Sup Sup Forums let me tell you about the time I took ecstasy with my female roommates

Sup Sup Forums let me tell you about the time I took ecstasy with my female roommates.
>be me
>living with 3 other girls
>one is moving away
>they all decide to do x before she leaves
>"user you better join us"
>I invite my buddy since he's also her friend
>we took pic related
>20 mins passed, and my roommates were starting to roll
>were all on this big sectional couch, under the covers (dead of winter)
>left the windows open because we figured we'd all overheat while rolling
>one roommate puts her legs on my lap and just talks about her feelings to my other roommate
>bro is chatting up the chick who brought the x
>listening while hitting the bong
>roommate starts fidgeting while talking to my other roommates
>this stimuli, plus the weed, makes me hard
>roommate notices it, and moves her legs away for a bit
>at the 30 minute mark, I start to roll too
>roommate who is leaving goes outside to look at the sky with bro, supply chick, and other roommate
>I'm chilling with my other roommate who put her legs back on my lap
>we talk about our feelings and lives
>somehow move onto the topic of how sex is good, and it's wrong to look down on people who fuck a lot
>get hard again
>tell her I'm genuinely sorry (I was) about it
>"no you shouldn't! This is exactly why we don't advance as a culture" (lolwut)
>she accidentally grabs my dick while she told me that
>fireworks going off, seeing sacred geometry in my minds eye
>she keeps rubbing me over my sweats for what seems like forever
>roommates come back, and she stops, but puts her leg back on my lap
>I'm overwhelmed with everything, trying to stay alive on earth


>she accidentally grabbed your dick
what the fuck is this mang ?

Nigga continue


check muh dubs


Your dubs have dubs

You got dubs too


Continue fag

nigga it's been 15 minutes and my cack is herd

OP is kill

this a dubs thread now

nice, check these

Nice try, you can't emulate authentic dubs


been in a similar situation a few years back. you should continue user.

Rolling for dubs too.

Rolling, dick was hard, bitch rolling, touched your pink sword, talked bout fucking, only fucks in the room, didn't fuck. Fucking pussy...

Skip to the part where you walk the dinosaur

Fuck now I want dubs

I've lived with them for about 3 years. And in those 3 years there was never any sexual tension. It was all planktonic.
>Time passes by, bro and I spilled our feelings about our friendship
>I go outside to collect myself from crying
>roommate who's leaving joins me outside
>she's sweating, even though she has sweat pants on, a band shirt and it was like 50 degrees outside
>after we had our moment, we hugged it out
>she turns around and I hug/hold her from behind
>tell her how I'm gonna miss her when she leaves
>we stay like this for a while
>start to get a boner again
>we subconsciously start to grind on each other
>just laugh it off and go back inside
>supply chick was splitting some pills
>Took another half
>had to pee like a mofo because we've all been drinking orange juice like crazy
>notice that my boxers are insanely wet from precum
>at this point it's like 4am bro went to sleep with supply chick
>roommate that's leaving goes off to show other roommate her scrapbook
>again left with first roommate
>We start to get cold at this point since we're still a bit sweaty and all the windows are still down and the cold air is just coming in
>cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and just enjoy the silence
>boner comes up and pokes her legs again
>she reaches over and rubs the head of my cock for a bit
>I just sit there and let her just play with it
>in the heat of the moment we just undress and start to touch each other
>the way she smells, how soft her skin was, and everything was overwhelming
>we end up rubbing each other naked under the covers
>remembering this wave and pulse of pure oegasmic joy that to this day can't be replicated
>see fucking lights and ears just ring
>came all over myself and she came all over my hand
>we just roll over and go to sleep
>when I woke up, she was in her room, and everyone was still asleep
>sleep all day in my room because everything was depressing
Sorry not pre typed and I'm on mobile. Went over the character limit

Have these

end this thread with some dubs

Ok threads over riiiiiiiiiiiiight now

keep going op

>month passed by
>she brought it up
>I've been pushing it to the back of my mind because lowkey felt bad that it happened
>apologizes to me, saying she should of controlled herself
>fucking what?
>we both agreed it could of gone differently if we had more control but we took 1 1/2 pills so control was out the window
>only time it ever got weird was when we went clubbing and we got shitface and started grinding on each other
>I moved out a few months later because I got a job offer in another city
So yeah sorry for the long wait Sup Forumsros. I kinda forgot the majority of the night since it happened about 2 years ago and I lost contact with my old roommates. Occasionally fap to that memory when I'm baked. Also
>check my trips.

every talked with your hands?


>ev er -ry
fucking spell check nigger

Not trying to be a dick but you should say "could have" in the future instead of "could of".

Grammar was never my strongest suit so I'm use to it. Have this relatively old picture

If dubs, thread dies

I'm no genius either. Could of just really grinds my gears.
Now check these digits

You had 1 fucking job user

>this thread