So, with 2016 having had possibly the WORST summer for blockbusters in years commercially and critically, I've come to dub this the "Death Of The Blockbuster".
Now, this could mean a lot of things for Hollywood's future, but I think the two most likely outcomes are these:
>Hollywood stops pumping out Capeshit like clockwork, starts funding smaller Indie productions with care behind them. It'll be like a new 80's.
>Hollywood continues to blow the same shit out of their ass week in and week out, wondering why profits are going down until they finally give up when a major studio collapses under the weight.
Please don't make a "I hate capeshit" thread and try to make it look like it's not.
Justin Morris
I just wrote this here. I've never been to reddit.
Xavier Hernandez
It's not even just capeshit. Warcraft was a total fucking bomb, no one fucking saw Star Trek 3, Independence Day was underwhelming as shit, and I think Ghostbusters is self-explanatory.
Aaron Foster
I thought OP was referring to the death of the Blockbuster Video store chain, so let's talk about that instead.
>Ywn rent a movie on a saturday night ever again
Luke Wilson
Ok go back then, faggot
Angel Hernandez
Capeshit is without a doubt a component of this issue you can't get past that
Ryder Brown
Hollywood will continue to pump out shit and blame piracy until one studio purchases the next Sex, Lies and Videotape and suddenly all studios are looking for the next profitable indie and they all start doing it.
Though we do have a totally different market now. I think when studios start having their own streaming service and have to fund and produce and constant stream of new content in small to middle budget films to attract subscribers will be when we finally see the quality of film improve.
Gavin Fisher
>what is Civil War >what is Jungle Book >what is Finding Dory >what is Sausage Party
Caleb Gomez
>>what is Civil War Shit >>what is Jungle Book Shit >>what is Finding Dory Shit >>what is Sausage Party Shit
Xavier Green
>Hollywood stops pumping out Capeshit like clockwork You are an idiot if you think Hollywood is gonna stop making capeshit. Literally 3 of the most successful movies of this year is capeshit with Civil War, Deadpool, and SS (it's gonna make profit). You made this thread without knowing what the fuck you're talking about. The only thing the executives are gonna stop making are reboots and remakes and slow down on shitting out sequels frequently. The main causes for these blockbuster failures are that too many of them were coming out in the same week/month, they were movies nobody asked for or movie fatigue
Jayden Williams
>Sausage Party >blockbuster What? That shit is an animated comedy that has a budget of $19 million.
Nathan Martinez
>>Hollywood stops pumping out Capeshit like clockwork Why would they stop pumping out their biggest cash cows?
Nathaniel Anderson
they were all critical and box office successes
looks like you were wrong
Lincoln Barnes
That's supposed to be next year, though.
Does anyone have the list of movies coming out next year? It's really depressing.
Jaxon Johnson
>critical successes
post some of that praise if you have it.
Nathaniel Harris
and only because it pretty much used slave labour.
capeshit and star wars are the only two things that consistently make money now though
John Howard
I miss being able to rent a movie as well because Blockbuster had practically every movie it's not like netflix where there is only a few movies I like. If I wanted to rent Apocalypse Now, The Shining, and Raging Bull it was only a 5 minute drive away and I could even get a soda or some candy while im there. Man I miss blockbuster.