Missouri thread? Missouri thread. How many of you meth making rednecks browse this place. Columbia checking in

Missouri thread? Missouri thread. How many of you meth making rednecks browse this place. Columbia checking in

Marshall checking in. Where the trap queens at?

fuck this trash town of ours

Ugh, fucking springfield here, kill me

At least you're better than the posts above you.

thanks, but this whole state fucking sucks.


Columbia eh? Use to have friend there.

You're telling me this like I don't already know it's a dumpster fire over here

Fuck the anonib Mizzou thread

Platte City checking in.

Mt. Vernon here

The user ib site doesn't have shit for local girls

Have some wins from girls at SIU from Missouri

So what the hell do you guys do all day..other than smoke meth?

Florrisant checking in

Branson in thread

Lee's Summit here

Look through the peep hole in our doors for hours and wait to get scared

Barnhart still awake.

Don't smoke, work all day and try to find nudes of girls I know at night....yeah my life is awesome

Heyyyyy Springfield buddy!!

ayyy lmao, this town sucks.
but I fucking love andy's

Bitch about the humidity, steal hub caps and radios, fuck chickens, and go fishing.

Anyone got wins from aurora

Anderson reporting in

Favorite river to float with best smallie spots?