Gf broke up with me. She said we'd get back together in a year so that we could grow

Gf broke up with me. She said we'd get back together in a year so that we could grow.

I had told her I was going to move to sf for a yeae at the end of the summer and that we'd get back together when I returned.

Now I miss her like crazy and realized I wouldn't have been happy in Sf without her. I fucking blew it because I wanted some random poon in a new city.

Fucked a girl on Saturday and hated it. Shit felt empty.

Should I just move on? She won't even talk to me. If I see her with another dude on IG I feel like I might go confront them. Fuck I'm such a Chad rn

>will get back together

No you won't. And if you do you'll resent each other for the things you did while separated.

Besides women can't stay single for more than a month tops.

Move on.
Also enjoy the random days of heat while it lasts.
The rest of the year is either dreary (if you're closer to Daly City) or unpredictable weather wise. You're a free man. She had already broken up with her. Live, grow, fuck my dude. Just see where the road takes you.

What if there aren't women as good as her though?

Every new girl I meet sucks :/

Fucking tell her how you feel and that you've made a huge mistake, then. If she takes you back, then great. If not, move on and learn from your dumbass mistake.

It's not rocket science.

You're a stupid faggot. Never throw away a good thing on the slim chance you might find something better. 99% of the time, you just end up alone and full of regret.

And no, you're not a "Chad". You're a dumb little pissant.

We all know you moved to the Gay Bay so you could suck lots of dick.

kill self

>I'm such a chad rn
you're born a chad my man

Holy fuck I'm in practically the exact same fucking situation except I'm not moving cities, we'll still bump into each other every now and then and it'll fucking suck.

Said she wanted a break fore a year or so so we can grow too, fuck is that shit

She playing you man, women like to say they will come back so she can keep you as a back up. Move on a find someone who will be better for you

You're probably right. It feels like I won't find someone else as kind and gentle as she was. Perhaps the rose tinted glasses will break soon. Idk what if I don't find another though. That's life I suppose.

We've gotta either talk to them and get them back or move on.

I'm thinking what I'm going to try is to move on and forget about her, and if she ever comes back and I'm single I'll consider taking a shot at it again.

She wants to stay friends but there's no way I could get over her while continuing any kind of relationship.

Why would she want you back when she can finally have the superior BBC she always craved?

My 6 inch was too much. She couldn't take more

Thank you, user, I haven't had a laugh that hard in ages.

good luck faget
gf broke up with me 2 years ago after a big fight
I am just now getting over it enough to give a shit about dating again...

user your life is worth living for faggot.
I fucking lost my love and i cant do shit execpt show them all they were wrong because my academic work is on the top atm

gf of four years broke up with me about 9 months ago

it still hurts so bad

When a women love she lovex, when you break her heart, she'll feel jaded and scorned. You just layed the seeds for future men dating her so good job. You think she's bad now? Just see her future bfs. You will never get her back, you ruined it.