MLP is cancerous

MLP is cancerous.
Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't.

It's not.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't.

>mfw I spent literally 3 hours day giving chemo to fluffy abuse threads

all of this shit belongs on

today* too drunk and stoned to fucking delete and recomment

Sup Forums is random faggot.

You still haven't proved me wrong.

You still haven't proved me wrong.

You still haven't proved me wrong.

No. Sup Forums is not random. is where you belong. m00t dubbed your shit kind, and gave you your own board. Now use it.

At least cancer ends lives

Actually, Sup Forums is the "random" board, and therefore, any random topic can be posted here. Stop trying so hard. Faggot.

How long have you been fucking visiting this website faggot? It's not random. It's ylyl, porn related, rate threads, suicide threads, begging, and a few others. It's a specific culture that fluffies have never been a part of. Fuck off.

porn threads deserve the ban more

First of all, MLP is cancerous, and no one has proved me wrong. Second, the board rules permits me to post topics like this, so you can now fuck off and suck your dad's cock.

Eh. I was on board but you're a shit OP.

Aaaaaannnnnd you just lost.

Look dude, I support the message. But you're not intelligent enough to post a thread and influence anyone. I can't support you. Sorry

Don't forget: MLP is part of why Sup Forums is no longer Sup Forums. What you like is your business, but /mlp/ exists for a reason.

The goal was to influence ME newfag. That's why I said prove me wrong. Sure enough, no one could. It must feel shitty getting rekt.

Alright faggot.

For one, it's a cartoon. You're an adult or at least an older teenager, so it's clearly out of your age range. Age range is based on maturity which is based on life experience. You're basically showing you have less life experience by enjoying this. The adults or older teenagers who enjoy this are generally socially inept, so you're also displaying that.

Continue? Do you really need to be convinced?

oh god fucking damnit

ʍǝɾ ʎɥʇlıɟ ɐ sı do

newfag detected


Kek to your long response, the whole community around it is cancer and socially inept people add to it. Also, wasting time arguing with fags is what I do best (other than working a decent job with decent pay and contributing to society.) So go ahead and fall for my bait post.

mlp is for losers with small penises

Why have mods not deleted this yet

>arguing with fags is what I do best
must be a fag.

excuse me user you are violating a global rule by posting pone here pls move to ok thanks

nvm saw you did already but still posted here

>MLP is cancerous
>Prove me wrong
Very easy.
The show itself is just your average children cartoon. What's really cancerous is the fanbase.
That about covers it.

>Sup Forums is the "random" board, and therefore, any random topic can be posted here
You mean like cp or mlp or anything that already has it's own board?