! Seriously. At the right time for the right reason meth can really do unbelievably amazing things in a person's life.
I wouldn't be here today, if it wasn't for meth. I'm Grateful every day/b/ro.

Sound like good people with bad problems



were you put on adderal at 8 years old? have you a hard time dealing with emotions?

its your choice

>very strict daily life rules
>every day begins at 7am and ends at 9:30pm
>can't talk about drugs or what we used to do on drugs
>breaking rules results in 'concern'. each concern adds to the word count required on your biweekly essay written on how you fucked up (worst part of rehab, ultimate punishment)
>each rule has a name, "No neg-raving" refers to negatively raving on about your drug-use history or lifestyle
>I started calling out people for neg raving because it was one of my punishments
>I begin calling everyone "neggers"
>everyone thinks it's funny and joins in
>"we don't take too kindly to neggers around here" etc.become common phrases amungst the hab
>a black guy enters as a resident
>someone dropped a negger bomb in earshot of him
>days later meeting called and all staff and residents required to attend
>over 2 of the funniest hours of my life of staff berating me for coining negger and my friends trying to justify why it isn't racist
>black guy was cool and understood the joke
>one guy begins crying because he thinks freedom is speech is dead
>4 A4 page essay on why jokes aren't funny and I wasn't allowed joke anymore (this was on top of my "9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape" comment leaking out and me being on thin ice)

yes do a shit ton of meth trust me you wont regret it

So good mang

Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.
>We need immortality
>We need to colonize mars
>We need to terraform earth
>We need to mitigate seismic instability
>We need better nuclear facilities
>We need better grand designers
>We need better air quality control
>We need better understanding of our drugs
>We need better surveillance
No do not do. Save yourself for marriage. Do meth with your wife.

It's the only thing in this world that might be better than sex so save it

It will never be as meaningful


>virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
possibly, because they can theoretically spark carbon based evolution on exoplanets; virus don't have a metabolism and can travel as far as the half life of their monumental will allow them (many lightyears).

>It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.

Pro: only three more sleeps until Christmas