How much is your salary and how much do you pay for rent

How much is your salary and how much do you pay for rent.
I'll start:

i make 600 every 2 weeks and my rent half is 560

Get a new job dude damn

that sounds like minimum wage so he probably cant just get a new job. why do you think people would want to make so little? like there is a higher paying job just waiting for people and they just dont want it? you are fucking retarded and probably haven't worked for a thing in your life.

bout to be promoted. making roughly 550 by weekly paycheck. bout to go up to roughly 700 and only pay 300 for rent.

all depends on where you live too. my bf just moved here from nevada. his town only main job was mining and it paid well but housing was more expensive. some places its just hard getting past that ceiling. and min wage is 7.25 i am making 8.65 being full time and i bring 50$ less whe he does usually so he makes more then that unless he always gets overtime.

I've been working full time for the past 4 years I own 2 cars and rent a 4 bedroom house. There are other jobs out there other than minimum wage that you don't need any qualifications for, so if you think I'm fucking retarded then what does that make you? Neet

$55-70k, depending on how lazy I am.


400$ x2 a month, rent is 250$.

yes poor people are poor. no ones handed me shit in my life, defiantly not an education.

About 600 every two weeks, but I also do some landscaping on the side when school isn't crazy. Maybe about 1000 with no days off

Right now no rent but help my very sick grandma with all of the other bills. Combined bills about 300 a month, 120 of that being google fiber

$65k and $1,400 a month. The rent in California is too damn high.

As sad as it sounds, my grandma is close to passing. I'm sure within the next couple months. Because I've been taking care of her for 2 years and no one else in my family cares, she is leaving me a pretty nice house. But now that she's close, suddenly every family member wants a piece of her stuff


Unfortunately that's what some family members are like, from past experience I've noticed a death in the family brings out the worst in some people and it's really sad.

1500 for apt + utilities

Hey he didn't want that education

80k year
820/month mortgage.

3k + 2k/mo
i have two apartments, one in CA and one in Tokyo

rent, lol. mortgage is about 1100/mo
add in internet/phone, gas/elec, waste/water/sewer, etc brings it to about $1400/mo

1600sqft, 2car garage, about half an acre lot

stay in school, kids

paid: 450/week
rent: 190/week

I paid my house off.

Around $2,962 every month. Just moved into my new apartment today. Costs me $1116.18 before utilities. Not too bad since I'm paying about $1 per square foot.
Soon I'll get a roommate so it'll be halfed.

I'm not sure you understand how the job market works little guy. First and foremost...
>I've had a job for four years so that means it's easy to get well paying job

Doesn't work

Let's take my town as an example.
>average mid sized southern town
>9 large factories
>dozens of fast food joints
>1 Walmart
>9 or so banks

This is 90 percent of the job market in my town. Fast food joints are going to be min wage. Bank teller positions are held by long time employees. Walmart positions are a dollar or two above min wage. This leaves factories. Entry level positions are distributed through temp services. This keeps hiring costs down for factories. Factory pays temp service 8 or 9 per hour for an employee. Temp service takes their cut then pays employee min wage. Now there are def positions scattered around each of the above. Management. It. Hr. Etc. each of the above requires college degree plus experience. Competition is pretty heavy for these positions. Despite what you seem to think , you do not walk into a place of business and choose a job from a menu.

Now. I personally went outside the box. I work in tech support for apple. From home. I make 13.25 an hour or about 1800 a month after taxes. Let's subtract 450 for rent 200 for utilities 140 for business level internet and LAN line phone 200 for groceries 60 for gas 300 for car payment 80 for car insurance. For good measure let's say I want to live the high life and have a cell phone. That's 60 for unlimited. Now let's say I don't smoke don't drink don't go to clubs don't have any hobbies that cost money. Cause adulting , budgeting etc. however I ordered pizza twice in a month. Now let's say I blew a tire and had to get it replaced. Si that's 40 for pizza 60 for tire. Just to stay human let's spend 100 on toiletries and household items No extravagant expenses. Living like a hermit. And work full time. I make nearly 1.5 times the average in my town. Fuck u and fuck off


15/hr $1200 Bi-Weekly

- Rent $750
- Utilities $50
- Gas $175
- Insurance $185
- Phone $50
- Internet $50
- Food $200
- Entertainment $100
- Misc/Merchandise $100
- School $100*
- Loan Payment $65

Total $1825 /mo
Income - $1920 /mo
* $95 Surplus Divided into saving(s)


About to start a new job on the 14th (my birthday, turning 22) where I will be making 700-900 a week. Life is good, $10k+ in the bank hope my car doesn't break down or that I get injured :3

Goodluck guys

$50,000-$60,000 depending on how much overtime I work. Been working a lot this year so it will be a bit higher.
$600 a month rent for my 750 sq ft two bedroom apartment.

$600.00 NZD

Health insurance-360
Plus gas plus food and extra curricular activities lol

Wife makes 40k too. Still living paycheck to paycheck because we were retarded with finances in college

All I'm hearing is you're too lazy for trades and don't want to commute to job sites. Enjoy living like a hermit

$1300 morgage
$200 utilities

suck it

2400€ a month. after taxes 1200€ a month then come the bills and you need to save for the yearly taxes that is 2 to 5k a year. You got to love socialism...
More than 60% of my pay goes to fucking taxes, not even rent or shit, just bloody taxes.
Viva Belgium

> $98,000
> $1,400/month mortgage

900 (but wife also makes 42,000 and we have combined money)

Don't forget the giant carrot on a stick scam that is the temp agency hiring.

These factories love to hire in a steady stream of temps for cheap without paying benefits, promise them after working for 9 months that they will be offered a permanent position with benefits. Get there and the demands keep growing until it is not humanly possible to keep up. You are dismissed at 8 months because "you are not working out". Meanwhile of 100 people on the floor, maybe 10 of the guys are permanent employees and they are slow and lazy as shit because they know they already got their meal ticket.

Temp agency keeps pumping in the bodies from the last factory that rejected them. Cycle continues.

actually living in italy

earn 2.200 € @month

rent is 500 € @month for a shitty smelling hole

Damn sucks to be American

I'm a stainless steel pipe welder, maybe get your hearing checked

>living in italy
>a shitty smelling hole

sounds about right


72000 salary
585.00 rent

from which magic place of the planet do you come from instead?

Let me come over Sup Forumsro

2016-2017 financial year tax return time.

Happy and rushed to account expecting some tax return.

Accountant pulls paper with amount of bank interest I made.

mfw, never gave accountant saver account, realized shitty government have all tabs on me......

After calculating, accountant says I need to pay $440.


walk out of accountant office crushed.

>paying someone else's mortgage with nothing to show for it by the end

I'm in pretty much the same position even though I have a Master's degree. I'd absolutely have to move to even stand a chance at a decent job, but even then, anything that requires a master's degree will require experience and be competitive with people who got their master's degree in the 80's or 90's who have a head start of decades more experience and connections than I do.

Which leaves me with maybe a fucking oil rig or volunteer work to get my foot in the door, both of which require moving, which I can't afford because I have a lease. The oil rig would make me want to kill myself without a doubt, and the volunteer work path means I'd get no money and have to get a second job which is basically impossible to juggle.

So instead I'm the most overqualified person unloading trucks and stocking shit at Kohl's on a "part-time" schedule that still takes up 6 days a week because they don't want to hire anyone full-time because then they'd have to offer benefits.

He makes $350 a week. Do you really think he's going to be saving 20% as a down payment plus all the other costs of buying a house?

That and home-owner's tax, the cost of upkeep, and being shackled to a place that you only have the shittiest of jobs rather than at least the potential to maybe leave if you got something in a different city or state.

£250 a week, give or take. My rent is £100 a week. It's 40% of my weekly wage. And the fucker still wants more from me.

40 thou a year
and 500 a month rent

I got it good

>both of which require moving, which I can't afford because I have a lease.
So instead of saving money until your lease runs (or subleasing your apartment) and going wherever the better money is you'll stay at a shitty part time job for years until your shitty job gets replaced by a robot and you end up with an even shittier job?

Did you even read the post? I don't make enough money to just nebulously "save money" and there's no "better money" I can just magically get. My only chance is sucking up to the university that bled me dry for undergrad and graduate school in the hopes either they hire me or refer me to a job.


Fuck it.

Who said anything about magically getting better money? It takes work and a willingness to change your life and not use "I have a lease" as a shitty excuse. There are online job advertisements all around the country, many of which will offer more than part time work. If you apply to jobs at some point (over the course of several hundred applications, I know from experience) eventually someone will offer you a job.

Unless you are literally scraping by spending $10 a day at most on food, and never going out or buying anything for yourself expect bare necessities, then you do have some money to save.

But you sound like the type that will think up a shitty excuse why your life will never change and it's all the fault of the economy and misfortune. *Oh no, I couldn't possibly find apply to different jobs, I HAVE A LEASE, SHE NEEDS ME!*


Maybe 10-12k
I'm in a homeless shelter right now, rent free

$900/month mortgage

78k for me 85k for my wife. No kids, only a corgi. 2350/mo mortgage. 2900sq/ft. Fully screened pool and fenced yard.

living rent free in my car

Working for an low/average salary = being cucked by a large company. They are literally making money from your time/life. How does that feel?

Renting = being cucked by the property owner.

Sort your fucking lives out and buy a house.

582 weekly salary
1100 for rent, utilities, wifi.
590 for groceries, insurance, phonebill

Im renting right now because we dont know where we want to stay permanantly yet.

also checked


(not rent, that's my mortgage payment)

60k $820

I make 270 a week pay 205 rent per week 30 eletriserty a month rest on food and I live in an carervan park

~$560 biweekly mortgage, so technically paying myself minus interest and fees. If you pay rent you're literally retarded.

Your rent aint too high, your 'salary' (but stop being cite and call it what it is: your wages) is too pathetic. Stop scraping birdshit off of balconies and go get some work with a future.

73k AUD before tax.

After tax 4200 per month

No rent, Mortgage is $1240 per month.

Living expenses are approx. $1400 per month. Cheaper if I don't eat out.

Have another loan that is around $900 per month.

Have around $700 per month spare.

I can see you understand the effect of capitalization upon interest. Why don't you just buy out your mortgage and build immense amounts of wealth?


$2400/month income
$775 mortgage with taxes included.


1282 mortgage/property tax/insurance/pmi

None of you obviously know how to economics.

Income: 1200£/month
Expenses: 200£

Co-habitant with GF making the same as part time teachers, sometimes doing less than 20 hours a week, that spare time is sweet you guys.

Sometimes we will just not work for a year and do stuff.

450 MAX maybe 800 more if i get another job.

rent and stuff is more than 470 so yeah im pretty fucked atm. and yes im hungry

>rent: $790

Eh live in the city. 15 drive to work or 30 min on public trans.

Must be nice to live in the great welfare state that is the U.K. Some of us live in countries where we don't mooch off the system.

yo, you guys with money plz help im fucking starving

>Not living with parents
Keep wasting ur money, ur pride costs so much

$6100 per month rent $1500 per month

Not UK, I live in Scandinavia.

But yes, it's nice.

I used to work more but then I got a heart disease, was in hospital for 2 weeks and in bed at home for a year with medication, cost me 20£.

Our safety nets are awesome.

>40,000 Zloty
>800 Zloty / Month

It would feel incestious to live with parents after 18 years, even that is late IMO, GF and I moved at 16.

>0 income
>0 rent
I sleep on an air bed in my dad's living room like every other 34 year old here

>have monthly expenses
>report salary on a yearly basis

Why do english speaking people do this? Genuinely asking, I'm from Germany and nobody would ever get the idea to talk about their earnings as a yearly figure, expect for maybe investment bankers but those are not in the leauge of 35 k anyway. Somebody explain pls?


Chief executive head chef at Wendy's


sadness intensifies.

cause money = penis size in murica

but then pay 200k for a rattlesnake bite




12000 € / years
rent and all / 200€ / months.

live france, get paid like a chinese, but everything else is free so ...

america so fucked

where in the UK are you? matey

where are you expenses £200? asking for a friend

but to be teachers in Scandinavia you need a masters.

$62k entry level backend web developer.
Rent is only $1000, utilities included. Almost hit $100k in savings, which I can soon use to start and boost my own businesses so I never have to work for some shitty boss again. Feelsgoodman.

In America you negotiate a yearly figure when you get hired for salary.
People that get hired by hour will usually double their hourly rate. $10 an hour will be roughly $20k a year. It's actually a little more.
People base your worth on how much you make in America and the yearly figure is the standard measurement. More money is more ego boost.
Posting monthly expenses and monthly wages make more sense.
2400 a month.
300 rent.

Taxes getting you down? People trespassing without punishment? hate the fuck out of roads?
sounds like you need ANARCHO-CAPITALISM
thats right anarcho-capitalism covers all your tax-free, trespasser executing, road hating needs
simply overthrow your government and order
your anarcho-capitalism today!
*bitcoins not included**may cause death in sweatshop

Rent is for betas who will remain a slave to the system forever.
Buy a place, whatever you can afford. Never rent. Not. One. Single. Month.

Around £1200 a month. My half of the rent is £300