I want to kill myself with Valium and alcohol. What is an appropriate dose of each to guarantee the job

I want to kill myself with Valium and alcohol. What is an appropriate dose of each to guarantee the job

No more, no less

Serious answer please, aren't you assholes pro-euthanasia

How about you don't fucking kill yourself.

Thanks for the sentiment, white knight

You don't want to mix lots of alcohol into the mix as it'll cause you to just vomit the pills back up. Instead do a couple of shots with all the valium you can find, and throw in some opioids for good measure.

I don't have any opioids but I have shitloads of Valium. So I'll get tipsy and take how much vals? I literally have over 2000mg of it

That's a shitty way to do it because you really can't guarantee the job. If you're serious about doing this I suggest you find a cheap shotgun or perhaps research an "exit bag"
You shouldn't do it, though. If you don't think people care about you, or even if you think they'd somehow be better off without you, you'll still inevitably end up hurting other people. Most likely the pain that you feel now will seem insignificant in comparison to the pain that the people around you will feel if you fucking die. Especially since your pain will be over but their pain will last the rest of their lives.
If that doesn't deter you then reference paragraph one of this post. But I must reiterate, you will be hurting other people and you shouldn't do this. Fuck you.

There are lots of resources out there if you really wanted to know but my guess is that you are just another attention seeking faggot that is full of bullshit

Share the resources please

Like the other user said not more than a couple shots or you'll puke it up or possibly puke & asphyxiate.
Also make sure you rinse the pills, dunno if they have a vomit coating on them.
What's your weight? Do you have a tolerance?

Just squirt a bunch of eyedrops into your booze. Get drunk on it. You'll drop dead from vascular problems quickly.


Why not just go out and kill some sand niggers then die they are a plague

Medium tolerance, also I can't get a gun. Should I eat the pills then drink or drink then eat the pills

That's still murder. I'm already gonna go to hell but i don't wanna go too far down

hell aint real my friend

I'm gonna say pills then drink?
Shits going to tear up your stomach though.
Two attempted pill suicides in the family, shit way to go.
Why not get high and hang yourself?

>I'm already gonna go to hell but i don't wanna go too far down

Because he's not serious and he's probably 14 years old.

okay, first off, he wants to be with SLEEPY GARY. GET. IT. RIGHT.

fucking noob,

second, there is nothing CANON suggesting that Lincoln Perk is even a band in that reality. DO YOU EVEN WATCH THE SHOW. fucking do a flip, see if Rick cares. spoilers, he doesn't so live in spite of reality, bitch.

you could always put a plastic bad over your head and just breath for 10 mins

bitch what

Tried hanging, hurts too much, I'm a coward

Why don't you just stop being a faggot and move on with your life.

Here is what happens if you try to kill yourself with Valium. You pass out and don't die. Then someone finds you. Calls an ambulance, They take you to the hospital. The hospital keeps you till you wake up and then has you 5150'ed.

Just playing devils advocate but why should someone suffer to make someone else happy?

Blow up a World Bank or important and corrupt person. Do it faggot, make your people remember you and not avoid your awful memory of the story of your pathetic corpse being found.

its instant tho....your just not high enough

plastc bad is the way to go

If you did it right you wouldn't be here bitching about the pain. The problem isn't that you're a coward, it's that you're a retard and a faggot. You know you're not going to do shit so just go to bed you fucking literal child.


U probably rite.
Dude I hate to tell you pills hurt. Everything fucking hurts.
Hanging isn't that bad, and you generally can't get out of it unassisted.
And if you got out you clearly don't wanna die that bad.

KYS, OP will be better off razing Wall Street than listening to you fags. Just don't kill any actual humans OP. Raise Hell on the great system that enslaved you from birth...

Just drink a cup of bleach you fucking pussy who can't handle life without a safe place and your goddamn crayons and stuffed animals.

aww, bitch. don't even trip, dawg.

Just take all of it you fucking pussy

Because you're not a monster. I understand that people who kill themselves are fucking miserable and they don't see any way out. But once they're gone their pain is just multiplied exponentially and passed on to all the people who love them. It's such a disgusting thing to do. Has anybody you cared about ever committed suicide?

No except Chester Benningtons suicide hit me prettt hard. I even bought a parrot to help with my depression and named him Chester

so. logically, who would feed the fucking bird if you were dead.

take all 2000mg

That's rough dude. Shit. I only heard of chesterfield hill but my brother really liked them.... You probably should kys :(

you've created an obligation to stay alive. now outlive the bird, then see how you feel later.

The cat


Don't fucking ask poser fuck. Swallow a fucking handful and drink till you fucking die on the shitter. Just shoot your fucking self, or erotically asphyxiate yourself, you're not on that I get fucked up and accidentally prince'd myself

im not stupid, people will know to look for my body if I disappear for 24 hours. My baby boy will be fine. I just hope whoever takes him in loves him as much as I do

just watch rick and morty, you'll be distracted for like an hour, repeat if necessary.

>female detected

tits or gtfo

doubt it, but if so, can we just skip to sharpie in pooper, no bullshit.

Should I take the big ones or the little ones? Or both? Gonna take about 8 shots

valium overdose is a slow and painful death.

All of it. How is this a question? Never mind, it makes sense.

I've taken 250mg of valium and a few beers just for fun

good luck dying

nah, the anhero stuff has passed its time. just post nudes.

Considering you like that autistic show, the you would be doing us all a favor by an heroing

I hope you enjoy the next life more than this one. But don't kill yourself user, that's gay.

>next life

Subutex Works better

>autistic whining intensifies

The term "summer fags" isn't a reference to Game of Thrones, and it's clearly what you are.

bet that joke would have killed on reddit, why don't you go back there and tell them

You are killing yourself faggot just have them all

bish ive been here since pre puddipuddipuddi do you even smell what the rock is cooking? roodypooass . i'm no summer fag, im no old fag. I AM CANCER

Hey guys let's all kill ourselves, I'll go first

I give, can't argue with trips. duces.

I dont understand you suicide fags. Overdose is easy to fuck up and if you survive can lead to terrible injuries. If you wanted to kill yourself there are so many easier, less painful ways to do it than overdose. A cheap gun and a box of bullets can be as cheap as $50. A rope and stool costs less than 10. Jumping off a bridge is free. If you dont care about pain, an electrical appliance in a bathtub is cheaper and hard to fuck up. Stabbing yourself in the throat with a knife is almost a sure death.
If you fail at suicide its only because you dont really want to go.

>impotent autistic rage intensifies

Just get fuk ton of heroin and do all of it ezpz

For gods sake just take as much as you can stuff into you, like with too much you cant do wrong, your trying to be a hero remember?

Carbon monoxide is better

>t. Biomedical science graduate

pretty much impossible, you're more likely to vomit it up and just black out and do a bunch of stupid shit.

>I use big words to hide the fact that I'm 12 and to make me feel smart


depends on your tolerance. Without tolerance, I would try taking a few hundred mg of diazepam or the equivalent dose af any other benzo and then empty two bottles of Schnaps as fast as I can.
Protip: Sit in a full bathtub to become a nice clean corpse!
Post results
Also don't be a faggot and just face life you selfish asshole.

Just remember if you kill yourself in the end no one will think of you positively. You will be a black mark in their memories. A shameful string of events they cant believe they were party too. And to top it the pain doesnt stop you just come back in some suicidal losers body and continue the cycle.

>trying to become an hero.
Pls use proper expressions or young children might confuse those two and think killing themselves would actually make them heroes...

Is there such thing as too many pills? I don't wanna thrown up my ticket to paradise

Who fucking cares about apropriate dose? Do all you can of both you stupid faggit