Sup Forums can you please stop with your obsession with Traps, and start loving real women, like this one...

Sup Forums can you please stop with your obsession with Traps, and start loving real women, like this one. This is an anti-femfaggot thread, so you degenerates better not post Traps in this thread.





Btw this is now a trap thread


I'm not sure where you thought this was going to go op.

I like this movement away from real women. It seems like we will go back to the glorious days of the Greeks, where women were only appreciated as wives and mothers.


Your reverse psychology seems to have worked.

Op wanted a trap thread all along....



Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.
>We need immortality
>We need to colonize mars
>We need to terraform earth
>We need to mitigate seismic instability
>We need better nuclear facilities
>We need better grand designers
>We need better air quality control
>We need better tempers

I specifically told you father fuckers not to post that Queer ass shit in this thread. Now ya'll best GTFO.



Fuck off, I'm no Quer. I'm only into this shit.


>can't even get trips

Grandpa BTFO




Oh look I found a pic of op in my collection

Either post real women like this or leave.




Why is everybody calling then traps aren't they shemales


Pretty sure that's a dude...

I'm starting to run low on traps so I'll post guys pretty soon


That ain't no dude, you Quer. She's as much a dude as this hot chick is.


This is no real woman. She doesn't even have nipples

Real women like this?

Wtf wrong thread
btw it's about 700:1 that were not in a simulation
NO we don't need to colonise mars we need to create simulations so advanced that we can't even tell if its real life or not, therefore creating heaven.


So women are like that.


you have no logic
if males prefer traps theres more wimminz for me





That's one way to ask for a trap thread


A classic


B is turning totally gay.
Is this something that is going on in the US society?



Post a thread like this didn't expect to get a bunch of dick in your face fuck outta here faggot





I was a faggot before I came to Sup Forums, it has simply given me an outlet to get some small insignificant satisfaction while annoying bigoted or retarded people like myself.

This one isn't a trap . I just like darth revan

But op, women are cunts.

It's hurt us as a spieces when fags fuck. Rather they should fuck real women, like this.



Dubs of truth


All the better to fuck 'em. Cause I'm a dick.


I know lots of faggots who've had kids and then came out of the closet.

The fact that you're worried about what fags do with their dicks is your own problem bud.

Traps are 100% gay and there is nothing wrong with that.

The fact that it bothers you so much is amusing.

Unless you've got what you wanted by using reverse psychology on us or being unironically gay yet unaware.

Fuck you, I'm only into real women, like this.


That's a butt . Not a woman


What the hell are you talking about? I no repressed quer. I only want you fags to either leave or start posting real women, like this.

why is she taking a shit out of her vagina?


Not my fetish, but that is amusing that you would use that as a response.

I still approve.

Op can you please post your dick with a timestamp .

Nice cropped trap there bucko.

This better ?

That's a dido you moron.



Why the hell would I do that?

To prove to use you're not gay of course.

Cus we might stop if you do .

Yeah this ^^ didn't you know you can tell if a man is gay by the look of his penis ?



you are all faggots. op posted a bitch with balls

Is the woman enought for you ?

Yeah, scientifically proven.
If you don't have a feminine penis you're straight.

Yep ! I tool a class about it in collage a few years ago . I have masculine balls but a feminine penis turns out in bisexual!

I said I was a faggot in this very thread.
You lack reading comprehension.

same fag. its probably him. hes trying to see if he can pass.

Right on.

I'd believe that.
I didn't ever say I disliked the pictures.

Just having a bit of fun with em'.

i dont care what you like to fuck. YOU are a faggot for falling for that bait


No shit Sherlock.