Need help quick Sup Forums. This girl I like and been txting send me a DM with this pic and says into DDLG...

Need help quick Sup Forums. This girl I like and been txting send me a DM with this pic and says into DDLG....I googled it its daddy dom lil girl...i have no idea how to proceed. I keep calling her princess rn lol and she keeps going yes daddy every time i say something.

i have no clue what to me out Sup Forums if u guys good at this ddlg shit. if u guys help me get pics, ill post whatever she sends.

stick ur finger in her pooper

>not knowing what ddlg is
Have you ever even been on the internet before?

if it doesn't come naturally, there's no hope for you

just tell her to do something faggot

"If you want Daddy, first you're going to have to behave and do what I say."

Then get her to do submissive chores or acts and have her send pics to know it's done. Tell her you'll get her a surprise if she does what you say. Buy her a remote vibrator and then you will be able to do whatever the fuck you want whenever you want.

Also don't be a pussy and post more pics.

just say that daddy likes the photo and needs to see some more pictures of her, ask her if she wants to make daddy happy by sending some cute pics of her pretty body and when she does tell her she's a good girl and that you love them and she's such a sexy little princess blah blah

then post them here you cunt

exactly this


run a mile

dd/lg is just a sly way for young girls to get older men to subtly submit to them

it's called topping from the bottom

she's calling you daddy because she wants you to be her caregiver, protector, provider, and of course she's luring you in with the spoken or unspoken promise of sex.

trust me, continue to pursue this female and you will be in for nothing but a world of hurt, she will use every trick in the book to make you be her provider and the second she has you where she wants you, the benefits she promised you will stop, but yours must continue because you're her "daddy" and it's your duty. and if you do stop, she'll likely spread rumours that you abused her / are a paedophile / encouraged her to get into DD/LG or may even try and trap you with a pregnancy.

TLDR: dd/lg is just a fucked up way for young women to ensure they get resources from older men. if you're not the one calling all the shots, then she is, which means you're submissive to her.

don't stick your dick in crazy.
any guy who knows will tell you, bro.
it is never worth it. never.

Dont entertain incest fantasies. Point her towards a therapist she desperately needs one.


she knows exactly what she's doing and why

she's a predator, all girls into "dd/lg" are

don't fall for that "I'm a fucked up little girl" bullshit

DDLG is for mentally deficient weaklings, on both sides


told her to take one sitting on her knees with hands behind her back like daddy tied them there and she said yes daddy but waiting on it.

how can i tell her to get naked? do i need to roleplay like this or can i just straight up ask i wanna see u naked?

im gunna fuck every guy who looks at me whilst stringing you on over kik and limited physical contact and you mailing me presents/sending me cash: the face


user knows


the fact that you don't even know how to make her send you nudes tells me that you're completely inexperienced in this, which means she's targeted you for this very reason, because you're easy to exploit due to lacking the capacity to take the lead.

she will make you think you're taking the lead but it will be her doing so on the sly.

Fuk all these fags, pussy only comes around once. Then its gone and you need to find more.
Tell her; "Honey, you've been bad. Stop texting me. Mommy will be mad. You can only call me"
When she calls, use your lowest voice. Tell her she's been bad and you must punish her even thou you don't want to. Take it from there. Do some research and you are golden.

so do men but you don't see us begging women to provide for us or manipulating them into doing so.

this is all she's doing, manipulating this dude so he provides for her until she finds a better offer or gets bored.

wtf i wanted it from the front and she sent me this :/

Either way you look at it she sounds like someone who needs a therapist.

obvious virgin is obvious

that's still her calling the shots. because he will be maintaining contact with her or giving her a specific opportunity to contact him, which shows that he WANTS her to contact him, which means she has the power.

literally the only way to come out on top in this is swerve the bitch entirely to show her she has no power. anything else, she wins.

I don't know, if I weren't a mentally and visually repulsive trash heap I'd absolutely try and get some old chick to pay for my shit and she'd be fucking delighted over the amazing dicking I'd be giving her three times a day.

Seems mutually beneficial really.

Daily reminder that the Succubus is a supernatural archetype for a reason

no mate, this is typical female behaviour, just a slight deviation of it that's come about likely due to her age. she's obviously young, and she's tapping into that youth as much as she can to lure older men in.

personally I'd tell her I was getting bored and have things to do and then go silent on her and if she doesn't send something far more provocative off her own back then she's not really that interested anyway, she's just interested in the power she thinks she has.

then you say, "I said from the front slut"

You need to be specific with her

yeah erm, you're only thinking that because you're a "mentally and visually repulsive trash heap" and you hate yourself.

if you had any sense of self-worth you'd cut your own way through the jungle and get what you need for yourself.

More of her

You need to meet a real girl in person who is on the same level as you romantically and drop this demon who is literally using you to leach your energy

Ummm is there something wrong with her nose ?

Whats her info I'll talk to her for you and get ready for you champ

Sacrifice your cock and wallet to this semen demon.

>she's a predator
lmfao.............. wait, what kind?


any user that has had success with women will know exactly what's going on here and that you should run

any user that eggs you on to continue this is only doing so because they either want you to get nudes and share or because they have absolutely no idea what's going on but want to pretend they do


already highlighted what kind

Yeah, you can't handle this. Send me her contact. I know exactly what to do with that, and I'll give her a daddy.


Can any1 tell me what's up with her nose ?

I have had multiple girls sending me pics to be appreciated, never gave them anything, just instructions and of course appreciation

How did you find her?

Confirmed jew

Tell her daddy doesn't like her shirt and she needs to take it off

Op should fuck her, but keep her in a leash and don't let her do anything stupid

take that fucking shirt off slut

God I'm so into this shit

OP says he likes her though, she will know this, and she'll be targeting him for a specific reason

Tell her you want the same pic but you want to see her cute stomach

or better yet, "take the same pic again for daddy but this time topless"

OP do yourself a big favour. Close this thead, delete her snapchat and go to a bar or a coffee shop this weekend, just somewhere public and approach a girl or two. Strikeout or not do this for a couple weekends and you will meet someone on your level. 90% of the people in here are not trying to help you. They want you to suffer so they can reap the benefits. Go to bed OP

this daddy

haha cuck

I have liked all my girls too, on a distance ofc
But you cant care for these girls, just entertain them enough so they send pics

sh dont tell op hehe

1Bruh chill it was just a strand of hair making it look weird. Her nose is normal.

>"this" daddy
well that should tell you something about her, user

could just be a typo

I agree. You may like them now til they cheat on your ass or you find out they've been calling everyone daddy. Just get pics and don't go any further user, nothing good comes from these girls.

This is advice from someone who's going through the bullshit as I type this.

Yeah it should tell him everyone in this threads reading comprehension is well below that of my 5 year old nephew.

no, she meant for "this" pic...

THIS as in THIS PICTURE. Wat tha fuck is reading comprehension rite?

cut loose bro

been through the same thing multiple times. learned my lesson now

like I said earlier, they're just topping from the bottom


illterate summer fags obviously

When you find out they have been "cheating" on you, you just use that as a leverage to make them send more.

Worked a couple of time for me


honestly, not gonna lie, I wanna see this bitch do disgusting things. so I know OP is already hooked and wants whatever he can get from her. sad state of affairs.

OP, just tell her to send you the same pic but topless, say something like "now send daddy the same pic, but this time, topless"

I've got over 180 pictures. I don't need anymore. And I have feelings for them so I'm fucked.

dump in a vola / mega and post link?

she means for this daddy bc for that pose i told her to do from the front on her knees being submissive.

Make her wear goodnites or pullups diapers... then make her pee in them... and record it... post it here... etc

she meant for this pic

I own that necklace for my subs.


c'mon OP show us more

dump please

Sad to hear that, but what I can tell you from my experience is that you always want more when they are gone, when you start to fantasies what you could have gotten from them

told me she lives bondage and now going on about her choker too tight and left a mark and wtf.

I hope the lack of replies means you took my advice OP

Show just her tits or butthole. Pelase!


tell her to take the same pic where she pulled her hair, but this time, topless

"take another pic like the one you took where you pulled your hair, but this time, make it topless for daddy"

dump what? bro im litreally on DM with her txting and posting as she sends...thats why said help me bc idk how to proceed with this ddlg stuff.

Giraffe neck ass bitch

Your heading down a dangerous rabbit hole

Dump everything. Whatever she sends out it here. This is a team effort.

double dubs, checked

also, yeah I wasn't sure whether the dude who said he has 180 pics was you or someone else, was referring to whoever said that

but yeah, I'm literally guiding you through what to say, the "topless for daddy" comment

Oh, I know haha. Had an ex off and on for 3 years and I still fantasize about her to this day. But I've been doing some no fap bullshit cause it has my dopamine levels all fucked up. Only gonna bang.

good on you user

porn n shit completely fucks up the male mindset

keep up the good work, hope it sorts you out

If she is a true sub she will do anything you say anyway, just tell her what to do... Sharpie in pooper!!

oh, shut up

OP, told her to take the topless pic yet?

send me her snap then fag ill fuck her

Ask her to come visit you.

ya just did told her to turn daddy on lol


inb4 OP gets fucking rekt for life.

Thirding this.