I consider this dinner a luxury. Rate my dinner Sup Forums

I consider this dinner a luxury. Rate my dinner Sup Forums

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Where's the protein

You've already made this thread.
But your toast is severely lacking in any blue cheese products, so it's a 2/10 from me.

10/10 would eat. Also my nigga for not dumping the spaghetti on the toast like a savage.

OP's boyfriend already gave him his is daily allotment

Oh so he bought him a steak?

Been there, now I buy packs of porkchops and chicken thighs and portion them and freeze, I buy rice and keep lots of veggies and eggs on hand.

gotta agree with user, totally something I would eat & do

Yeah I ended up watching TV and forgot about the last thread.

Tinned spaghetti is God teir.
I usually have it with fried eggs bacon and copious amounts of cheese.
>cook spaghetti
>place in bowl
>cover with cheese
>add crisp bacon
>crack a few eggs place on top
>cover with cheese
>cook at 200 for 4-7 mins
Eat with fried bread to dip and use as a utensil.

But I like dumping my spaghetti on my toast. I even make spaghetti sandwiches if I have enough bread and butter.


needs spaghetti hoops instead

>grilled cheese and spaghetti samich

How fat are you

12 stone 4 last time I checked.
Usually have it once a week to help with hangover Sunday morning or when stoned.

Not that fat

It's the carbs that make you fat. They turn to sugar.

poorfag eating shit . just kill yourself



Canadian spaghetti?

I didn't read the ID. I thought it was for me, OP.

Just ask yourself, wwafd. What would Anne frank do. Asshole

>not bag of milk steak

Check yourself before you wreck yourself kek.
What's your opinion on tinned meatballs for breakfast?.
Also cheap cheese pizza with fries topped with cheese and plenty of beef gravy.


I assumed that spaghetti came in bags in Canada.
forgive my intolerance

malnourished, no wonder..

literally 0 protein in this, carbs from wheat products - complete shit, and fuckton of chemicals in that chef boyardee, not to metion the insane amounts of animal fat.

Wouldnt even feed this to my dog..


3/ 10 name countries ?


if u knew what i had for dinner you wouldnt even want to eat that shit again. u would feel like the peasant u r. and that might motivate u


Are you a hipster?


I was like that, too

You can improve,.

But at a cost

I live in New Zealand. It's Watties canned spaghetti, At least it's the good spaghetti and not the cheaper shit.

>full breakfast pizza
>cover a cheese pizza with beans minus the juice
>then a layer of black pudding
>then fresh tomatoes
>mushrooms (pre fried) then drained
>fried bread croutons
>top with a few eggs and cheese triangles
Garnish with fresh boiled and sliced hit dogs

>Watties canned spaghetti
thxs so 5/10 Delicious High-Protein

Is the mushrooms needed?

Sounds like something I'd probably have for breakfast just without the mushrooms.

Totally optional.
>chocolate bread
>dip sliced bread in eggs
>then chocklick if available
>gently fry until the edges are crisp
Serve with a little custard.

You're gonna make me fat in no time

Poor fag or can't cook?

Both. Mainly couldn't be arsed cooking but I'm also a poor fag.

Disgusting and wrong/10

baked beans are a lot healthier you know

In moderation it's all good.
>giant peanut butter cupcake
At least six big bars of chocolate two must be white.
>melt in a bowl over steaming water
>pour a thin layer into non stick tray (plastic takeaway tubs are best)
>spread peanut butter sprinkle a few peanuts and marshmallows.
>pour melted chocolate over.
Repeat process until All ingredients are used up.
Leave to cool for a hour on kitchen side then into the fridge.
>5 hours later a block of pure Awsomeness.
You can also add weed one gram per bar of chocolate.

Yeah but I found spaghetti first. I normally have baked beans instead.

Buttered toast and canned spaghetti?

You could have that every single day for a week for like $2 and 5 minutes of your time.

Of course you can add weed to anything. But I'll try this and report back whenever I get the chance to make it.

Totally worth it.
Think I'll hit the store and make a cook with user thread later.
You have to prepare the weed prior to cooking.
If not it's just wasted

This is my goto.

>Slice potatoes
>Butter/oil/spray baking dish or pan
>Lay potatoes in pan evenly
>Melt some butter
>Add melted butter, half and half creamer, salt, pepper, and a bit of shredded cheese
>Either wait 10 minutes for it to cool or burn the fuck out of your mouth

Comfy as fuck.

>cook with user thread

I'll keep an eye out for it.

I'd probably try and eat it hot, burn the fuck out of my mouth and then let it cool. I'm autistic.

Waiting for gf to fuck off then I'll do it.
She can oy just tolarate my gaming I think Sup Forums will be the last push kek
Around 3 pm UK time.

>Sees you on Sup Forums
>Decided to check out Sup Forums without your knowledge
>Comes across a trap thread
>Suspects user to be a gay faggot
>Leaves him without saying a word


This never crossed my mind.

I just came.
Saved for future use

Saved. Sounds to good to not try.

Alt+tab is your friend.

Sausage and potatoes is a fucking great poorfag meal that costs barely anything.

>caramelize some onions (doesn't have to be completely, but definitely until they look nice and brown)
>boil or microwave potatoes, unpeeled
>cut potatoes into bite-size pieces and add to onions
>cook sausages seperately

I did this recently with good quality sausages and it made about a week's worth of food for about £6.

no, you're not

I do the same but drain baked beans and wash in colinder.
Then add gravey

I'd fuck it/10

How the fuck did you stir that spaghetti? Do you have parkinsons or something?



Google 'simple dal'

Pajeet starvation food. Tastes good, and if you eat it with rice it makes a complete protein. Something like 30 cents a serving. It seems like a pricey meal unless you buy spices in bulk.

I'm actually playing fallout NV atm. Feels good.

If you know how to cook, even at a basic level you can cook for really cheap. Planning also helps cut cost down. With some basic ingredients you make a couple weeks worth of food for less than 50 bucks a paycheck.

You can actually make a really good ramen from left over chicken bones, veggies, dark meat, and your own noodles

Kimitchi is life

Its the most autistic meal on the god damn planet. Spaghetti O's and cinnamon toast. Its what a down syndrome kid smells like.

>canned spaghetti
>burnt toast

so are you dumb or just lazy?


k. carry on. Glad we cleared that up.

but protip man; pasta is literally the easiest dish to prepare ever....itll come out better when you make it.

Food is the heaven of the people.

At least eat good food user.

I have pasta every now and then, really cheap and tasty.

By prepare I imply not prepackaged garbage

I only eat prepackaged shit. I'm guessing I should stop that.

wow what a fucking nigger gonna turn his nose at pre-packaged seasoning that literally has the same exact shit besides basil and cumin in it. and then ruin it with corn


I'd probably just use the pre-packaged stuff cause it's cheaper.

Yeah man, cooking is enjoyable and can really impress a lady (or dude).

Plus you get to make what you want the way you want it and it's better because it's fresh and won't taste like tin.

Buying the ingredients and preparing ur yourself is cheaper too.

Give it a shot man. Start simple, pay attention. Its easy. Most of cooking is just paying attention.